Department of Human Resources definition

Department of Human Resources means the Band’s Department of Human Resources.
Department of Human Resources means the department of State government which administers the FIP program.
Department of Human Resources designates an administrative unit of the University that is responsible for employment related services as may be determined by the University, and as required under this Agreement. 1.22.1 The Department of Human Resources is managed by the “Director of Human Resources”.

Examples of Department of Human Resources in a sentence

  • Therefore, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Executive Order 50, Virginia Department of General Services Directive 16 and Regulations Banning Concealed Firearms in Offices Owned or Occupied by Executive Branch Agencies, 1 VAC 30-105, Virginia Department of Human Resources Management Policy 1.80, and any other applicable laws or policies consistent with the above mentioned laws and policies.

  • Appeals filed under Civil Service Commission Rule 111A Position-Based Testing shall be considered on the date it is calendared for hearing except under extraordinary circumstances and upon mutual agreement between the appellant and the Department of Human Resources.

  • The following codes, in the versions approved by the Georgia State Fire Marshal/Fire Safety Commissioner and Department of Human Resources, shall be used.

  • Upon receipt of any written request to meet, the Department of Human Resources will forward the requests to the hiring department for further review.

  • Please be advised that the Department of Human Resources must receive all requests to meet no later than thirty(30) calendar days from the posting date.

  • Therefore, [Party] shall comply with the requirements of Executive Order 50, Virginia Department of General Services Directive 16 and Regulations Banning Concealed Firearms in Offices Owned or Occupied by Executive Branch Agencies, 1 VAC 30-105, Virginia Department of Human Resources Management Policy 1.80, and any other applicable laws or policies consistent with the above mentioned laws and policies.

  • The Department of Human Resources and Department Management shall implement a program which will match employees scheduled to be laid off with departments who are hiring workers.

  • In order to further mitigate the adverse impact of workforce reductions the Department of Human Resources and Chief Executive Office shall coordinate the use of the County’s Enhanced Voluntary Time-off program with operating departments.

  • The Department of Human Resources shall coordinate with Departmental management to implement Board Policy on workforce reductions on a County-wide basis and enhance the County’s on-going efforts to find alternative placement for employees subject to layoff or demotion due to workforce reductions.

  • All Plan applicants shall be required to fill out and sign an eligibility/enrollment form provided by the Department of Human Resources.

More Definitions of Department of Human Resources

Department of Human Resources. (or “DHR” or “Department”) means the Department of Human Resources for the City and County of San Francisco.
Department of Human Resources means the agency that determines eligibility for CCS applicants and customers and handles case management related duties.
Department of Human Resources means MENFP’s Direction des Ressources Humaines.
Department of Human Resources means the North Carolina Department of Human Resources, Division of Facility Services.
Department of Human Resources means the Secretary or his/her authorized representative.

Related to Department of Human Resources

  • Human Resources means the District Office of Human Resources located in the District Office Building on the Foothill Campus.

  • Department of Health and Human Services means the Department of Health and Human Services

  • Department of Health means the Washington state department of

  • Department means the department of health.

  • Department of Revenue means the Department of Revenue of

  • General Council means the General Council of the University;

  • Conservation officer means an employee of the department of natural resources, or its predecessor or successor agency, who has sworn to the prescribed oath of office and who is designated as a peace officer under section 1606 of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.1606, and section 1 of 1986 PA 109, MCL 300.21.

  • Department Chair means the chair of a department or the director of a program.

  • Vigilance and Ethics Officer means an officer appointed to receive protected disclosures from whistle blowers, maintaining records thereof, placing the same before the Audit Committee for its disposal and informing the Whistle Blower the result thereof.

  • Department Director means the director of the department of human rights.

  • Seattle Human Resources Director means the director of the Seattle Department of Human Resources or his or her designated management representative.

  • Data Protection Officer takes the meaning given in the UK GDPR;

  • the Department means the Department of the Environment;

  • State historic preservation officer or "officer" means the state historic preservation officer appointed by the governor under 16 U.S.C. 470a.

  • Health Department means the department of environmental quality, a city health department, a county health department, or a district health department, whichever has jurisdiction.

  • General Counsel means the General Counsel of the Corporation.

  • Department Representative means an individual who represents the Department and presents the Department’s position in a hearing.

  • Police Department means the Police Department of the City and County of San Francisco.

  • Medical Officer of Health means the Medical Officer of Health for the Regional Municipality of York;

  • School resource officer means a law enforcement officer or police officer employed by a local law enforcement agency who is assigned to a district through an agreement between the local law enforcement agency and the district.

  • Chief Commissioner means the chief administrative officer of the County, or delegate;

  • Local health department means the same as that term is defined in Section 26A-1-102.

  • Information Commissioner means the UK Information Commissioner and any successor;

  • national department means a department of State within the national sphere of government;

  • U.S. Department of Energy means the Department of Energy established by Public Law 95-91, August 4, 1977, 91 Stat. 565, 42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq., to the extent that the department exercises functions formerly vested in the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, its chairman, members, officers and components and transferred to the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration and to the administrator thereof pursuant to Sections 104(b), (c) and (d) of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438, October 11, 1974, 88 Stat. 1233 at 1237, effective January 19, 1975) and retransferred to the Secretary of Energy pursuant to Section 301(a) of the Department of Energy Organization Act (Public Law 95-91, August 4, 1977, 91 Stat. 565 at 577-578, 42 U.S.C. 7151,

  • Health and Human Services Commission or “HHSC” means the administrative agency established under Chapter 531, Texas Government Code, or its designee.