MAINTENANCE, USE AND OPERATION. At all times during the Term, at its sole cost and expense, Lessee shall maintain the System in good repair, condition and working order, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Lessee shall use the System and all parts thereof for its designated purpose and in compliance with all applicable laws, shall keep the System in its possession and control and shall not permit the System to be moved from the Installation Site set forth above without Lessor's prior written consent.
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MAINTENANCE, USE AND OPERATION. The words "to the extent such release may be obtained from or through Supplier" are added at the end of the second sentence of Section 4.
MAINTENANCE, USE AND OPERATION. At all times during the Term, Lessee, at its sole cost and expense, shall maintain the System in good repair, condition and working order in accordance with established maintenance procedures such that the System performs in accordance with published specifications, and Lessee shall maintain (and upgrade if necessary) the System at all times within two of the Supplier's latest Product Computing Loads. Lessee shall use the System and all parts thereof for its designated purpose and in compliance with all applicable laws; and shall at all time keep the System in its possession and control and not permit such System to be moved from the Installation Sites, as set forth in the applicable Schedule, without Lessor's prior written consent.
MAINTENANCE, USE AND OPERATION. At all times during the Term, at its sole cost and expense, Lessee shall maintain or cause the System to be maintained in good repair, condition and working order, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Lessee shall use the System and all parts thereof for its designated purpose and in compliance with all applicable laws. Lessee shall keep the System in its possession and control. Lessee may move the System from the Final Installation Site to another site in the United States if Lessee (a) gives Lessor at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of the move including the approximate date of the move and the address of the new Installation Site, (b) executes and delivers to Lessor any UCC financing statement required by Lessor, and (c) executes and delivers to Lessor any other document Lessor believes necessary to protect its interest in the System.
MAINTENANCE, USE AND OPERATION. (a) At all times during the Term, Borrower or any Subsidiary that leases or acquires an interest in any Equipment, at its sole cost and expense, shall maintain the applicable Equipment and System in good repair, condition and working order in accordance with established maintenance procedures such that the System performs in accordance with published specifications, and Borrower or the lessee of Equipment shall maintain (and upgrade if necessary) the Equipment at all times within two of the Supplier's latest Product Computing Loads. Borrower shall, and shall cause any Subsidiary which leases or acquires an interest in any Equipment, to use the Equipment and all parts thereof for its designated purpose and in compliance with all applicable laws and shall at all time keep the Equipment in its possession and control and not permit such Equipment to be moved from the Installation Sites, as set forth in Schedule -------- 8.01, without Lender's prior written consent. ----


  • Maintenance and Operation (a) Lessee, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain, repair and keep each Unit, and cause the Manager under the Management Agreement to maintain, repair and keep each Unit, (i) according to Prudent Industry Practice and in all material respects, in good working order, and in good physical condition for railcars of a similar age and usage, normal wear and tear excepted, (ii) in a manner in all material respects consistent with maintenance practices used by the Manager in respect of railcars owned, leased or managed by the Manager similar in type to such Unit or, with respect to (A) any Equipment subject to an Existing Equipment Sublease that is a Net Sublease, maintenance practices used by the applicable Sublessee in respect of railcars similar in type to such Unit used by such Sublessee on its domestic routes in the United States; (provided further, however that after the return to the Manager of any Unit which was subject to a Net Sublease immediately prior to such return, such Unit shall be maintained and repaired in all material respects in a manner consistent with maintenance practices used by the Manager in respect of railcars owned, leased or managed by the Manager similar in type to such Unit) and (B) any Permitted Sublease that is a Net Sublease entered into after the Closing Date where (x) the long term unsecured debt of the applicable Sublessee is rated at least BBB- by S&P and Baa3 by Xxxxx'x (or at least BBB- by S&P or Baa3 by Xxxxx'x if then rated by only one such rating agency) or similarly rated by any rating agency, (y) the applicable Sublessee is organized under the laws of the United States or any State thereof and (z) the applicable Sublessee is the owner or lessee of at least 250 railcars used primarily on domestic routes in the United States, maintenance practices used by such Sublessee in respect of railcars similar in type to such Unit, (iii) in accordance with all manufacturer's warranties in effect but only to the extent that the lack of compliance therewith would reasonably be expected to adversely affect the coverage thereunder and in accordance with all applicable provisions, if any, of insurance policies required to be maintained pursuant to Section 12 and (iv) in compliance in all material respects with any applicable laws and regulations from time to time in effect, including, without limitation, the Field Manual of the AAR, FRA rules and regulations and Interchange Rules as they apply to the maintenance and operation of the Units in interchange regardless of upon whom such applicable laws and regulations are nominally imposed; provided, however, that, so long as the Manager or, with respect to any Equipment subject to an Existing Equipment Sublease which is a Net Sublease, the applicable Sublessee, as applicable, is similarly contesting such law or regulation with respect to all other similar equipment owned or operated by Manager or, with respect to any Equipment subject to an Existing Equipment Sublease which is a Net Sublease, the applicable Sublessee, as applicable, Lessee (or such Sublessee) may, in good faith and by appropriate proceedings diligently conducted, contest the validity or application of any such standard, rule or regulation in any manner that does not (w) materially interfere with the use, possession, operation or return of any of the Units, (x) materially adversely affect the rights or interests of Lessor, Policy Provider or the Indenture Trustee in the Units or hereunder, (y) expose Lessor, Policy Provider or the Indenture Trustee to criminal sanctions or (z) violate any maintenance requirements contained in any insurance policy required to be maintained by the Lessee under this Lease or the Collateral Agency Agreement if such violation would reasonably be expected to adversely affect the coverage thereunder; provided further, that Lessee shall promptly notify Lessor, Policy Provider and Indenture Trustee in reasonable detail of any such contest. In no event shall Lessee discriminate in any material respect as to the use or maintenance of any Unit (including the periodicity of maintenance or recordkeeping in respect of such Unit) as compared to equipment of a similar nature which the Manager owns or manages. Lessee will maintain all records, logs and other materials required by relevant industry standards or any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Units required to be maintained in respect of any Unit, all as if Lessee were the owner of such Units, regardless of whether any such requirements, by their terms, are nominally imposed on Lessee, Lessor or Owner Participant.

