Derivative Claims definition

Derivative Claims include, but are not limited to, damages for care, emotional injury or mental anguish, wrongful death, or loss of:
Derivative Claims means the claims asserted in or encompassed by the Derivative Actions.
Derivative Claims means Claims that arise from, result from, in any way relate to or are in connection with the claimant’s relationship with a Settlement Class Member, including a deceased Settlement Class Member, including any Claims arising from, resulting from, in any way relating to or in connection with loss of support, services, consortium, companionship, society, or affection, or damage to familial relations (including disease, mental or physical pain or suffering, emotional or mental harm, or anguish or loss of enjoyment of life).

Examples of Derivative Claims in a sentence

  • The parties further agree that, as a material part of and material inducement for the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, they will not assert any Derivative Claims in any dispute, claim or controversy relating to or arising out of this Agreement.

  • The parties further agree that, as a material part of and material inducement for the transactions contemplated by this Contract, they will not assert any Derivative Claims in any dispute, claim or controversy relating to or arising out of this Contract.

  • The IDC shall review the merits of Spirit Bear’s Derivative Claims as set forth in the SBL Derivative Action.

  • Upon the Registration Date, HPEV and Spirit Bear, and the assignees and representatives of each, agree to dismiss (or, as with respect to the Interpleader Action, cause to be dismissed) with prejudice the Lawsuits (including to the extent permissible by law the Shareholder Derivative Claims as addressed in Exhibit A), each Party to bear its own costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees in connection therewith.

  • As part of the JPM Settlement, the JPM Derivative Claims of approximately $955 million resulted in (i) LBHI receiving allowed Class 4A Claims of $661 million in aggregate against LBSF, LBCC and LBCS in May 2016, (ii) LBCS receiving an allowed Class 4A Claim of $29.7 million against LBSF in May 2016, and (iii) a reduction in Liabilities Subject to Compromise at LBSF, LBCS and LBCC of approximately $264 million.

More Definitions of Derivative Claims

Derivative Claims means loss of society, loss of companionship, loss of services, and loss of consortium.
Derivative Claims means Claims against 3M or any other Released Party arising from or in connection with a Derivative Claimant’s personal relationship with me as it relates to the Released Claims, and/or otherwise by, through or under, or otherwise in relation to, me.
Derivative Claims means any and all claims of the Debtors against any of their respective officers, directors, representatives, agents or employees based upon a breach or alleged breach by such Person of any duties owed to the Debtors.
Derivative Claims means Released Claims against any of the Released Parties relating to a Derivative Claimant’s personal relationship with me as it relates to the Released Claims, and/or otherwise by, through or under, or otherwise in relation to, me. Individual Plaintiff Settlement Payment means any gross payment from the Settlement Fund made to a Registered Claimant or Derivative Claimant pursuant to the Program. Law means a law, statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, case or other legal provision or authority. Released Claims means any and all Personal Injury Claims, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, accrued or unaccrued, concealed or hidden, past, present or future, including for injuries not yet manifested and injuries or symptoms that develop further and/or are later worsened or exacerbated, relating to a Recalled Device or the Philips RS recall programs, including any alleged defects, delays or inadequacies relating to the Philips RS recall programs, as well as any claims or relief for medical screening and/or medical monitoring, whether in the form of monetary or non-monetary relief, including individual claims for monetary relief for medical monitoring, except that Released Claims does not include Personal Injury Claims for a cancer that is unknown to the Registered Claimant as of the Registration Deadline. Releasing Parties means (i) myself and (ii) any Derivative Claimant.
Derivative Claims means all of the claims asserted or encompassed in the Derivative Action.
Derivative Claims means and refers to any claim, action, or cause of action which is derivative, i.e., in the right of the corporation or limited liability company, and seeks to redress an alleged injury to the corporation or limited liability company, or to the whole body of its stock, member interests and/or property without any severance or distribution among individual holders, as may be pursued against QHL, its managers, officers and directors, or other third parties, for claims arising out of or related to the management and operation of QHL, the Funds or Cal TD including but not limited to claims for: (aa) for an injury to corporate or limited liability company property or funds, including diversion or dissipation of corporate or limited liability company assets, waste of corporate or limited liability company assets, or removal of corporate or limited liability company property from the corporation or limited liability company, to the extent such claims are not prosecuted by the Funds; (bb) for officer, manager and/or directorial mismanagement and/or breach of fiduciary duty and/or self- dealing; (cc) based on unlawful acts relating to the capital stock or member interests as an entirety or any particular class of stock or member interests; (dd) against a creditor for failure to fund a corporation or limited liability company as promised; and (ee) for misrepresentation based upon an agreement between two corporations or limited liability companies.‌
Derivative Claims means and refers to any claim, action, or cause of action which is derivative, i.e., in the right of the corporation or limited liability company, and seeks to redress an alleged injury to the corporation or limited liability company, or to the whole body of its stock, member interests and/or property without any severance or distribution among individual holders, as may be pursued against QHL, its managers, officers and directors, or other third parties, for claims arising out of or related to the management and operation of QHL, the Funds or Cal TD. 1