Ground sign definition

Ground sign means a sign directly supported by the ground without the aid of any other building or structure, which sign includes the names of owner(s) and/or tenant(s) and address and/or advertises goods, products, services or events that are sold, offered, or provided on the premises on which the sign is located and does not include any other sign defined in this By-law;
Ground sign means any sign detached from a building, other than an aerial sign, billboard or advertising structure.
Ground sign means any sign directly supported by the ground without the aid of any other building or structure, other than the sign structure.

Examples of Ground sign in a sentence

  • Area: Ground sign, twenty-four (24) square feet; wall sign, forty (40) square feet.

  • Ground sign: A free-standing sign supported by one (1) or more column(s), pole(s), or pillar(s) which are set firmly in or below the ground surface, wherein there is clearance between the bottom edge of the sign and the grade of the lot upon which the sign is to be located.

  • Area: Ground sign, twenty-four (24) square feet except on lots with a principal educational or school use, which shall have a maximum area of fifty (50) square feet.

  • Height: Ground sign, six (6) feet except for lots with a principal educational or school use, which shall have a maximum height of fifteen (15) feet.

  • Ground sign: A permanently affixed sign which is wholly independent of a building for support (i.e., freestanding).

More Definitions of Ground sign

Ground sign means any sign supported by or located upon any fence or independent support that is placed on, or anchored in, the ground and that is independent from any building. “Fence” means an enclosing or dividing framework for land, yard, or garden and includes any type of freestanding or retaining wall.
Ground sign means a SIGN that is supported by a STRUCTURE or supports erected on or anchored in the ground for the sole purpose of supporting the SIGN, and are not attached to any BUILDING or other STRUCTURE.
Ground sign means a single- or double-faced on-premise sign which rests on the ground or is mounted on one or more poles where the sign has a clear height of less than 3.0 metres.
Ground sign means a freestanding sign in a fixed location directly supported by the ground without the aid of any other building or structure other than the sign structure. This definition does not include a billboard sign, a mobile sign, read-o-graph mobile sign or an A-frame sign;
Ground sign means a sign which is mounted on the ground and supported by one or more uprights, poles or braces in or upon the ground other than a pole sign as defined. The bottom of such signs shall be no higher than three feet, and they shall extend no higher than eight feet.
Ground sign means a free-standing sign which is affixed to or erected on the ground, but shall not mean or include a pylon sign.
Ground sign means a sign that is free standing and is supported by a structure secured to the ground and which is not supported by any building or other structure but does not include a Billboard;