  • Use and Operation You may enter upon my premises and take possession of all or any part of my property for the purpose of preserving the Property or its value, so long as you do not breach the peace. You may use and operate my property for the length of time you feel is necessary to protect your interest, all without payment or compensation to me.

  • System Maintenance The Trust understands that USBFS will perform periodic maintenance to the System(s), which may cause temporary service interruptions. To the extent possible, USBFS shall notify the Trust of all planned outages and will perform any necessary maintenance during non-business hours.

  • Repairs; Maintenance and Compliance Borrower shall at all times maintain, preserve and protect all franchises and trade names, and Borrower shall cause the Property to be maintained in a good and safe condition and repair and shall not remove, demolish or alter the Improvements or Equipment (except for alterations performed in accordance with Section 5.4.2 below and normal replacement of Equipment with Equipment of equivalent value and functionality). Borrower shall promptly comply with all Legal Requirements and immediately cure properly any violation of a Legal Requirement. Borrower shall notify Lender in writing within two (2) Business Days after Borrower first receives notice of any such non-compliance. Borrower shall promptly repair, replace or rebuild any part of the Property that becomes damaged, worn or dilapidated and shall complete and pay for any Improvements at any time in the process of construction or repair.

  • Operation and Maintenance Throughout the period prior to any Termination of NAI’s Work, NAI must operate and maintain the Property in a good and workmanlike manner and in compliance with Applicable Laws in all material respects and pay or cause to be paid all fees or charges of any kind in connection therewith. (If NAI does not promptly correct any failure of the Property to comply with Applicable Laws that is the subject of a written complaint or demand for corrective action given by any Governmental Authority to NAI, or to BNPPLC and forwarded by it to NAI, then for purposes of the preceding sentence, NAI will be considered not to have maintained the Property “in compliance with all Applicable Laws in all material respects” whether or not the noncompliance would be material in the absence of the complaint or demand.) NAI must not use or occupy, or allow the use or occupancy of, the Property in any manner which violates any Applicable Law or which constitutes a public or private nuisance or which makes void, voidable or cancelable any insurance then in force with respect thereto. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, NAI must not conduct or permit others to conduct Hazardous Substance Activities on the Property, except Permitted Hazardous Substance Use and Remedial Work; and NAI must not discharge or permit the discharge of anything (including Permitted Hazardous Substances) on or from the Property that would require any permit under applicable Environmental Laws, other than (1) storm water runoff, (2) fume hood emissions, (3) waste water discharges through a publicly owned treatment works, (4) discharges that are a necessary part of any Remedial Work, and (5) other similar discharges consistent with the definition of Permitted Hazardous Substance Use which do not significantly increase the risk of Environmental Losses to BNPPLC, in each case in strict compliance with Environmental Laws. To the extent that any of the following would, individually or in the aggregate, increase the likelihood of a 97-10/Meltdown Event or materially and adversely affect the value of the Property or the use of the Property for purposes permitted by this Agreement, NAI must not, without BNPPLC’s prior consent: (i) initiate or permit any zoning reclassification of the Property; (ii) seek any variance under existing zoning ordinances applicable to the Property; (iii) use or permit the use of the Property in a manner that would result in such use becoming a nonconforming use under applicable zoning ordinances or similar laws, rules or regulations; (iv) execute or file any subdivision plat affecting the Property; or (v) consent to the annexation of the Property to any municipality. NAI will not cause or permit any drilling or exploration for, or extraction, removal or production of, minerals from the surface or subsurface of the Property, and NAI must not do anything that could reasonably be expected to significantly reduce the market value of the Property. If NAI receives a notice or claim from any federal, state or other governmental authority that the Property is not in compliance with any Applicable Law, or that any action may be taken against BNPPLC because the Property does not comply with any Applicable Law, NAI must promptly furnish a copy of such notice or claim to BNPPLC.

