Foster family home definition

Foster family home means a private home in which children are placed for foster family care under supervision of the cabinet or a licensed child-placing agency;
Foster family home means an agency which regularly provides care on a twenty-four hour basis to one or more children, expectant mothers, or persons with developmental disabilities in the family abode of the person or persons under whose direct care and supervision the child, expectant mother, or person with a developmental disability is placed;
Foster family home means the private residence of a foster family which provides foster care services to a child. Such term shall include a nonkinship foster family home, a specialized foster home, a therapeutic foster family home, or the home of a relative or other kinship care home;

Examples of Foster family home in a sentence

  • SIL settings include, but are not limited to: • Foster family home placement in agency-approved or licensed child- placing agency home.

  • Foster family home means an occupied private residence in which foster care is regularly provided by the owner or leasee thereof to no more than four children, unless all the children in foster care are related to each other by blood or marriage, or unless the department approves otherwise for the placement of siblings, in which case the limitation in this subsection does not apply.

  • Office of Human Development Services, HHS § 1355.20 Foster family home means, for the pur- pose of title IV–E eligibility, the home of an individual or family licensed or approved as meeting the standards es- tablished by the licensing or approval authority(ies), that provides 24-hour out-of-home care for children.

  • Foster family home" means the private residence of a foster parent who provides foster care services to a child.

  • Foster family home means an occupied private residence in which foster care is regularly provided by the owner or leasee thereof to no more than six children, unless the department approves otherwise.

More Definitions of Foster family home

Foster family home means an agency which regularly provides care on a 24 hour basis to one or more children, expectant mothers, or persons with developmental disabilities in the family abode of the person or persons under whose direct care and supervision the child, expectant mother, or person with a developmental disability is placed. For the purpose of federal Title IV-E eligibility, "foster family home" means the home of an individual or family licensed or approved as meeting the standards established by the Division of Licensed Resources (or with respect to foster family homes on or near Indian Reservations, by the tribal licensing or approval authority), that provides 24-hour out-of-home care for children. RCW 74.15.020; 45 CFR 1355
Foster family home means the private residence of a
Foster family home means a private home in which children are placed for foster
Foster family home means any residential facility providing 24-hour care for six or fewer foster children that is owned, leased, or rented and is the residence of the foster parent or parents, including their family, in whose care the foster children have been placed. The placement may be by a public or private child placement agency or by a court order, or by voluntary placement by a parent, parents, or guardian. It also means a foster family home described in Section 1505.2.
Foster family home means a home in which an individual person or persons or a married couple who wishes to provide or is providing, for a period exceeding 24 consecutive hours, board, room, and care for a child in a single family living unit.
Foster family home means any residential facility
Foster family home means the private home of an individual who is licensed to provide 24-hour care for 1 but not more than 4 minor children who are placed away from their parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian in foster care. The licensed individual providing care is required to comply with the reasonable and prudent parenting standard as defined in section 1 of chapter XIIA of the probate code of 1939, 1939 PA 288, MCL 712A.1.