Banking definition

Banking means the accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise, and withdrawable by cheque, draft, order or otherwise.
Banking means the holding of compliance instruments from one compliance period for the purpose of sale or surrender in a future compliance period.
Banking means the process under which a generating station supplies power to the grid not with the intention of selling it to either a third party or to a licensee, but with the intention of exercising its eligibility to draw back this power from the grid.

Examples of Banking in a sentence

  • In addition to its rights under Section 2(e) above, the Corporation reserves the right to suspend and/or temporarily prohibit Executive from participating in the conduct of the Corporation’s affairs if the Corporation receives an order or notice of charges against Executive served pursuant to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, the Fair Hiring in Banking Act, or other federal or state statute or regulation which requires the Corporation to suspend or terminate Executive.

  • Information on Online Banking and the FNB App (including the prices of Financial Products) is delayed by approximately fifteen minutes.

  • If you are not satisfied with the financial services rendered by us or any of our representatives’ you may either contact your local FNB branch or us through our call centre, FNB App, Online Banking or our website.

  • You will not receive a receipt or confirmation for any transaction made through Digital Banking.

  • Capitalised terms used which have not otherwise been defined herein shall bear the same meaning as ascribed thereto in the FNB General terms and conditions, Remote Banking Agreement and the Rules (as is applicable), unless the context indicates a contrary intention.

More Definitions of Banking

Banking means any CPI Rent Adjustment (or any rent adjustment formerly known as the Annual Permissible Rent Increase) the owner chooses to delay imposing in part or in full, and which may be imposed at a later date, subject to the restrictions in the regulations.
Banking means: (i) developing, acquiring, importing, exporting, proliferating, maintaining, storing and distributing Original Material and Replicates on an international basis; and (ii) providing value-add services using Original Material and Replicates, in each case for a reasonable fee sufficient to cover costs of operations; provided however, that in no event does “Banking” include the use of Original Material and Replicates in human clinical testing or as human therapeutics;
Banking means the business of receiving deposits, making loans, discounting commercial paper, issuing drafts, traveler's checks, and similar instruments, handling and making collections, cashing checks and drafts, and buying and selling exchange.
Banking of instructional time Schools sometimes extend the student instructional day in order to get blocks of time for school-specific activities. By extending the instructional day, schools meet state requirements concerning instructional time. This provides time when students are excused from school so that staff can have time for professional development, in-service, training etc. It is the Instructional Council’s responsibility to: • Decide in collaboration with the whole staff whether or not to bank time; • Work collaboratively with the whole staff to decide the content of the professional development and the date or dates it will be held.
Banking means a system for recording emission reduction credits so that they may be used or transferred in the future.
Banking means the surplus green energy injected in the grid and credited with the distribution licensee by the Green Energy Open Access consumers and that shall be drawn along with charges to compensate additional costs; if any;
Banking means the surplus green energy scheduled and injected into the grid and credited with the distribution licensee by the Green Energy Open Access consumers;