OCCUPATION OF THE PREMISES. 7.1 The Lessor warrants the Lessee’s right to free and undisturbed possession of the premises from the commencement date until termination date: Subject thereto that any delay in taking passion due to actions of the Lessee or the occupant , shall not be regarded as delay on the part of the Lessor.
OCCUPATION OF THE PREMISES. (a) The Licensee shall not sub-let, assign or share possession of the Premises or any other part thereof with any person (other than those holding a similar Licence in respect of other Premises), or shall not permit the Premises, hereby licensed to the Licensee, to be occupied by any person during the Licence Period.
(b) Accommodation is allocated to Licensees for residential occupation only. The accommodation may not be used for the conduct of any business nor can it be used as a business address. Activities that are prohibited include performance rehearsals, meetings, and any practical experiments whether course related or otherwise. This condition does not preclude the resident undertaking administration in relation to recognised University, clubs and societies.
(c) The Licensee shall occupy the Premises assigned by the Licensor during the full Licence Period. A transfer to another premises managed by the Licensor may only be arranged with the permission and at the sole discretion of the Licensor.
(d) If the Licensee wishes to be absent from the Village for any length of time he/she shall, in his/her own interest of safety, inform the Licensor Manager, and leave an address and telephone number at which he/she can be contacted in case of emergency.
(e) This Licence is personal to the Licensee and may not be assigned, sub- licensed or otherwise dealt with, in whole or part, by the Licensee.
(f) The Licensee shall keep the interior of the Premises in a clean and hygienic condition, including all fixtures, fittings and installations therein and shall not damage same. The Licensee shall indemnify the Licensor against all claims arising out of any damage to the Premises.
(g) The Licensee shall hand over the Premises, its fixtures and fittings in good and proper order, and the same condition in which they found it upon the expiry of the License Period, and/or on revocation of the Licence.
(h) All residents are expected to keep Common Areas of the Premises clean and tidy during the Licence Period, especially in circumstances where new arrivals will be arriving. Advance notice, where possible, will be given to existing residents of new arrivals.
(i) The Licensee shall not:
(i) deface the Premises and/or the Village;
(ii) drive nails or drawing pins into the walls or woodwork of the Premises; and
(iii) affix any form of sticky tape or blu tack to plaster or woodwork in the Premises. The Licensee must remove any of the items listed above within twenty four (24) ho...
OCCUPATION OF THE PREMISES. The lessor warrants the lessee’s right to free and undisturbed possession of the premises from the commencement date until termination of this agreement.
OCCUPATION OF THE PREMISES. 6.1 The Landlord shall allow the Tenant to take occupation of the Premises on the date of this Agreement.
6.2 The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord:
6.2.1 a licence fee on and from Rent Commencement Date equal to the Principal Rent; and
6.2.2 a licence fee on and from the date of this Agreement equal to the insurance premiums, which would have been payable by the Tenant if the Lease had been completed and the term granted by the Lease had commenced;
6.2.3 sums at the same times and in the same manner as would have been payable under Clause 6.2 of the Lease if it had been completed and the term granted by it had commenced.
6.3 Any amount paid to the Landlord under Clause 6.2 shall be deducted by the Landlord following the grant of the Lease from the rents or insurance premiums (as the case may be) which would otherwise have been due under the Lease in respect of the same period.
6.4 The Tenant shall occupy the Premises subject to the provisions contained in the Lease and Licence for Fit Out Works as if the Lease and Licence for Fit Out Works had been granted. Each
OCCUPATION OF THE PREMISES. County permits Child Support to occupy Suite 4100 of the Kenton County Government Center located at 0000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxx, Covington , Kentucky, (2,938 square feet) for office use , beginning on January 1, 202 0. Said premises shall also include storage space located in room B007 in the basement (1,018 square feet) for the Child Support to store files.
OCCUPATION OF THE PREMISES. 7.1 The Occupier is not to allow any other person to occupy or use the Premises.
7.2 This licence to occupy granted by this agreement is personal to the Occupier and is not capable of being assigned to any other person and the rights may only be exercised by the Occupier and its employees.
7.3 The Owner shall be entitled at any time on giving not less than 7 days’ notice to require the Occupier to transfer to alternative space elsewhere in the Airport and the Occupier shall comply with such requirement.
OCCUPATION OF THE PREMISES. 2.1 Lessee shall promise to Lessor that the occupation of the Leased Unit shall only be used for purposes stipulated in the Special Terms of this Contract
OCCUPATION OF THE PREMISES. 5.1 The Lessee is to take occupation of the Premises within 7 (Seven) days of the Commencement Date of this Agreement, failing which the Lessor shall have the right without prejudice, to cancel this Agreement with 20 (Twenty) business days written notice and the Lessee will forfeit the deposit paid by the Lessee without detracting from the Lessor’s remaining legal remedies in this Agreement. The Lessee agrees that the forfeiture of such amount is fair and reasonable given the extent of the penalty catered for in 22.5.2 in the cancellation circumstances provided for therein.
5.2 Should the Lessor be unable to give the Lessee possession of the Premises on the Beneficial Occupation Date, the Lessor shall not be liable for any damages (actual, consequential, direct and/or indirect) resulting from being able to give such possession, the Lessee waiving any and all such claims. The rental shall however be reduced pro rata for the period that the Lessor is unable to give possession to the Lessee. Furthermore, the Period for the Agreement shall be extended by the period that the Lessor is unable to give possession of the Premises to the Lessee: the Lessee agrees to such extension and moreover that by virtue of the reduction of the rental for the period that possession is unable to be given by the Lessor, represents a demonstrable financial benefit.
OCCUPATION OF THE PREMISES. 6.1. The Guest’s family and/or other guests (as agreed between the Property Owner and the Guest in advance in writing) shall be entitled to occupy the Premises in addition to the Guest, limited to a maximum of 5 persons in total.
6.2. The Guest undertakes and warrants that he shall require all persons who are permitted to occupy the Premises under this section to comply with all obligations and restrictions which are imposed on the Guest under this agreement.
6.3. The Guest agrees that any damage or breach of this agreement by any person who is permitted to occupy the Premises under this section shall be treated as damage or breach attributable to the Guest and the Guest agrees to indemnify the Property Owner against any such breach or damage.
6.4. Any damage or breach caused by any person who is permitted to occupy the Premises under this section may be rectified by the Property Owner making an appropriate deduction from the Deposit prior to it being refunded.
OCCUPATION OF THE PREMISES. After possession of the said premises delivered to the Purchasers they shall use the same and the Promoters shall not be in any manner whatsoever responsible or liable for any accident or mishap or injury or damage as may be caused to the person or the properties of the Purchaser/s or any member of their family or any servant, worker or representative of the Purchasers while in the said premises or the said building or the compound around it or any part thereof.