A modular building unit definition

A modular building unit means a structural unit, or a pre-assembled component unit, including the necessary electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilating and other service systems, manufactured offsite and transported to the point of use for installation or erection, with or without other specified components, as a finished building, and not designed for ready removal to another site.

Examples of A modular building unit in a sentence

  • The rest of the products consisted very small amount of the total exports.

Related to A modular building unit

  • Modular building means, but shall not be limited to, single and multifamily houses, apartment

  • Modular building retailer means any person who purchases or acquires a modular building from a

  • Modular building manufacturer means a person or corporation who owns or operates a

  • Building Square Footage or "BSF" means the square footage of assessable internal living space of a Unit, exclusive of any carports, walkways, garages, overhangs, patios, enclosed patios, detached accessory structure, other structures not used as living space, or any other square footage excluded under Government Code Section 65995 as determined by reference to the Building Permit for such Unit.

  • mixed-use building means a building or structure containing a residential and non- residential use other than a home occupation;

  • Base Building shall include the structural portions of the Building, the public restrooms and the Building mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems and equipment located in the internal core of the Building on the floor or floors on which the Premises are located. Tenant shall promptly provide Landlord with copies of any notices it receives regarding an alleged violation of Law. Tenant shall comply with the rules and regulations of the Building attached as Exhibit E and such other reasonable rules and regulations adopted by Landlord from time to time, including rules and regulations for the performance of Alterations (defined in Section 9).

  • Elevated Building means a non-basement building which has its lowest elevated floor raised above ground level by foundation walls, shear walls, posts, piers, pilings, or columns.

  • Building sewer means the extension from the building drain to the public sewer or other place of disposal.

  • Building Common Areas means with respect to the Tower, the areas, facilities and amenities specified in Schedule [E] which are to be used and enjoyed in common with all the other Apartment Acquirers of the Units in the Building; and

  • Generating Unit means one or more generating equipment combinations typically consisting of prime mover(s), electric generator(s), electric transformer(s), steam generator(s) and air emission control devices.

  • Building system means plans, specifications and documentation for a system of manufactured factory-built structures or buildings or for a type or a system of building components, including but not limited to: structural, electrical, mechanical, fire protection, or plumbing systems, and including such variations thereof as are specifically permitted by regulation, and which variations are submitted as part of the building system or amendment thereof.

  • Building Area means the greatest horizontal area of a building within the outside surface of the exterior walls.

  • Building site means a plot of land held for building purposes, whether any building is actually erected thereupon or not, and includes the open ground or courtyard enclosed by, or adjacent to, any building erected thereupon;

  • Building Energy Benchmarking means the process of measuring a building’s Energy use, tracking that use over time, and comparing performance to similar buildings.

  • Building Systems The mechanical, electrical, plumbing, sanitary, sprinkler, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (“HVAC”), security, life-safety, elevator and other service systems or facilities of the Building up to the point of connection of localized distribution to the Premises.

  • Vacant building means a building that has been vacant and

  • Building, structure, facility, or installation means all of the pollutant-emitting activities which belong to the same industrial grouping, are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and are under the control of the same person (or persons under common control) except the activities of any vessel. Pollutant-emitting activities shall be considered as part of the same industrial grouping if they belong to the same major group (i.e., which have the same two-digit code) as described in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, as amended by the 1977 Supplement (U.S. Government Printing Office stock numbers 4101-0066 and 003-005-00176-0, respectively).

  • Green building strategies means those strategies that minimize the impact of development on the environment, and enhance the health, safety and well-being of residents by producing durable, low-maintenance, resource-efficient housing while making optimum use of existing infrastructure and community services.

  • Building Drain means that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the building sewer, beginning five (5) feet (1.5 meters) outside the inner face of the building wall.

  • Common Area means all areas and facilities within the Project that are not designated by Landlord for the exclusive use of Tenant or any other lessee or other occupant of the Project, including the parking areas, access and perimeter roads, pedestrian sidewalks, landscaped areas, trash enclosures, recreation areas and the like.

  • Office Building (Premises), means a building or premises or part thereof whose sole or principal use is for an office or for office purposes or clerical work. "Office purposes" includes the purpose of administration, clerical work, handling money, telephone, telegraph and computer operation; and "clerical work" includes writing, book-keeping, sorting papers typing, filing, duplicating, punching cards or tapes, machines calculations, drawing of matter for publication and editorial preparation of matter for publication.

  • Building Project means the aggregate combined parcel of land on a portion of which are the improvements of which the Premises form a part, with all the improvements thereon, said improvements being a part of the block and lot for tax purposes which are applicable to the aforesaid land.

  • Qualified building means a building built at least 30 years before the date of application, located within a designated downtown or, village center, or neighborhood development area, which, upon completion of the project supported by the tax credit, will be an income-producing building not used solely as a single-family residence. Churches and other buildings owned by religious organization may be qualified buildings, but in no event shall tax credits be used for religious worship.

  • Operating Unit means, for purposes of this part, primary and constituent operating units designated as such in the Department Order Series of the De- partment of Commerce and, in addi- tion, the Office of the Secretary.

  • Common Areas is defined as all areas and facilities outside the Premises and within the exterior boundary line of the Project and interior utility raceways and installations within the Unit that are provided and designated by the Lessor from time to time for the general non-exclusive use of Lessor, Lessee and other tenants of the Project and their respective employees, suppliers, shippers, customers, contractors and invitees, including parking areas, loading and unloading areas, trash areas, roadways, walkways, driveways and landscaped areas.

  • Qualified buildings means construction of new structures,