Allah definition

Allah. Les ordres mystiques dans l’islam dès origins à aujourd’hui, edited by Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, 261-267. Paris: Xxxxxx, 1996.
Allah. , so that the overall means Bait Allah, the house of God (Setia Budi, 2003). But again Noeman argued that his design was never to serve a specific purpose, if there is such a presumption that was due to people interpretation.
Allah means “God” in Arabic and refers to the Islamic name of the creator, the one and only deity. Glossary of Islamic Legal Terms, supra note 11, at 90. See also the holy Quran engliSh tranSlation oF the meaningS anD commentary, 1536 (The Presidency of Islamic Researchers, Ifta, Call and Guidance ed., 1994) [hereinafter the Quran].to his Prophet Muhammad (PB).13 The Shari’a refers to the body of rules derived from the main sources of Islamic law.14 These sources are divided into two categories: primary and secondary sources.15 While primary sources include both the rules incorporated in the Qur’an and the Sunna,16 secondary or supplementary sources include most importantly the Ijma’ and the Qiyas.17 The Shari’a must be distinct from Fiqh,18 the technical process of applying the rules of the Shari’a, driven from its different sources, on real or hypothetical situations.19The Qur’an is the main source of the Shari’a. More than a spiritual text, it is a legal code and a reference for everyday behavior.20 The Qur’an is divided into Suras21 (chapters), each divided into verses.22 Since, the Qur’an is the highest source of the Shari’a, its revealed rules are not arguable and cannot be modified by rules derived from any of the other sources of the Shari’a.23The Sunna24 refers to the practices of Prophet Muhammad (PB), including actions, oral statements, or consensus in action by others.25 Through the Sunna, Prophet Muhammad (PB) interpreted, explained and completed principles first revealed in the Qur’an.26 Hence, the Sunna, if it is to be trusted andconsidered, cannot contradict the Qur’an.27 Generally speaking, a trusted Sunna is usually narrated and recorded in one of the most famous books called the Sahih.28Where the Qur’an and the Sunna do not guide on certain issues, the supplementary sources of the Shari’a apply.29 These sources include Ijma’ and Qiyas. Ijma’ means the convergence of opinion on a particular issue that is not provided by the Qur’an or the Sunna or that requires further interpretation.30 The question is the convergence of whose opinion constitutes Ijma’. After Prophet Muhammad (PB) passed away, his knowledgeable supporters’ unanimous opinions constituted Ijma’.31 Later, Ijma’ was established through the unanimous opinions of the Muslim jurists of each era.32 In the end, any conclusion reached through Ijma’ must be in conformity with the Qur’an and the Sunna.33Finally, Qiyas is a method of analogical reasoning that aims to govern a new situation w...

Examples of Allah in a sentence

  • It is by the grace of Allah that he is in your hands and working for you.

  • The major towns and settlements/villages along the route include; Guddu (Kashmore, Sindh), Shahwali (Punjab), Basti Abdullah, Rojhan, Village Asni, Rajanpur, Kotlaeson, Kotla Kambar, Basti Nizamabad, Fazilpur, Village Bukhera, Muhammad Pur Diwan, Allah Abad, Rasool Pur, Jampur, Kotla Gurmani, Mana Ahmadani, Notak Mahmid, Basti Yaqi, Basti Malana, Ismail Wala, Kot Chutta, Daraman, Ghazi Ghat, Karimabad Qureshi, Godar, Baseera and Muzaffargarh.

  • The researcher admired for your times for respond my research and the researcher hope you to give the honestly respond, because Insya’ Allah your answer will be save.Thanks for your attention and kindness, we hope that this research will help us especially for the researcher to finish the study and get the good result for graduation Insya’ Allah.

  • Allah will account out helping for everyone if it is in the right way.

  • Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.

More Definitions of Allah

Allah is an Arabic word that means "God". Muslims also believe that "Allah" is the personal name of God.
Allah means the One and Only universal God of all humanity. “Allah” is not just a translation from Arabic of the English word “God”, but is also His personal name. It cannot be made masculine or feminine or pluralized. It is also wrong to think of Allah as the “Muslim God” alone.
Allah literally means ‘God’. TRUE or FALSE?
Allah means “the God” in Arabic. (Millions of Arab and some Indonesian Christians also use the word “Allah” to denote God). There are 99 ‘Beautiful Names’ describing aspects of God, such as “the All-Merciful” and “the All-Compassionate”. Allah has the same root as El (Jewish).
Allah translated from Arabic, means God. Id. at 1391. Muslims refer to Allah as the One True God, the God of the People of the Book (Christians, Muslims, Jews, and perhaps Hindus and Shiks). Id. at 105–08.
Allah means the One true God who is the Creator of the Universe;
Allah is ilah, which means ‘a god’. There are countless numbers of made-up ‘gods’, but only One True God worthy of worship, Whose name is Allah. The word ‘Allah’ literally means ‘the worshipped’, or ‘the God’. Allah is, thus, the proper name for the only Being that is worthy of worship in truth, the True Creator of the universe. By saying ‘Allah’, Muslims are, in essence, negating every other entity which people wrongfully worship, while affirming worship to Him alone. The name ‘Allah’ is how God Almighty has referred to Himself in the Quran, and how Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) also referred to Him. Therefore, in this work, the term ‘Allah’ will often be used in reference to this One and Only God Who is worthy of worship.