Examples of Industrial Area in a sentence
LtdBlock G, Embassy Industrial Park, Plot no.A-79 MIDC Chakan Industrial Area, Phase IIPune, Maharashtra, 401501 IndiaGKN Fokker Elmo India Pvt.
Printed and published by Syed Naved Alam on behalf of CMYK Printech Limited and Printed at "SHRI BALAJI PRINTERS" Plot No.137,138,139 Sector I Special Industrial Area Govindpura Bhopal - 462023, (M.P.) and published at 152 Saif Complex - 2nd Floor, M.P. Nagar, Zone 1, Bhopal-462011 (M.P), Telephone: 0755-2550977, Mob.: 09893130364.
Plot No.D-1, MIDC Industrial Area, Village - Taswade, Tal - Karad,Dist.
Ltd.] (Address: [B-25/1, First Floor, Okhla Industrial Area Phase II, New Delhi 110020.Phone : 011 – 26387320, 26387321, 26387323 Fax : 011 - 26387322], E-mail: [alok.sharma@rcmcdelhi.com]), or to such other person(s) at such other address(es) as the Company may specify from time to time through suitable communication.
The address of its registered office is 1-A/1, Sector 20 Korangi Industrial Area, Korangi, Karachi, Pakistan.