Informative definition

Informative means that people learn about products or characteristics through advertisements, but whithout changing preferences (ads are not persuasive). In the literature, many other effects of advertisements on consumers are considered, most recently in the field of behavorial economics. For an overview on the economics of advertising, see Bagwell (2007).
Informative. This status means that the vulnerabilities identified in the report are only a non-critical bug and the User can only be awarded the corresponding points without paying a reward.

Examples of Informative in a sentence

  • Appendix 1: Informative lists of batteries and accumulators and the amounts of the Recycling Fees from 01/02/2010 on, until today Appendix 2: Identification Form Appendix 3: Simplified Declaration Form Appendix 4: Communication form for commissioned foreign suppliers Appendix 5: General Conditions for reimbursement of the recycling fees Agreement established in , on The number of copies issued is equal to the number of parties.

  • Informative materials intended to be distributed by the Provider or its subcontractors through written or other media to Medicaid eligibles or the broader community pursuant to this Agreement that describe the availability of covered services and supports and how to access those supports shall meet the standards required of the Payor under the MDHHS/PIHP Contract (Part II(A) Section 6.3.2; Information Requirements).

  • Informative actions, studies, needs-based assessments, conferences and training sessions represent many of the activities reported, aimed at providing explanations and spreading a deep understanding of the core meaning of the text of the European Social Partners’ Framework Agreement.

  • Key words to consider when composing messages are: • Engaging • Conversational • Informative • Friendly (on certain platforms, e.g. Facebook) Use of images School use of images can be assumed to be acceptable, providing the following guidelines are strictly adhered to.

  • Xxxxxxx, 1984, Informative Advertising with Differentiated Products, Review of Economic Studies 51, 63-82.

  • Informative about relevant education programs offered in house by the Hospital will be made available through the Employer’s Intranet Service and by posting notices on appropriate bulletin boards at least two months in advance if possible.

  • Informative meetings would occur between representatives from all the parties at all levels but this would be more frequent for partner representatives at the project manager and officer levels.

  • Metric #18: Informative Reporting Security Guards provide information in their reports (Answering question: How informative is the reporting of the Security Guards?) The Contractor shall conduct Quarterly surveys with the Agency Contacts at each serviced site.

  • Table 4 Cause Values A Informative Annex – Bundle Link Protocol State Machine The purpose of this annex is to provide one example of a state machine representation of the bundle link procedures, to assist in the understanding of this agreement.

  • APPENDIX A (Informative): List of Contributors Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xage Security Xxxxx, Xxxx XxxXxxx Power, an EnerSys Company Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxx (Editor) Wivity Inc.

Related to Informative

  • Information Regulator means the Information Regulator as established in terms of Section 39 of POPIA;

  • Information has the meaning specified in Section 10.07.

  • Informant means an individual(s), who voluntarily submits to the Board a Voluntary Information Disclosure Form relating to an alleged violation of insider trading laws that has occurred, is occurring or has a reasonable belief that it is about to occur, in a manner provided under these regulations, regardless of whether such individual(s) satisfies the requirements, procedures and conditions to qualify for a reward;

  • voting information means postal voting information and/or e-voting information 1.2 Other expressions used in these rules and in Schedule 7 to the NHS Act 2006 have the same meaning in these rules as in that Schedule.

  • Information Resources means any and all computer printouts, online display devices, mass storage media, and all computer-related activities involving any device capable of receiving email, browsing Web sites, or otherwise capable of receiving, storing, managing, or transmitting Data including, but not limited to, mainframes, servers, Network Infrastructure, personal computers, notebook computers, hand-held computers, personal digital assistant (PDA), pagers, distributed processing systems, network attached and computer controlled medical and laboratory equipment (i.e. embedded technology), telecommunication resources, network environments, telephones, fax machines, printers and service bureaus. Additionally, it is the procedures, equipment, facilities, software, and Data that are designed, built, operated, and maintained to create, collect, record, process, store, retrieve, display, and transmit information.

  • Listing Information means an Onvoy Customer’s primary name, address (including city, state and zip code), telephone number(s), the delivery address and number of directories to be delivered, and, in the case of a business Customer, the primary business heading under which the business Customer desires to be placed, and any other information Frontier deems necessary for the publication and delivery of directories.

