ELISA Sample Clauses

ELISA. For glycolipids, polysorp microtitration plates (Nunc, Denmark) were coated with 0.3% (IgG4 and IgE) or 0.05% (IgG) of the ceramide containing lipid fraction derived from 4 grams of worm, dissolved in methanol. Each well was coated either with 25 μl of lipid in methanol or with methanol only as a control, and the plates were air-dried overnight at room temperature. For proteins, maxisorp microtitration plates (Nunc, Denmark) were coated overnight at room temperature with 100 μl 5 μg/ml (for IgG4 and IgE) and
AutoNDA by SimpleDocs
ELISA. Concentrations of IL-6, IL-8, FGF2, thymus- and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) and VEGF in cell culture supernatants were measured by enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (all purchased from PeproTech, London) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The standard curves for human IL- 8, VEGF, IL-6 and FGF2 ranged from 16-2000 pg/ml, 16-1000 pg/ml, 32-2000 pg/ml and 63-4000 pg/ml respectively. The individual assays were reported to show no cross-reactivity. A summary of an ELISA protocol is outlined here: A 96-well plate was incubated overnight with the capture antibody at 0.5 µg/ml in PBS (pH 7.20 in sterile water), and subsequently blocked with PBS containing 1 % BSA (R&D Systems). After washing the plate with PBS buffer containing 0.05 % Tween-20 (R&D Systems), appropriate dilutions of samples and standards were added, incubated for 2 hours at room temperature, washed, and incubated with a detection antibody for 2 hours at room temperature. After washing, streptavidin-HRP conjugate (1:200; R&D Systems) was added. Finally, ABTS substrate (100 μl) (R&D Systems) was added. The reaction was stopped with 2 N H2SO4 (R&D Systems), 50 μl per well. The plate was read on an ELISA plate- reader at an optical density (OD) of 450 nm with wavelength correction set at 650 nm.
ELISA. Many immunological tests for schistosomiasis infection focus on the identification of circulating cathodic antigen (CCA) and/or circulating anodic antigen (CAA). Both substances are antigens in the adult worm gut and are released into the host blood stream (Xxxxxxx et al., 1991). However, they are relatively quickly eliminated so that their presence in mummified remains is indicative of infection at the time of death. Because the concentration of antigens in a tissue sample is largely dependent upon the number of schistosomes in the individual (Xxxxx et al., 1995; Xxx Xxxxxxxx et al., 1995a), antigen concentrations will serve as a biomarker of infection intensity. CCA levels in human serum have been shown to correlate well with egg counts in repeated samplings (Xxx Xxxxxxxx et al. 1995). This suggests CCA levels provide an accurate reflection of current worm burden (Xxxxxx et al., 2001). As circulating antigen levels show less day to day variability, they provide a more quantitatively stable measure of infection intensity than egg count (Xxxxxx et al., 1998). However, the level of antigens detected in mummified tissues is largely dependent upon the vascularization of the tissues. Hence, measurement of CCA from well vascularized tissue samples would suggest higher intensity infections than less vascularized tissue samples from individuals with similar intensity of infection. Comparison of infection intensity based on antigen concentration between individuals would therefore be dependent upon the ability to obtain tissue samples of known anatomical source and similar vascularization. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to detect biotinylated
ELISA. Human insulin growth factor binding protein (IGFBP) 3 and human insulin growth factor binding protein 5 (R&D Systems; Minneapolis, MN) were used according to the manufacturer’s directions. Briefly, sample media was incubated in either IGFBP3 or IGFBP5 antibody-coated microplates for 2 hours, then washed and incubated with appropriate antibody conjugated to horseradish peroxidase for 1 hour. After washing, plates were incubated with color reagent (hydrogen peroxide–chromogen mix) for 30 minutes. Optical density of each well was determined using a microplate reader set to 450 nm. The concentrations were calculated according to the standards supplied with the kit by creating a four parameter logistic curve-fit. Samples were run in triplicate, and experiments were repeated 3 times with reproducible results.

