Burcon Technology definition

Burcon Technology means all inventions, innovations, improvements, discoveries, works, designs or technical developments owned, licensed, controlled, conceived, reduced to practice, discovered or developed by Burcon and concerning soy protein products, whether in the form of patents (whether patentable or not), Confidential Information (including trade secrets), copyright, methods, processes, techniques, concepts, ideas, information, data, materials, know-how, industrial design or any other property right or any applications therefor, and including all information and tangible items of a scientific, technical or business nature in any form or medium and all information or records relating thereto, in any and all relevant jurisdictions, and expressly including the Burcon Patent Rights. For purposes of clarification it is understood and agreed that Burcon Technology does not include any information or technology: in ADM’s possession before Burcon’s disclosure to ADM of the Burcon Technology as evidenced by competent proof, including ADM’s written records prior to the date of disclosure; independently developed before the Effective Date by ADM or its Affiliates without the use, directly or indirectly, of the Burcon Technology as evidenced by competent proof, including ADM’s or its Affiliates’ (as the case may be in) written records prior to the date of disclosure; received by ADM from a third party who is (i) not privy to this Agreement as a matter of right, (ii) not in violation of the confidential relationship created under this Agreement, or (iii) not then prohibited from disclosing such information to ADM under any legal, contractual or fiduciary obligation to Burcon; or in the public domain (except for Burcon’s Patent Rights).
Burcon Technology means all inventions, innovations, improvements, discoveries, works, designs or technical developments owned, licensed, controlled, conceived, reduced to practice, discovered or developed by Burcon and concerning canola, pea and all pulse protein products, whether in the form of patents (whether patentable or not), Confidential Information (including trade secrets), copyright, methods, processes, techniques, concepts, ideas, information, data, materials, know- how, industrial design or any other property right or any applications therefor, and including all information and tangible items of a scientific, technical or business nature in any form or medium and all information or records relating thereto, in any and all relevant jurisdictions, and expressly including the Burcon Patent Rights. For purposes of clarification it is understood and agreed that Burcon Technology does not include any information or technology in the Corporation’s possession before Burcon’s disclosure to the Corporation of the Burcon Technology as evidenced by competent proof, including the Corporation’s written records prior to the date of disclosure; independently developed before the Effective Date by the Corporation or its Affiliates without the use, directly or indirectly, of the Burcon Technology as evidenced by competent proof, including the Corporation’s or its Affiliates’ (as the case may be in) written records prior to the date of disclosure; received by the Corporation from a third party who is (i) not privy to this Agreement as a matter of right, (ii) not in violation of the confidential relationship created under this Agreement, or (iii) not then prohibited from disclosing such information to the Corporation under any legal, contractual or fiduciary obligation to Burcon; or in the public domain (except for Burcon’s Patent Rights).

Examples of Burcon Technology in a sentence

  • The Corporation agrees that it will promptly disclose to Burcon all Corporation Technology invented, conceived, made, developed, discovered or created by or on behalf of any of the Corporation, its Affiliates that use or have access to the Burcon Technology or its Sublicensees that are desirable or necessary for the research, development, manufacture or sale of the Products or any other products (the “Corporation Improvements”).

  • The Corporation shall not directly or indirectly question, attack, contest or in any manner impugn (nor assist any other Person in any of the foregoing) the validity, enforceability, registration or Burcon’s ownership of, or right to use, any Burcon Technology or Burcon Improvements, in whole or in part.

  • It is hereby found and declared as a matter of legislative policy that the operation of the aforesaid equipment or instruments on the public streets and rights-of-way adjacent to public parks during the hours from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., in such a manner as to be clearly audible for a distance in excess of 25 feet constitutes prima facie evidence of a violation of this section.

  • Except as expressly provided herein, Burcon shall, in its sole discretion, decide how to protect any Burcon Technology or Burcon Improvements.

  • The Corporation covenants that it shall comply fully with all Applicable Laws in respect of its use of the Burcon Technology, including the manufacture, sale, marketing, use and importation of Products, and that it shall obtain all regulatory approvals and licenses required for the manufacture and sale of the Products.

  • All Burcon Technology and Burcon Improvements shall remain the exclusive property of Burcon and, except as expressly granted herein, the Corporation shall not acquire any right, title or interest in and to the Burcon Technology or Burcon Improvements.

  • Without limiting the foregoing, the Corporation acknowledges that it has not and is not relying upon any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or upon any representation or warranty whatsoever as to product safety or the prospects (financial, regulatory or otherwise) or the reliability, suitability, ability to produce a particular result, and validity, regarding the use of the Burcon Technology to manufacture, sell or use the Products.

  • Apart from the sale of Products and Blended Products, the Corporation may sublicense the Burcon Technology (including know-how and trade secrets) only upon mutual agreement between the Parties.

Related to Burcon Technology

  • Collaboration Technology means all Collaboration Patents and Collaboration Know-How.

  • Information Technology means computer hardware, software and networks;

  • Information Technologies means all information processing and communications-related hardware, Software, supplies, and consumable items that the Supplier is required to supply and install under the Contract.

