Cushing definition

Cushing means the crude oil storage, blending and transfer facilities located at or near Cushing, Oklahoma. The Cushing located Designated Tanks are set forth on Schedule B.
Cushing s syndrome” means a condition due to the increased production of glucocorticoids in the adrenal gland or increased blood levels of glucocorticoids administered as therapy, attracting ICD code 255.0;
Cushing means the oil storage and pricing facility located at Cushing, Oklahoma, U.S.A.

Examples of Cushing in a sentence

  • Additional volumes Tendered in excess of their volumes commitments and not offset by make-up volumes to Cushing will be charged the applicable Uncommitted Rate as specified in Footnote 1.

  • The roll call vote was: Cushing, aye; Dudek, aye; Geddes, aye; Rodriguez, aye; and Sanabria, aye.

  • Volumes Tendered in excess of their volume commitment and offset by make-up volumes to Cushing will be charged the difference between the Uncommitted Rate to such Alternate Delivery Point and the uncommitted rate ceiling level to Cushing.

  • Term Shippers seeking a temporary Alternate Delivery Point at Port Arthur(10) or at Houston, will be charged the applicable committed rate to Cushing plus the difference between the Uncommitted Rate to such Alternate Delivery Point and the uncommitted rate ceiling level to Cushing, in accordance with Term Shipper’s contract.

  • Term Shippers with a contract Delivery Point at Cushing seeking a temporary Alternate Delivery Point at Patoka or Wood River will be charged the Cushing fixed rate for the applicable Contract term plus the variable rate to the appropriate Delivery Point, in accordance with Term Shipper’s contract.

  • Term Shippers with a contract Delivery Point at Patoka or Wood River who have made a volume commitment to an Alternate Delivery Point at Cushing will be charged the Cushing 20 yr fixed rate plus the Cushing variable rate, in accordance with Term Shipper’s contract.

  • If oil is not exchanged to Cushing, Oklahoma, from the point where oil is received in exchange to the point where the oil received in exchange is sold.

  • Cushing, Oklahoma, is the designated delivery point for NYMEX crude oil futures contracts.

  • Further, assume that the lessee transports the oil to Hynes Station, and then ex- changes the oil to Cushing which it fur- ther exchanges with oil it refines.

  • The roll call vote was: Benz, aye; Cushing, aye; Geddes, aye; Partida, aye; and Sanabria, aye.

Related to Cushing

  • CPN is a Common Channel Interoffice Signaling ("CCIS") parameter which refers to the number transmitted through a network identifying the calling party.

  • LPG means liquefied petroleum gas.

  • Plumber means a person who has passed a qualifying Trade Test in Plumbing or has been issued with a certificate of proficiency in terms of the Manpower Training Act, 1981 (Act No 56 of 1981) or such other qualification as may be required under national legislation;

  • Roomer means a person occupying a dwelling unit that lacks a major bathroom or kitchen facility, in a structure where one or more major facilities are used in common by occupants of the dwelling unit and other dwelling units. Major facility in the case of a bathroom means toilet, or either a bath or shower, and in the case of a kitchen means refrigerator, stove or sink.

  • Pipeline means any pipe, pipes, or pipelines used for the intrastate transportation or transmission of any solid, liquid, or gaseous substance, except water.

  • Graywater means untreated wastewater that has not been contaminated by any toilet discharge, has not been affected by infectious, contaminated, or unhealthy bodily wastes, and does not present a threat from contamination by unhealthful processing, manufacturing, or operating wastes. "Graywater" includes, but is not limited to, wastewater from bathtubs, showers, bathroom washbasins, clothes washing machines, and laundry tubs, but does not include wastewater from kitchen sinks or dishwashers. Health and Safety Code Section 17922.12.

  • Pioneer or the "Company" means Pioneer Natural Resources Company and its subsidiaries.

  • Sailboat means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.

  • Ash means all species of the genus Fraxinus.

  • Cold Weather Alert means the notice that PJM provides to PJM Members, Transmission Owners, resource owners and operators, customers, and regulators to prepare personnel and facilities for expected extreme cold weather conditions.

  • Crane means any self-propelled vehicle to which has been permanently mounted or attached any crane, whether or not such vehicle was originally a truck, tractor, or other type of motor vehicle or was designed and built as a complete crane unit. However, the word "crane," as herein defined, shall not be construed to mean any truck or other vehicle equipped with or to which has been affixed any device used for the purpose of providing a means for towing other vehicles.

  • Station means a telephone instrument consisting of a connected transmitter, receiver, and associated apparatus to permit sending or receiving telephone messages.

  • Falconry means the sport of taking quarry by means of a trained raptor.

  • Dewatering means the removal of water for construction activity. It can be a discharge of appropriated surface or groundwater to dry and/or solidify a construction site. It may require Minnesota Department of Natural Resources permits to be appropriated and if contaminated may require other MPCA permits to be discharged.

  • Natural gas company ’ means a person engaged in the transportation of natural gas in interstate commerce, or the sale in inter- state commerce of such gas for resale.

  • Transportation Company means any organization which provides its own or its leased vehicles for transportation or which provides freight forwarding or air express services.

  • Greywater means all liquid wastes from showers, baths, sinks, kitchens and domestic washing facilities, but does not include toilet wastes;

  • Winter means the season commencing on November 1 of a calendar year and ending on April 30 of the subsequent calendar year.

  • Crosswalk means that part of a roadway at an intersection included within the connections of the

  • NSPOT means NCDEX Spot Exchange Ltd., which has been appointed by FCI for conducting E-Auction on its behalf.

  • Holocene means the most recent epoch of the Quaternary period, extending from the end of the Pleistocene Epoch to the present.

  • CO2 means carbon dioxide.

  • MT means metric tons.

  • Asphalt means a dark brown to black cement-like material (solid, semisolid, or liquid in consistency) in which the predominating constituents are bitumens which occur in nature as such or which are obtained as residue in refining petroleum.

  • Gray water means sewage from bathtubs, showers, bathroom sinks, washing machines, dishwashers, and kitchen sinks. It includes sewage from any source in a residence or structure that has not come into contact with toilet wastes.

  • Hot water means water at a temperature of 110°F. (43°C.) or higher.