Related to ELISA

  • Záznamy The Institution and the Investigator shall maintain accurate, complete and current records of all Study Data, including the Case Report Forms (or equivalent electronic data), relevant source documents and any other essential documents or materials as required by the Protocol, the Applicable Regulatory Requirements and PSI’s and the Sponsor’s instructions (collectively the "Records"). The Institution and the Investigator shall keep all the Records in a safe and secure location for the period required by the Applicable Regulatory Requirements, or for a period of fifteen (15) years following the completion of the Study, whichever is longer. The Institution and/or the Investigator may destroy the Records at the end of the Records keeping period on the condition that the Institution and/or the Investigator sends written notice to the Sponsor at least sixty (60) days prior to the date deletion/disposal will occur, and, if requested by the Sponsor, cooperates with the Sponsor in extending the Record keeping period or shipping the Records to another facility for storage, at the Sponsor’s reasonable expense. Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející povedou přesné, úplné a aktuální záznamy o všech Studijních údajích, které budou zahrnovat Záznamy subjektů hodnocení (nebo odpovídající údaje v elektronické podobě), příslušné zdrojové dokumenty a jakékoli další nezbytné dokumenty nebo materiály dle požadavků Protokolu, Platných regulačních požadavků a pokynů PSI a Zadavatele (dále jen „Záznamy“). Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející budou Záznamy uchovávat na bezpečném a zabezpečením místě xx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx regulačními požadavky nebo po dobu patnácti (15) let od dokončení Studie (kterákoli doba bude delší). Zdravotnické zařízení a/nebo Hlavní zkoušející mohou Záznamy po uplynutí lhůty pro uchovávání Záznamů zlikvidovat za podmínky, že Zdravotnické zařízení a/nebo Hlavní zkoušející zašlou Zadavateli oznámení alespoň šedesát (60) dnů před datem vymazání/likvidace Záznamů a na žádost Zadavatele s ním budou spolupracovat na prodloužení lhůty pro uchovávání Záznamů nebo zaslání Záznamů do jiného zařízení, kde budou uloženy, a to na přiměřené náklady Zadavatele.

  • Legionella Legionella means any discharge release or escape of legionella or other airborne pathogens from water tanks, water systems, air-conditioning plants, cooling towers and the like.

  • Prosthodontics We Cover prosthodontic services as follows: • Removable complete or partial dentures, for Members 15 years of age and above, including six (6) months follow-up care; • Additional services including insertion of identification slips, repairs, relines and rebases and treatment of cleft palate; and • Interim prosthesis for Members five (5) to 15 years of age. We do not Cover implants or implant related services. Fixed bridges are not Covered unless they are required: • For replacement of a single upper anterior (central/lateral incisor or cuspid) in a patient with an otherwise full complement of natural, functional and/or restored teeth; • For cleft palate stabilization; or • Due to the presence of any neurologic or physiologic condition that would preclude the placement of a removable prosthesis, as demonstrated by medical documentation.

