In this title, the term definition

In this title, the term . Director’ means the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.’’
In this title, the term . Secretary’ means the Secretary of the respective department in which the Coast Guard is operating.’’;
In this title, the term  mortgage lending business’ means an organization which fi- nances or refinances any debt secured by an interest in real estate, including private mortgage companies and any subsidiaries of such organizations, and whose activities af- fect interstate or foreign commerce.’’.

More Definitions of In this title, the term

In this title, the term  covered school’ means an elementary school or secondary school (as such terms are defined in section 9101 of the Elementary and Secondary Edu- cation Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801)) or an insti- tution of higher education.’’.
In this title, the term . Secretary’ means the Sec-
In this title, the term . Secretary con- cerned’ means—
In this title, the term  election cycle’ means, with respect to an election for an of- fice, the period beginning on the day after the date of the most recent general election for that office (or, if the general election re- sulted in a runoff election, the date of the
In this title, the term  election cycle’ means, ith respect to an election for an office, the pe- riod beginning on the day after the date of the most recent general election for that office (or, if the general election resulted in a runoff elec- tion, the date of the runoff election) and ending on the date of the next general election for that office (or, if the general election resulted in a runoff election, the date of the runoff elec-
In this title, the term . Secretary’ means the Secretary
In this title, the term . Boundary Line’ means a line established under sec-