  • Information Technology (IT means data processing, telecommunications, and office systems technologies and services:

  • Blockchain technology means the use of a digital database containing records of

  • Clean coal technology means any technology, including technologies applied at the precombustion, combustion, or post combustion stage, at a new or existing facility which will achieve significant reductions in air emissions of sulfur dioxide or oxides of nitrogen associated with the utilization of coal in the generation of electricity, or process steam which was not in widespread use as of November 15, 1990.

  • Technology means any and all technical information, specifications, drawings, records, documentation, works of authorship or other creative works, ideas, algorithms, models, databases, ciphers/keys, systems architecture, network protocols, research, development, and manufacturing information, software (including object code and source code), application programming interfaces (APIs), innovations, mask works, logic designs, circuit designs, technical data, processes and methods.

  • New Technology means any invention, discovery, improvement, or innovation that was not available to the District on the effective date of the contract, whether or not patentable, including, but not limited to, new processes, emerging technology, machines, and improvements to or new applications of existing processes, machines, manufactures and software. Also included are new computer programs, and improvements to, or new applications of, existing computer programs, whether or not copyrightable and any new process, machine, including software, and improvements to, or new applications of, existing processes, machines, manufactures and software.

  • Information Technology Resources means agency budgetary resources, personnel, equipment, facilities, or services that are primarily used in the management, operation, acquisition, disposition, and transformation, or other activity related to the lifecycle of information technology; acquisitions or interagency agreements that include information technology and the services or equipment provided by such acquisitions or interagency agreements; but does not include grants to third parties which establish or support information technology not operated directly by the Federal Government. (0MB M-15-14)

  • Information Technology (IT) System means the combination of hardware components, software, and other equipment to make a system whose core purpose is to accomplish a data processing need such as the automatic acquisition, storage, analysis, evaluation, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission or reception of data. IT systems include ground systems in support of flight hardware. IT systems do not include—

  • Information Technology Systems means all information technology systems, Software, computers, workstations, databases, routers, hubs, switches, networks and other information technology equipment used or held for use in, or otherwise relating to, the Business.

  • Radiologic technologist, limited means an individual, other than a licensed radiologic technologist,

  • Communication technology means an electronic device or process that:

  • Information technology services means services designed to do any of the following:

  • Company Technology means all Technology owned or purported to be owned by the Company.

  • Customer Technology means Customer's proprietary technology, including Customer's Internet operations design, content, software tools, hardware designs, algorithms, software (in source and object forms), user interface designs, architecture, class libraries, objects and documentation (both printed and electronic), know-how, trade secrets and any related intellectual property rights throughout the world (whether owned by Customer or licensed to Customer from a third party) and also including any derivatives, improvements, enhancements or extensions of Customer Technology conceived, reduced to practice, or developed during the term of this Agreement by Customer.

  • Technology License Agreement means the Technology License Agreement dated as of the date hereof between Allergan and ASTI.

  • SAP Technology Solution(s means SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications, SAP Business Technology Platform (excluding when used solely as a Connectivity App between an SAP Application and ERP), SAP Signavio Solutions and SAP Process Insights (including any renamed, prior and/or successor versions of any of the foregoing made generally available by SAP if any but excluding when any of the foregoing are used as a User Interface for ERP.

  • Licensee Technology means the Licensee Know-How and Licensee Patents.

  • Joint Technology means Joint Inventions and Joint Patents.

  • Manufacturing Technology means any and all patents, patent applications, Know-How, and all intellectual property rights associated therewith, and including all tangible embodiments thereof, that are necessary or useful for the manufacture of adeno- associated viruses, adeno-associated virus vectors, research or commercial reagents related thereto, Licensed Products, or other products, including manufacturing processes, technical information relating to the methods of manufacture, protocols, standard operating procedures, batch records, assays, formulations, quality control data, specifications, scale up, any and all improvements, modifications, and changes thereto, and any and all activities associated with such manufacture. Any and all chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC), drug master files (DMFs), or similar materials provided to regulatory authorities and the information contained therein are deemed Manufacturing Technology.

  • Background Technology means all Software, data, know-how, ideas, methodologies, specifications, and other technology in which Contractor owns such Intellectual Property Rights as are necessary for Contractor to grant the rights and licenses set forth in Section 14.1, and for the State (including its licensees, successors and assigns) to exercise such rights and licenses, without violating any right of any Third Party or any Law or incurring any payment obligation to any Third Party. Background Technology must: (a) be identified as Background Technology in the Statement of Work; and (b) have been developed or otherwise acquired by Contractor prior to the date of the Statement of Work, or have been developed by Contractor outside of its performance under the Statement of Work. Background Technology will also include any general consulting tool or methodology created by Contractor, which will not be required to be identified in the Statement of Work.

  • Department of Information Technology means the New Mexico Department of Information Technology which is responsible for operating the data center and all communications related items.

  • Technology Rights means BOARD's rights in any technical information, know-how, processes, procedures, compositions, devices, methods, formulae, protocols, techniques, software, designs, drawings or data created by the inventor(s) listed in Exhibit I at UTMDACC before the EFFECTIVE DATE, which are not claimed in PATENT RIGHTS but that are necessary for practicing PATENT RIGHTS.

  • Licensor Technology means the Licensor Patents, the Licensor Know-How, Licensor Materials, Product IP, and Licensor’s rights in the Program IP and Joint Patents.

  • Radiologic technologist means an individual, other than a licensed doctor of medicine, osteopathy,