  • Sincerely, s/ Xxxx Xxxxx ---------------------------------------- Xxxx Xxxxx Senior Vice President ING Investors Trust ING Mutual Funds ING Variable Insurance Trust ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO: The Bank of New York By: /s/ Xxxxxx X. XxXxxx --------------------------------- Name: Xxxxxx X. XxXxxx Title: Managing Director, Duly Authorized 0000 X. Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx. Tel: 000-000-0000 ING Investors Trust Scottsdale, AZ 00000-0000 Fax: 000-000-0000 ING Mutual Funds xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx ING Variable Insurance Trust AMENDED EXHIBIT A FUND EFFECTIVE DATE ---- ------------------ ING CORPORATE LEADERS TRUST FUND ING Corporate Leaders Trust - Series A May 17, 2004 ING Corporate Leaders Trust - Series B May 17, 2004 ING EQUITY TRUST ING Convertible Fund June 9, 2003 ING Disciplined LargeCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING Financial Services Fund June 9, 2003 ING Fundamental Research Fund December 28, 2005 ING LargeCap Growth Fund June 9, 2003 ING LargeCap Value Fund February 1, 2004 ING MidCap Opportunities Fund June 9, 2003 ING MidCap Value Choice Fund February 1, 2005 ING MidCap Value Fund June 9, 2003 ING Opportunistic LargeCap Fund December 28, 2005 ING Principal Protection Fund June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund II June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund III June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund IV June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund V June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund VI June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund VII May 1, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund VIII October 1, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund IX February 2, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund X May 3, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund XI August 16, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund XII November 15, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund XIII TBD ING Principal Protection Fund XIV TBD ING Real Estate Fund June 9, 2003 ING SmallCap Opportunities Fund June 9, 2003 ING SmallCap Value Choice Fund February 1, 2005 ING SmallCap Value Fund June 9, 2003 ING FUNDS TRUST ING Classic Money Market Fund April 7, 2003 ING GNMA Income Fund April 7, 2003 ING High Yield Bond Fund April 7, 2003 ING Institutional Prime Money Market Fund July 29, 2005 ING Intermediate Bond Fund April 7, 2003 ING National Tax-Exempt Bond Fund April 7, 2003 ING GET FUND ING GET Fund - Series N July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series P July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series Q July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series R July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series S July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series T July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series U July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series V March 13, 2003 ING GLOBAL EQUITY DIVIDEND AND PREMIUM OPPORTUNITY FUND March 28, 2005 ING GLOBAL ADVANTAGE AND PREMIUM OPPORTUNITY FUND October 27, 2005 ING INVESTMENT FUNDS, INC. ING MagnaCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING INVESTORS TRUST ING AllianceBernstein Mid Cap Growth Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING American Funds Growth Portfolio September 2, 2003 ING American Funds Growth-Income Portfolio September 2, 2003 ING American Funds International Portfolio September 2, 2003 ING Capital Guardian Small/Mid Cap Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Capital Guardian U.S. Equities Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Disciplined Small Cap Value Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Eagle Asset Capital Appreciation Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING EquitiesPlus Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Evergreen Health Sciences Portfolio May 3, 2004 ING Evergreen Omega Portfolio May 3, 2004 ING FMR(SM) Diversified Mid Cap Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING FMR(SM) Earnings Growth Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING FMR(SM) Equity Income Portfolio July 17, 2006 ING Franklin Income Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Global Real Estate Portfolio January 3, 2006 ING Global Resources Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Tollkeeper(SM) Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING International Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Janus Contrarian Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING JPMorgan Small Cap Equity Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING JPMorgan Value Opportunities Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Xxxxxx Xxxx Foreign Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Partners All Cap Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Value Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING LifeStyle Aggressive Growth Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING LifeStyle Growth Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING LifeStyle Moderate Growth Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING LifeStyle Moderate Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Liquid Assets Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Lord Xxxxxx Affiliated Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING MarketPro Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING MarketStyle Growth Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING MarketStyle Moderate Growth Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING MarketStyle Moderate Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING Xxxxxxx Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxxxxx International Opportunities Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Mercury Large Cap Growth Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Mercury Large Cap Value Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING MFS Mid Cap Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING MFS Total Return Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING MFS Utilities Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxxxx Main Street Portfolio(R) January 13, 2003 ING PIMCO Core Bond Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING PIMCO High Yield Portfolio November 5, 2003 ING Pioneer Equity Income Portfolio July 17, 2006 ING Pioneer Fund Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Pioneer Mid Cap Value Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Stock Index Portfolio November 5, 2003 ING X. Xxxx Price Capital Appreciation Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING X. Xxxx Price Equity Income Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxxxxxxx Global Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING UBS U.S. Allocation Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Equity Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Global Franchise Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Growth and Income Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Real Estate Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING