Passage. Q19: Will a YES vote increase the deductions on our current paycheck or just re-establish contribution credits to our past social security accruals? A “YES” vote keeps the status quo. Everything remains the same; there are no changes whatsoever. Q20: Once this vote passes, will we need to revisit it again? A successful “YES” vote means we will never have to do this again. Once we have a Section 218 Agreement in place, it is permanent. Q21: Could something else happen during this process that prevents us from participating in Social Security? After a “YES” vote, there are additional processes and verifications that CalPERS and SSA need to go through. However, we have no reason to believe there would be any impediments to the execution of a Section 218 Agreement after a successful vote. FAILURE
Passage. In order to pass, all matters to be voted on by the Life Safety Council will require a simple majority vote for Tier 1 voting, and for Tier 2 voting, a majority vote of at least fifty-one (51) percent is required.
Passage. Upon the Closing, all of the right, title and interest of Seller in and to the Purchased Assets shall pass to Buyer, free of any Encumbrances.
Passage. (i) - The numbness / hardness of heart / desentization that comes with consuming negative media.1 - A generation descensitized and numb, not feel my pain about consuming negative media.
Passage. This relates to the effect of impediments to adult or juvenile migration of spring-run Chinook salmon or steelhead, including dams, culverts, channel dewatering, and other structural and channel modifications. Please describe the location of the passage impediment and describe the extent of impediment (i.e., a complete or partial blockage to migration). Riparian/Floodplain This attribute describes the loss of functionality of the riparian forest/vegetation and the connection of the stream to the floodplain during high water and flooding.
Passage aviation, and cargo aircraft. There is approximately space for 2 air carriers, 2 air taxi, 12 transient GA, and 1 cargo aircraft. The runway is constrained topographically by mountains to the east and the Tongass Narrows to the west. The runway (11/29) is orientated in the only practical configuration, and is designed for use by aircraft with or below an airport reference code (ARC) of C-III (the 737- 200 combi is the predominant C-III aircraft using the facility). The development of a crosswind runway at the existing location or the relocation of the airport would not be practical or feasible due to the surrounding limitations presented by the natural topography. Prior to Ketchikan International Airport’s development, residents flew to the Metlaktla airport and took an air taxi floatplane over to the Ketchikan waterfront. Floatplane aircraft are currently accommodated on the Tongass Narrows at two airport facilities towards the west end of runway 11/29. The first facility provides three transient docking spaces at a cost of five dollars a day. The second facility, according to the Ketchikan International Airport manager, is the largest floatplane dock in southeast Alaska. The dock can accommodate up to 12 Twin Otter aircraft at a time and is used for the loading and unloading of passengers and freight. Additionally, a concrete ramp is located in the area to facilitate removal of floatplanes for maintenance or storage. According to the Ketchikan International Airport manager, floatplane operations average approximately 7,000 annually, nearly one tenth of the operations conducted from the Ketchikan Harbor Seaplane Base (Chehall, August 1999).
Passage. Guard IslandsPoint Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Island North Channel Ketchikan International Airport Bar Harbor Ketchikan Clam Cove West Channel East Channel Revillagigedo Island Not to Scale U.S.C.G. Identified Navigational Restrictions Figure 5 Xxxx Cove Xxxxxxx Island Danger Island Vallenar Point Xxxxxxx Passage Tongass Narrows Aviation Conditions Summary 10/26/99
Passage. A new crossing will be constructed at the current point of diversion to meet neighboring ranch owner’s property access and cattle crossing needs, but impounding of Parks Creek will no longer occur. The new crossing structure is currently in the design phase to provide fish passage for all life stages of salmonids while maintaining a cattle crossing across Parks Creek. This project has funding for the design, environmental review, and permits, which will be completed by early 2019. Implementation money will be pursued once designs are at 65%, with the goal to have it fully constructed in 2019-2021 or 3 to 5 years from the signing of this agreement.
Passage. Employer will be provided free of cost an economy class airfare from working country to Nepal after completion of two yours of service. If the service will extend by the company you will be entitled to get a free return airfare.
Passage. Return Ticket to native country name will provided On completion of the contract