  • USE AND MAINTENANCE Except as may be otherwise specified on any Schedule, (a) Lessee shall (1) use the Equipment solely in the continental United States and in the conduct of its business, for the purpose for which the Equipment was designed, in a careful and proper manner, and shall not permanently discontinue use of the Equipment; (2) operate, maintain, service and repair the Equipment, and maintain all records and other materials relating thereto, (A) in accordance and consistent with (i) all maintenance and operating manuals or service agreements, whenever furnished or entered into, including any subsequent amendments or replacements thereof, issued by the supplier or service provider, (ii) the requirements of all applicable insurance policies, (iii) manufacturer’s recommendations, (iv) the original purchase agreement under which such Equipment was acquired, so as to preserve all of Lessee’s and Lessor’s rights thereunder, including all rights to any warranties, indemnities or other rights or remedies, as and if applicable, (v) all applicable laws, and (vi) the prudent practice of other similar companies in the same business as Lessee, but in any event, to no lesser standard than that employed by Lessee for comparable equipment owned or leased by it; and (B) without limiting the foregoing, so as to cause the Equipment to be in good repair and operating condition and in at least the same condition as when delivered to Lessee hereunder, except for ordinary wear and tear resulting despite Lessee's full compliance with the terms hereof; (3) provide written notice to Lessor not less than thirty (30) days after any change of the location of any Equipment (or the location of the principal garage of any Equipment, to the extent that such Equipment is mobile equipment) as specified in the Schedule; and (4) not attach or incorporate the Equipment into any property except for other Equipment in such a manner that the Equipment may be deemed to have become an accession to or a part of such other property. (b) Within a reasonable time, Lessee will replace any parts of the Equipment which become worn out, lost, destroyed, damaged beyond repair or otherwise unfit for use, by new or reconditioned replacement parts which are free and clear of all Liens and have a value, utility and remaining useful life at least equal to the parts replaced (assuming that they were in the condition required by this Lease). Any modification or addition to the Equipment that is required by this Lease shall be made by Lessee. An interest in all such parts, modifications and additions to the Equipment immediately shall vest in Lessor, without any further action by Lessor or any other person, and they shall be deemed incorporated in the Equipment for all purposes of the related Schedule. Unless replaced in accordance with this Section, Lessee shall not remove any parts originally or from time to time attached to the Equipment, if such parts are essential to the operation of the Equipment, are required by any other provision of this Lease or cannot be detached from the Equipment without interfering with the operation of the Equipment or adversely affecting the value, utility and remaining useful life which the Equipment would have had without the addition of such parts. Except as permitted in this Section, Lessee shall not make any material alterations to the Equipment. (c) Lessee shall afford Lessor and/or its designated representatives immediate access to the premises where the Equipment is located for the purpose of inspecting and appraising such Equipment and all applicable maintenance or other records relating thereto at any time during normal business hours, at Lessee’s sole cost and expense. If any discrepancies are found as they pertain to the general condition of the Equipment, Lessor will communicate these discrepancies to Lessee in writing. Lessee shall then have thirty (30) days to rectify these discrepancies at its sole expense. Lessee shall pay all expenses of a re-inspection by Lessor’s appointed representative, including travel costs.