VP Index Plus International Equity Portfolio July 29, 2005 ING Xxxxx Fargo Mid Cap Disciplined Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Xxxxx Fargo Small Cap Disciplined Portfolio November 30, 2005 ING MAYFLOWER TRUST ING International Value Fund November 3, 2003 ING MUTUAL FUNDS ING Diversified International Fund December 7, 2005 ING Emerging Countries Fund November 3, 2003 ING Emerging Markets Fixed Income Fund December 7, 2005 ING Foreign Fund July 1, 2003 ING Global Bond Fund June 19, 2006 ING Global Equity Dividend Fund September 2, 2003 ING Global Real Estate Fund November 3, 2003 ING Global Value Choice Fund November 3, 2003 ING Greater China Fund December 7, 2005 ING Index Plus International Equity Fund December 7, 2005 ING International Capital Appreciation Fund December 7, 2005 ING International Fund November 3, 2003 ING International Real Estate Fund February 28, 2006 ING International SmallCap Fund November 3, 2003 ING International Value Choice Fund February 1, 2005 ING Precious Metals Fund November 3, 2003 ING Russia Fund November 3, 2003 ING PARTNERS, INC. ING American Century Large Company Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING American Century Select Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING American Century Small-Mid Cap Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Baron Asset Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING Baron Small Cap Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Columbia Small Cap Value II Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Xxxxx Venture Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Contrafund(R) Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Equity-Income Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Growth Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Mid Cap Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fundamental Research Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxx Xxxxx(R) Capital Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxx Xxxxx(R) Structured Equity Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING JPMorgan International Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING JPMorgan Mid Cap Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Partners Aggressive Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Partners Large Cap Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Lord Xxxxxx U.S. Government Securities Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING MFS Capital Opportunities Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Partners Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Regency Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING OpCap Balanced Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxxxx Global Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxxxx Strategic Income Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING PIMCO Total Return Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Pioneer High Yield Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING Solution 2015 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution 2025 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution 2035 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution 2045 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution Income Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING X. Xxxx Price Diversified Mid Cap Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING X. Xxxx Price Growth Equity Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxx Foreign Equity Portfolio November 30, 2005 ING UBS U.S. Large Cap Equity Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Equity and Income Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING SERIES FUND, INC. Brokerage Cash Reserves June 2, 2003 ING 130/30 Fundamental Research Fund April 28, 2006 ING Aeltus Money Market Fund June 2, 2003 ING Balanced Fund June 2, 2003 ING Equity Income Fund June 9, 2003 ING Global Science and Technology Fund June 2, 2003 ING Growth Fund June 9, 2003 ING Index Plus LargeCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING Index Plus MidCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING Index Plus SmallCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING International Growth Fund November 3, 2003 ING Small Company Fund June 9, 2003 ING Strategic Allocation Conservative Fund June 2, 2003 ING Strategic Allocation Growth Fund June 2, 2003 ING Strategic Allocation Moderate Fund June 2, 2003 ING STRATEGIC ALLOCATION PORTFOLIOS, INC. ING VP Strategic Allocation Conservative Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Strategic Allocation Growth Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Strategic Allocation Moderate Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VARIABLE FUNDS ING VP Growth and Income Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VARIABLE INSURANCE TRUST ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 1 June 13, 2003 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 2 September 12, 2003 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 3 December 12, 2003 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 4 March 12, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 5 June 11, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 6 September 10, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 7 December 10, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 8 March 9, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 9 June 8, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 10 September 7, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 11 December 6, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 12 March 2, 2006 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 13 June 22, 2006 ING VP Global Equity Dividend Portfolio November 3, 2003 ING VARIABLE PORTFOLIOS, INC. ING VP Global Science and Technology Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Growth Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Index Plus LargeCap Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Index Plus MidCap Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Index Plus SmallCap Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP International Equity Portfolio November 3, 2003 ING VP Small Company Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Value Opportunity Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VARIABLE PRODUCTS TRUST ING VP Financial Services Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING VP High Yield Bond Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING VP International Value Portfolio November 3, 2003 ING VP LargeCap Growth Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING XX XxxXxx Opportunities Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING VP Real Estate Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING VP SmallCap Opportunities Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING VP BALANCED PORTFOLIO, INC. July 7, 2003 ING VP INTERMEDIATE BOND PORTFOLIO July 7, 2003 ING VP MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO July 7, 2003 ING VP NATURAL RESOURCES TRUST October 6, 2003

  • Name of Xxxxx(s) 2. The named person's role in the firm, and

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