Customary Fee definition

Customary Fee means a fee that falls within the range of fees normally charged for a given service.
Customary Fee. The term “Customary Fee” means a fee that falls within the range of fees normally charged in Oregon for a given service.
Customary Fee means the average hourly rate that an 821 attorney for an employer or carrier customarily charges in the 822 same locality for similar legal services in defense of claims 823 under this chapter as determined by a judge of compensation 824 claims.

Examples of Customary Fee in a sentence

  • The actual charge made by a non-Network Dental Provider for a Covered Dental Service may exceed the Usual and Customary Fee.

  • Non-Network Benefits are determined based on the Usual and Customary Fee for similarly situated Network Dental Providers for each Covered Dental Service.

  • Usual and Customary Fee - Usual and Customary Fees are calculated by the Company based on available data resources of competitive fees in that geographic area.

  • As a result, Insured Persons may be required to pay a non-Network Dental Provider an amount for a Covered Dental Service in excess of the Usual and Customary Fee.

  • As a result, an Insured Person may be required to pay a non-Network Dental Provider an amount for a Covered Dental Service in excess of the Usual and Customary Fee.

  • If a service is not listed below, it may be available at the Participating Dental Pro- vider's Usual and Customary Fee, less a discount of 25%.

  • Usual and Customary Fee - Usual and Customary Fees are calculated by the Company based on available data resources of competitive fees in that geographic area.Usual and Customary Fees must not exceed the fees that the provider would charge any similarly situated payor for the same services.

  • Insured Persons may be required to pay a non-Network Dental Provider an amount for a Covered Dental Service in excess of the Usual and Customary Fee.

  • Copayment and/or Coinsurance Amount For Prescription Drug Products at a retail Network Pharmacy, Insured Persons are responsible for paying the lowest of:• The applicable Copayment and/or Coinsurance.• The Network Pharmacy’s Usual and Customary Fee for the Prescription Drug Product.• The Prescription Drug Charge for that Prescription Drug Product.

  • Customary Fee: the fee level determined by the administrator of the dental benefit plan from actual submitted fees for a specific dental procedure to establish the maximum benefit payable under a given plan for that specific procedure.

More Definitions of Customary Fee

Customary Fee means the average hourly rate that an 821 attorney for an employer or carrier customarily charges in the 822 same locality for similar legal services in defense of claims 823 under this chapter as determined by a judge of compensation 824 claims.

Related to Customary Fee

  • Placement Fee has the meaning given thereto in Section 2(a) hereof;

  • Entry fee means any fee paid to or received from an owner

  • Impact fee means a payment of money imposed under Title 11, Chapter 36a, Impact Fees Act.

  • Handling Fee means the fee payable per Ticket transaction or order, charged in addition to the Face Value of the Ticket, for the processing and delivery of Tickets in that transaction or order (including United Kingdom value added tax thereon);

  • Origination Fee means any origination fee payable to the Department by the lender with respect to any Trust Student Loan.

  • Base Fee $20 million (Avg Daily Net Assets For Most Recent Month) * 0.45% * (31/365) = $7,643.84 Performance Fee: $40 million (Avg Daily Net Assets for rolling 12-month period) * -0.25% * (31/365) = $(8,493.15) Total Fulcrum Fee: $(849.32) = $7,643.84 (Base Fee) - $8,493.15 (Performance Fee)

  • Contract Fee means the price, fee, rent, or royalty payable in a contract under this chapter or

  • Agent’s Fee means the fee which is set out in this Agreement and which is payable by the Issuer to the Agent in consideration of the services performed by the Agent under this Agreement;

  • Maintenance Fee The Maintenance Fee (see Contract Schedule I) will be deducted during the Accumulation Period from the Current Value on each anniversary of the date the Account is established and upon surrender of the entire Account.