Indian currency definition

Indian currency means Indian Rupees (INR).
Indian currency means currency which is expressed or drawn in Indian rupees but does not include special bank notes and special one rupee notes issued under section 28A of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934);
Indian currency means any currency which is legal tender in India.

Examples of Indian currency in a sentence

  • Bidding will be conducted in Indian currency & Unit of Measurement will be displayed in Online E-tendering.

  • Indian agents commission if applicable will be payable only in Indian currency.

  • Prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees; Bids quoted other than Indian currency will be rejected.

  • The resultant gains thereafter need to be reconverted into Indian currency.

  • Demand draft may also be issued after deduction of bank commission charges if requested by the Contractor.All payment shall be made in Indian currency only.

  • The rate of the commission included in the quoted rates of bidder should be indicated which would be payable to Agent/Representative/Retainer/Associate in non-convertible Indian currency according to Import Trade Regulation of India.

  • Bidding will be conducted in Indian currency & Unit of Measurement will be displayed in Online- tendering.

  • Bidding will be conducted in Indian currency & Unit of Measurement will be displayed in Online Auction.

  • If quoted in foreign currency, the same will be converted into Indian currency at the average exchange rate of RBI on the date of opening of Tender.

  • Separate invoices for the charges payable under the contract shall be submitted by the CONTRACTOR for foreign currency and Indian currency.

More Definitions of Indian currency

Indian currency means the currency of Government of India.
Indian currency means currency which is expressed or drawn in Indian rupees but does not include special bank notes and special one rupee notes issued under section 28A of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (these are issued on special occasions like Gandhi centenary etc.). (Section 2(q) FEMA)
Indian currency means currency which isexpressed or drawn in Indian rupees but does not include special bank notes and specialone rupee notes issued under section 28A of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of1934);
Indian currency shall have the meaning as assigned to it in section 2 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999;

Related to Indian currency

  • Fiat Currency means a currency issued by a country's government or central bank.

  • Termination Currency means United States Dollars.

  • Obligation Currency shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 11.18(a).

  • National Currency means the currency, other than the Euro, of a Participating Member State.

  • Optional Currency means a currency (other than the Base Currency) which complies with the conditions set out in Clause 4.3 (Conditions relating to Optional Currencies).

  • Reference Currency means the currency specified as such in the applicable Final Terms.

  • Foreign Currency means any currency other than the currency of Kenya;

  • Base Currency means the first currency in the Currency Pair against which the Client buys or sells the Quote Currency.

  • Class Currency means the currency in which a Share Class of a Fund is designated as determined by the Directors and disclosed in the Prospectus in relation to such Fund.

  • Quote Currency means the second currency in the Currency Pair which can be bought or sold by the Client for the Base Currency.

  • Applicable Currency means as to any particular payment or Loan, Dollars or the Alternative Currency in which such payment or Loan is denominated or is payable.

  • Eligible Currency means each currency specified as such in Paragraph 11(a)(ii), if such currency is freely available.

  • Issue Currency or "SEK" means Swedish Krona. "Launch Date" means 04 March 2022.

  • Original Currency has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2.17.

  • Virtual currency means a digital representation of value used as a medium of exchange, unit of account, or store of value, which does not have legal tender status recognized by the United States. The term does not include:

  • Relevant Currency means the currency specified as such or, if none is specified, the currency in which the Notes are denominated;

  • National Currency Unit means the unit of the currency of a country as those units are defined on the day before the start of the third stage of European Economic and Monetary Union pursuant to the Treaty or, in connection with the expansion of such third stage, to any country which has not initially participated in such third stage; and

  • Index Currency means USD.

  • Approved Currency means Dollars and any Alternative Currency.

  • Available Currency means Dollars.

  • Underlying Currency means the Underlying Currency as specified in § 2 of the Product and Underlying Data.