  • Private information means **personal information in combination with any one or more of the following data elements, when either the personal information or the data element is not encrypted or encrypted with an encryption key that has also been acquired:

  • Transparency Information means the content of this Contract in its entirety, including from time to time agreed changes to the Contract, and details of any payments made by the Authority to the Contractor under the Contract;

  • Disseminate when referring to a notice or other information to be sent by the Depositary to Owners, shall mean (i) sending that information to Owners in paper form by mail or another means or (ii) with the consent of Owners, another procedure that has the effect of making the information available to Owners, which may include (A) sending the information by electronic mail or electronic messaging or (B) sending in paper form or by electronic mail or messaging a statement that the information is available and may be accessed by the Owner on an Internet website and that it will be sent in paper form upon request by the Owner, when that information is so available and is sent in paper form as promptly as practicable upon request.

  • Information Materials has the meaning given that term in Section 9.6.

  • Information owner means the individual appointed in accordance with division (A) of section 1347.05 of the Revised Code to be directly responsible for a system.

  • Program Information is defined in Section 13.8(a)(i).

  • Keeping information confidential means using discretion in disclosing information as well as guarding against unlawful or inappropriate access by others. This includes:

  • User Information means User Compliance Information and User Financial Information.

  • Inside Information means any information relating to any Competition or Event that a Participant possesses by virtue of his position within the sport. Such information includes, but is not limited to, factual information regarding the competitors, the conditions, tactical considerations or any other aspect of the Competition or Event, but does not include such information that is already published or a matter of public record, readily acquired by an interested member of the public or disclosed according to the rules and regulations governing the relevant Competition or Event;

  • information folder means the complete folder, including the information document, file, data, drawings, photographs, and so on, supplied by the applicant, it being permissible to supply the information folder in the form of an electronic file;

  • Member Information means the share, deposit, loan account balances, or other information related to any member of a domestic credit union maintained in any form.

  • Informality means a minor defect or variation of a bid or proposal from the exact requirements of

  • Staffing Information in relation to all persons identified on the Supplier's Provisional Supplier Personnel List or Supplier's Final Supplier Personnel List, as the case may be, such information as the Department may reasonably request (subject to all applicable provisions of the DPA), but including in an anonymised format: (a) their ages, dates of commencement of employment or engagement, gender and place of work; (b) details of whether they are employed, self employed contractors or consultants, agency workers or otherwise; (c) the identity of the employer or relevant contracting Party; (d) their relevant contractual notice periods and any other terms relating to termination of employment, including redundancy procedures, and redundancy payments; (e) their wages, salaries, bonuses and profit sharing arrangements as applicable; (f) details of other employment-related benefits, including (without limitation) medical insurance, life assurance, pension or other retirement benefit schemes, share option schemes and company car schedules applicable to them; (g) any outstanding or potential contractual, statutory or other liabilities in respect of such individuals (including in respect of personal injury claims); (h) details of any such individuals on long term sickness absence, parental leave, maternity leave or other authorised long term absence; (i) copies of all relevant documents and materials relating to such information, including copies of relevant Agreements of employment (or relevant standard Agreements if applied generally in respect of such employees); and (j) any other “employee liability information” as such term is defined in regulation 11 of the Employment Regulations;

  • Information Provider means the person or organisation providing the Information under this licence.

  • Contact Information means information to enable an individual at a place of business to be contacted and includes the name, position name or title, business telephone number, business address, business email or business fax number of the individual;

  • Dissemination means any transfer of information, whether orally, in writing, or by electronic

  • Authority's Confidential Information means all Personal Data and any information, however it is conveyed, that relates to the business, affairs, developments, trade secrets, know-how, personnel, and suppliers of the Authority, including all IPRs, together with all information derived from any of the above, and any other information clearly designated as being confidential (whether or not it is marked "confidential") or which ought reasonably be considered to be confidential;

  • Market Information means an electronic document (also available in paper form upon request) located on the Trading Platform which sets out the commercial details for each Market, including but not limited to: Margin Factors, the minimum and maximum Quantity and Our Spread. In the event you elect to use a third party hosting or trading application (for example, MetaTrader), information specific to such third party hosting or trading application located on the Website shall supplement the Market Information; however, to the extent there are any inconsistencies the Market Information will prevail. Note that certain components of Market Information may not be available via a mobile application and must be accessed via desktop.

  • Patient identifying information means an insured's address, telephone number, facsimile number, electronic mail address, photograph or likeness, employer, employment status, social security number, or any other information that is likely to lead to the identification of the insured.