Crosslink definition

Crosslink. A radio link between two space vehicles (intersatellite link). These links are in K-Band on the IRIDIUM System. CROSSPLANE The crosslink between two co-rotating planes of space vehicles. DTOA Differential Time of Arrival. DEMONSTRATION Verification as determined appropriate by Seller through operations, movement, and/or adjustment of the item to show its Go/No-Go functionality. Compliance with qualitative standards for performance and functionality will be shown. EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power. The product of the power supplied to the antenna and the antenna gain in a given direction relative to an isotropic antenna. Also known as "absolute" or "true" antenna gain. EPHEMERIS A set of numbers describing a satellite's orbit which permit the prediction of the position and velocity of the satellite at any point in time. ERLANG The international dimensionless unit of traffic intensity. One Erlang is the intensity in a traffic path continuously occupied, or in one or more paths carrying an aggregate traffic of 1 call-hour per hour, 1 call-minute per minute, etc. EQUIVALENT VOICE CHANNEL The channel capacity required to transport 2400 bps vocoder data. FEEDER LINK A K-Band radio link between an earth station (gateway or SCS) and a Space Vehicle, or between Space Vehicles, used to relay MD, MCD, SCD, and NOD. Subscribers (Users) are not nodes of feeder links. FRAME A protocol data unit to facilitate simple, reliable, and robust synchronization procedures for the transport of system data through communications channels. Frames are delimited by placing sync markers between their boundaries. GATEWAY See ARTICLE 1, DEFINITIONS, of Contract terms and conditions. GATEWAY INTERFACE SPECIFICATION See ARTICLE 1, DEFINITIONS, of Contract terms and conditions. GATEWAY LINK A radio (feeder) link between a Gateway Earth Terminal and a Space Vehicle. These links are in K-Band on the IRIDIUM System. INPLANE The crosslink between two adjacent co-planar space vehicles. INSPECTION Verification by visual examination of the item, review of descriptive documentation, and comparison of the appropriate characteristics with a predetermined standard to determine conformance to requirements without the use of special laboratory equipment or procedures to the extent determined adequate by Seller.
Crosslink has the meaning set forth in the preamble to this Agreement.
Crosslink shall have the meaning assigned thereto in the fifth Whereas clause hereof.

Examples of Crosslink in a sentence

  • The amount shown for Crosslink includes funds of investment funds for which Ventures IV Holdings, Verwaltungs, Ventures IV and Crossover III Management serves as general partner or holder of Class B Units.

  • The memorandum of understanding must state that the agent affirms, subject to the criminal penalties contained in ss.

  • Purpose of Transaction None of the Filers has any present plans or intentions to acquire or dispose of any securities of the Issuer other than on behalf of advisory clients of Crosslink or Crossover III Management for the purpose of investment.

  • Crosslink curing is by free radical initiation generated from peroxide degeneration using benzyl peroxide, methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, or peroxide blends.

  • On February 27, 2004, shares of the Stock totaling 257,250 issued on the exercise of the Warrants were distributed to investors in investment funds of which Crosslink is the investment adviser and of which Ventures IV Holdings or Verwaltungs is the general partner, manager or holder of Class B Units.

  • On August 2, 2004, shares of Stock totaling 325,380 issued on the exercise of the Warrants were distributed to investors in investment funds of which Crosslink is the investment adviser and of which Ventures IV Holdings or Verwaltungs is the general partner, manager or holder of Class B Units.

  • Identity and Background The persons filing this statement and the persons enumerated in Instruction C of Schedule 13D and, where applicable, their respective places of organization, general partners, directors, executive officers and controlling persons, and the information regarding them, are as follows:( a ) Crosslink, Capital, Inc.

  • Retrieved 26 June 2008 from Crosslink Magazine, Keeley, James.

  • Crosslink Magazine.Retrieved 8 July 2008 from Goward S.

  • Fall 2015, Crosslink Magazine, The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA.

More Definitions of Crosslink

Crosslink. , "TCV" and "Investor Affiliates" shall have the meanings given them in the Amended and Restated IPO Allocation Agreement described below in the definition of "Restricted Stock".

Related to Crosslink

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