Final Judgment and Order definition

Final Judgment and Order means a final judgment and order of dismissal entered by the Court in this Litigation, in the form of Exhibit C hereto, granting final approval of this Settlement Agreement (including Class Counsel’s request for attorneys’ fees, costs, and other expenses and Named Plaintiffs’ requests for Service Awards), and entering a judgment according to the terms set forth in this Settlement Agreement.
Final Judgment and Order means an order by the Court, substantially in the form of Exhibit D, granting final approval of this Agreement as binding upon the Settling Parties; holding this Agreement to be final, fair, reasonable, adequate, and binding on all Settlement Class Members who have not excluded themselves; ordering that the Settlement Benefits be provided as set forth in this Agreement; ordering the releases as set forth in Section VII of this Agreement; entering judgment in this case; and retaining continuing jurisdiction over the interpretation, implementation, and enforcement of the settlement.
Final Judgment and Order means the final judgment and order, substantially in the form attached as Exhibit 2, issued by the Court that gives full and final approval to the Agreement, and all aspects of the Settlement.

Examples of Final Judgment and Order in a sentence

  • The Parties shall jointly request that the Court enter a Final Judgment and Order, substantially in conformance with the form attached as Exhibit B.

  • At least seven (7) days before the Settlement Fairness Hearing, Class Counsel shall file a proposed “Exhibit 1” to the Final Judgment and Order to the Court identifying the potential Settlement Class Members who timely submitted proper opt out requests.

  • Subject to Court approval, the payment and other consideration paid or provided by AAA in accordance with this Settlement Agreement shall constitute the full and final settlement of the Litigation, and upon the Effective Date, AAA and other Released Parties shall have no further liability or obligation to any Settlement Class Member under this Settlement Agreement, the Named Plaintiff, or Class Counsel except as specifically set forth in this Settlement Agreement or in the Final Judgment and Order.

More Definitions of Final Judgment and Order

Final Judgment and Order means the Proposed Final Judgment and
Final Judgment and Order means the final judgment entered by the Court as provided in Section 4.5 hereof, substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto, finally approving the Settlement contemplated by this Stipulation.
Final Judgment and Order means an order and judgment substantially in the form 27 of Exhibit A to this Agreement, entered by the Court approving this Settlement Agreement 28 as final and binding on the Parties, Class Members, and Released Parties , pursuant to Case 3:15-cv-02320-JM-AHG Document 343-2 Filed 04/20/21 PageID.14657 Page 8 of 46 1 Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 58(a), dismissing the Litigation with prejudice.
Final Judgment and Order means the final order and judgment to be entered by the Court in the Class Action.
Final Judgment and Order means a judgment rendered by the Court, substantially in the form shown in Exhibit E.
Final Judgment and Order means the proposed Final Judgment and Order Approving Class Action Settlement in the form of Exhibit D or materially in the form of Exhibit D attached hereto or as modified pursuant to agreement of the Parties.
Final Judgment and Order means the final judgment entered by the Court as provided in Section 4.4 hereof, substantially in the form as Exhibit C hereto, finally approving the proposed Settlement contained in this Stipulation.