Examples of Data Protection Law in a sentence
BallTime shall not (i) sell or share the Personal Data; (ii) retain, use or disclose the Personal Data for any purpose other than for the limited purpose of providing the Services; or (iii) combine the Personal Data that it Processes on behalf of the Customer with other Personal Data it receives or collects from, or on behalf of, another entity or customer, expect as otherwise permitted by the applicable US Data Protection Law.
BallTime shall assist the Customer in respect of Consumer request to limit the use of Sensitive Personal Information, and provide necessary assistance and procures that its subcontractors will provide assistance as Customer may reasonably request, where applicable, in connection with any obligation to respond to requests for exercising the rights of a Consumer under the applicable US Data Protection Law.
All terms used but not defined in this US Addendum shall have the meaning set forth in the DPA or the applicable US Data Protection Law.
This Section only applies to the extent that the Parties are subject to the terms of any Data Protection Laws (defined below), and each requirement contained herein only applies to the extent it is required by any applicable Data Protection Law.
Each Party will comply with the requirements set forth under US Data Protection Laws with regards to processing of de-identified data, as such term is defined under the applicable US Data Protection Law.