EDM definition

EDM means the Epidemiology Data Mart. The EDM is a subset of the NDW and maintained on a separate server.
EDM means Energy Data Management (EDM) being a Xxxxx product for physical power trading.
EDM means Electricidade de Mozambique, established pursuant to Decree No. 28/95 dated July 17, 1995;

Examples of EDM in a sentence

  • The CITY agrees to make available, at no charge, for the CONTRACTOR's use all available data related to the Agreement including any preliminary plans, maps, drawings, photographs, reports, traffic data, calculations, EDM, valuable papers, topographic survey, utility location plats, or any other pertinent public records.

  • The CONTRACTOR agrees to retain, in its files, and to produce to City within the time periods requested, all books, documents, EDM, accounting records, and other evidence related to City, at any time during this Agreement and for a period of at least three (3) years after its termination.

  • The CONTRACTOR agrees that the ownership of all studies, data sheets, survey notes, subsoil information, drawings, tracings, estimates, specifications, proposals, diagrams, calculations, EDM and other material prepared or collected by the CONTRACTORs, hereafter referred to as "instruments of professional service", shall become the property of the CITY as they are prepared and/or developed during execution of the Agreement.

  • CONTRACTOR, SUB- CONTRACTORs, or any representatives performing work related to the Agreement, are responsible to insure that all data and information created or stored on EDM is secure and can be duplicated if the EDM mechanism is subjected to power outage or damage.

  • Fee-in-lieu can be requested if development meets criteria set forth in City EDM Sections 190, table 530.1, and 530.1.A.4 and CWS Design & Construction Standards Section 4.03.7.a and 4.04.2.a. (Site Development Div.

More Definitions of EDM

EDM means Energy Data Management system.
EDM means Electricidade de Mocambique, EP, (the Project Implementing Entity) established and operating pursuant to the Recipient’s Decree No. 28/95 dated July 17, 1995 and includes any successors thereto.
EDM means the weekly Executive Directors Meeting of MSIEu “the FSA” means the Financial Services Authority
EDM means Energie du Mali, a public corporation established and operating under Ordonnance No. 26/PGP, dated October 14, 1960, as amended on December 6, 1989, and Law No. 92.002 of August 27, 1992 of the laws of the Borrower;
EDM means Electricidade de Moçambique, the state-owned utility responsible for electricity generation, transmission, and distribution countrywide.
EDM object The URL of a representation of the CHO which will be used for generating previews for use in the Europeana portal. This may be the same URL as edm:isShownBy.See Europeana Portal Image Guidelines (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx/technical- requirements) for information regarding the specifications of previews. ref min 0, max 1 same as standard ABCD-ESE mapping edm:provider The name or identifier of the provider of the object (i.e. the organisation providing data directly to Europeana). ldentifiers will not be available until Europeana has implemented its Organisation profile. literal or ref min 1, max 1 same as standard ABCD-ESE mapping edm:rights This is a mandatory property and the value given here should be the rights statement that applies to the digital representation at the URL given in edm:object or edm:isShownAt/By. The value should be taken from one of those listed in the Europeana Rights Guidelines (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx/technical- requirements) The rights statement given in this property will also apply to the previews used in the portal and will be the source of: * the entry in the Rights facet in the portal* the license badge that appears under the preview on the result page Where there are several web resources attached to one edm:ProvidedCHO the rights statement given here will be regarded as the "reference" value for all the web resources so a suitable value should be chosen if the rights statements vary between different resources. ln future implementations it is hoped to handle rights statements for separate web resources associated with one CHO separately. ref min 1, max 1 same as standard ABCD-ESE mapping Table 4 edm:Aggregation and ABCD(EFG)
EDM means Societe Energie du Mali, a SEM;