environmental management programme definition

environmental management programme means a programme required in terms of section 24;
environmental management programme means a programme required in terms of section 24;[Definition of “environmental management programme” inserted by s. 1 of Act 62/2008]
environmental management programme means an approved environmental management programme contemplated in section 39; 5

Examples of environmental management programme in a sentence

  • The results of all the studies are too voluminous to include in this TRS and therefore the reader is directed to EMP PAR (Environmental Management Programme Performance Assessment) Harmony Tshepong, Matjhabeng and ARM(Reference Number FS 30/5/1/2/2/84MR).

  • The Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Programme was filed on August 15, 2019 and government feedback is expected before the end of 2019.

  • In so far as it impacts on the post mining use of Wilgespruit for agricultural purposes, should the Wilgespruit Environmental Management Programme report (“EMPr”) need to be amended in terms of any impending changes to environmental legislation, the Lesetlheng Community will be consulted with respect to the formulation and structuring of the EMPr.

  • The Minister and/or any person duly authorised thereto in writing by the Minister shall be entitled to inspect the mining area, the Holder’s mining operations and the execution of the approved Environmental Management Programme on the Mining Area as provided for in the Act, and any instruction conveyed in writing by the Minister to the Holder requiring the proper performance by the Holder of the Holder's obligations under this mining right shall be put into effect by the Holder in terms of the Act.

  • All boreholes, shafts, Adits, excavations, and openings sunk or made, by the Holder during the currency of this mining right shall be sealed, closed, fenced, made safe by the Holder in accordance with the approved Environmental Management Programme, the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 or any other applicable laws and Regulations.

More Definitions of environmental management programme

environmental management programme means an environmental management programme submitted in terms of section 39 of the Minerals Act, 1991 (Act No. 50 of 1991);
environmental management programme means a programme to manage all environmental risks of an activity, which programme shall include identification of risks, internal and external monitoring and reporting, contingency planning and plans for corrective action;
environmental management programme means a programme 35
environmental management programme means a plan meeting all requirements of this Act and the Environ- ment Protection Act, 2000;
environmental management programme is as defined in the Act and includes any other Environmental Management Programme approved in terms of the previous mining legislation;
environmental management programme means a detailed plan of action prepared to ensure that recommendations for enhancing positive environmental impacts and/or limiting or preventing negative environmental impacts are implemented during the life-cycle of a project.
environmental management programme means a plan