  • Management and Operations OF LLC Section 2.01 Power and Authority of Members ........................................ 9 Section 2.02 Power and Authority of Directors....................................... 9 Section 2.03 Directors: Meetings, Committees, and Delegation....................... 10 Section 2.04 Compensation of the Directors ......................................... 15 Section 2.05 Officers .............................................................. 15 Section 2.06

  • TENANT MAINTENANCE Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep and maintain the Premises (including appurtenances) and every part thereof in a good standard of maintenance and repair, or replacement, and in good and sanitary condition and repair. Tenant’s maintenance, repair and replacement responsibilities herein referred to include, but are not limited to, janitorization, all windows (interior and exterior), window frames, plate glass and glazing (destroyed by accident or act of third parties), truck doors, plumbing systems (such as water and drain lines, sinks, toilets, faucets, drains, showers and water fountains), electrical systems (such as panels, conduits, outlets, lighting fixtures, lamps, bulbs, tubes and ballasts), heating and air conditioning systems (such as compressors, fans, air handlers, ducts, mixing boxes, thermostats, time clocks, boilers, heaters, supply and return grills), structural elements and exterior surfaces of the Building, store fronts, roofs, downspouts, all interior improvements within the Premises including but not limited to wall coverings, window coverings, carpet, floor coverings, partitioning, ceilings, doors (both interior and exterior), including closing mechanisms, latches and locks, skylights (if any), automatic fire extinguishing systems, and elevators and all other interior improvements of any nature whatsoever, and all exterior improvements including but not limited to landscaping, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots including striping and sealing, sprinkler systems, lighting, ponds, fountains, waterways, and drains. Tenant shall be required to have the HVAC system serviced by a licensed HVAC contractor (approved by Landlord) at the earlier frequency of (a) the periodic servicing recommended by the manufacturer of such equipment in its written maintenance specifications or (b) semiannually throughout the Term of the Lease, and shall submit to Landlord copies of all related service reports within thirty (30) days of receipt and any repairs reports if requested by Landlord. Furthermore, Tenant shall inform Landlord in writing of the periodic service recommendations by the respective manufacturer within thirty (30) days of Tenant’s receipt of such information. Areas of excessive wear shall be replaced at Tenant’s sole expense upon Lease termination. Tenant hereby waives all rights under, and benefits of, Subsection 1 of Section 1932 and Section 1941 and 1942 of the California Civil Code and under any similar law, statute or ordinance now or hereafter in effect. Tenant understands and acknowledges that this Lease shall be deemed and construed to be a “triple net lease” and during the Initial Term, and any Extended Term(s), of this Lease Tenant shall pay Landlord, the Rent and other payments due hereunder, free of any charges, assessments, impositions, expenses or deductions of any kind and without abatement, deduction or setoff unless otherwise expressly provided in this Lease, and Landlord shall not be expected or required as a result of the relationship between Landlord and Tenant created by this Lease, to be obligated to make any payment to or on behalf of Tenant or be under any other obligation to Tenant hereunder except to the extent specifically provided in this Lease, and Tenant agrees to pay all costs and expenses of every kind which may arise or become due from Tenant under the provisions of this Lease during the Initial Term and any Extended Term(s). Except as expressly provided in this Lease or the Construction Agreement, Landlord shall not be liable and/or responsible under the provisions of this Lease for contributing any money for any maintenance, repairs and/or replacement of the Premises or any part thereof and as to the maintenance, repairs or replacement obligations of Tenant under this Lease, Tenant waives any and all rights it might otherwise have to assert that such expenditure is more appropriately a Landlord expenditure which should be treated as a capital expenditure and/or to be amortized as an item of Additional Rent hereunder. For example, if during the Lease Term (including any Extended Term(s)), a portion or the entire roof membrane and/or HVAC system needs to be repaired or replaced, such expenditure shall not be treated as a capital expenditure to be borne by Landlord, but rather Tenant shall be responsible, upon such occurrence, for bearing the entire cost for such repair and/or replacement. By placing their initials below, both parties acknowledge their understanding and their agreement with the provisions of this Paragraph 8. Initials: DWD Initials: JA Tenant Landlord

  • Use; Maintenance Borrower shall keep and maintain all items of equipment and other similar types of personal property that form any significant portion or portions of the Collateral in good operating condition and repair and shall make all necessary replacements thereof and renewals thereto so that the value and operating efficiency thereof shall at all times be maintained and preserved. Borrower shall not permit any such material item of Collateral to become a fixture to real estate or an accession to other personal property, without the prior written consent of Lender. Borrower shall not permit any such material item of Collateral to be operated or maintained in violation of any applicable law, statute, rule or regulation. With respect to items of leased equipment (to the extent Lender has any security interest in any residual Borrower’s interest in such equipment under the lease), Borrower shall keep, maintain, repair, replace and operate such leased equipment in accordance with the terms of the applicable lease.

  • Property Maintenance Maintain all of its property that is necessary to or useful in the proper conduct of its business in good working condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted.

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