Display of Signage Sample Clauses

Display of Signage. The Owner or their agent will for the duration of the PPA registration display and maintain a sign(s) provided by them indicating that the area is private property and advising that unauthorised parking is subject to a maximum penalty of up to $5000.00. Each sign must display the PPA registration number as supplied by the Town of Xxxxxxxx Xxxx. All costs relating to the purchase and erection of the sign are to be borne by the owner or their agent. The text to be shown on the principal and subsidiary signs shall be as follows: Private Property Authorised Parking Only Town of Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law Penalty up to $5000.00 Registration Number The sign or signs shall be made to the following requirements: ⮚ Metal size 600 x 450mm ⮚ Private Property letter size 50mm in black ⮚ Authorised Parking Only size 50mm in red ⮚ Penalty letter size 20mm in black ⮚ Registration Number letter size 20mm in black ⮚ Border 10mm with 10mm offset ⮚ Font style Helvetica bold condensed These signs can be obtained from the following suppliers who have undertaken to produce signs to the Town of Xxxxxxxx Xxxx’x specifications. However, you may choose any supplier, but please ensure they receive the above required specifications and make the signs accordingly. All-Signs Signwriters Rear 0000 Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxx WA 6101 Telephone Number: 0000 0000 Contemporary Signs Xxxx 0 / 000 Xxxxxxx Xx Xxxxxxxx XX 0000 Telephone Number: 0000 0000 Xxxxx Signmakers 00 Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx XX 0000 Telephone Number: 0000 0000 Bullet Sign Shop Xxxx 0, 000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx XX 0000 Telephone Number: 0000 0000 Budget Signs Xxxx 0, 00 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx XX 0000 Telephone Number: 0000 0000 Sign - A - Rama 000X Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx XX 0000 Telephone Number: 0000 0000
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Display of Signage. Lessee agrees that NO signage of any kind will be permitted to be placed on doors or in windows of the unit, including the usual “For Sale" or "For Rent" or "Vacancy" signs. During the last 45 days of the lease, Lessee will permit unrestricted access to the unit so that Lessor may show the property to prospective purchasers or tenants. Lessee will be provided with 48-hours advance notice of all showing dates and times.
Display of Signage. All advertising copy to be displayed on Signage shall be displayed on such Signage (and with respect to Signage designed to be illuminated, illuminated during night events) during all regular-season San Diego Padres baseball games (each, a “Padres Game”) scheduled to be played at the ballpark located on Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 18855, in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, according to the map thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder or San Diego County, On December 7, 2001 (the “Ballpark”) and during other events held at the Ballpark, except for the following in the sole and absolute discretion of SDBF: (1) events during which advertising is prohibited by federal, state or local laws or regulations, (2) events with respect to which the display of the Signage is inappropriate (e.g., religious services, political conventions, television or film production or private events with conflicting interests) or impractical (e.g., events at which staging obscures or prevents the display of Signage), and (3) with respect to illumination, events where blackout conditions are required by the nature of the event (e.g., fireworks displays, concerts, and television or film production). The location, size, content and display of all Signage are subject to all applicable laws, including without limitation any applicable sign ordinance, and subject to Major League Baseball (“MLB”) requirements and conditions, whether applicable generally or with respect to specific events such as nationally-televised games, World Baseball Classic games, All-Star Games, playoff games and World Series games and whether applicable to all categories of advertiser or only to certain categories.

Related to Display of Signage

  • Exterior Signage Subject to Landlord’s prior written approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, and provided all signs are in keeping with the quality, design and style of the Building and Project, Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, may install (i) identification signage on the existing monument sign located on the exterior of the Building, (ii) at the entrance to the Building and (iii) internal directional and lobby identification signage (collectively, “Tenant Signage”); provided, however, in no event shall Tenant’s Signage include an “Objectionable Name,” as that term is defined in Section 23.3, of this Lease. All such signage shall be subject to Tenant’s obtaining all required governmental approvals. All permitted signs shall be maintained by Tenant at its expense in a first-class and safe condition and appearance. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Tenant shall remove all of its signs at Tenant’s sole cost and expense. The graphics, materials, color, design, lettering, lighting, size, illumination, specifications and exact location of Tenant’s Signage (collectively, the “Sign Specifications”) shall be subject to the prior written approval of Landlord, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, and shall be consistent and compatible with the quality and nature of the Project. Tenant hereby acknowledges that, notwithstanding Landlord’s approval of Tenant’s Signage, Landlord has made no representation or warranty to Tenant with respect to the probability of obtaining all necessary governmental approvals and permits for Tenant’s Signage. In the event Tenant does not receive the necessary governmental approvals and permits for Tenant’s Signage, Tenant’s and Landlord’s rights and obligations under the remaining TCCs of this Lease shall be unaffected. Except as required by applicable law, Landlord shall not install any other signage on the Building. If Landlord elects to install a multi-tenant identification sign at the entrance to the Project, Tenant shall be entitled to install its name on such sign (subject to availability on a pro-rata basis based on the relative square footages leased by the tenants of the Project), at Tenant’s sole cost and expense.

  • Building Signage So long as the Sign Conditions continue to prevail, Tenant shall have the exclusive right, at Tenant’s sole cost and expense, subject to Applicable Law, the terms of this Lease and Landlord’s approval rights, to install and maintain two (2) exterior signs on each Building (each hereinafter, “Building Sign”). The location, size, construction, mounting and design of each Building Sign shall be subject to Landlord’s approval (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed). Tenant shall obtain, at its expense, all permits and approvals required for the installation of each Building Sign prior to the installation thereof (but shall not be permitted to seek any zoning or similar relief for Building’s Sign without Landlord’s consent, which may be withheld in Landlord’s sole discretion), and shall keep all such perm its and approvals in full force and effect throughout the Term. Tenant acknowledges that each such Building Sign shall be at Tenant’s risk and Tenant shall perform all maintenance and repairs to each Building Sign required to keep it in good condition. The installation, repair, maintenance and removal of any Building Sign shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the Lease and Landlord’s other reasonable requirements. Tenant shall promptly notify Landlord any proposed changes in the Building Sign, including the addition of signage for any Transferee permitted hereunder, and any estimated costs thereof, and such changes shall be subject to Landlord’s approval, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Any changes to the Building Sign shall be at Tenant’s sole cost and expense. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of the Term of this Lease, and upon any event pursuant to which the Sign Conditions cease to prevail, Tenant shall remove each Building Sign (and all associated hardware) from the applicable Building and shall fill all holes and repair all damage caused by such removal and restore the affected area to a condition and appearance which is consistent with the finishes (e.g. paint) in close proximity to such area.

  • Tenant’s Signage Tenant shall be entitled to install the following signage in connection with Tenant's lease of the Premises (collectively, the "Tenant's Signage"):

  • Signage All signs, notices and graphics of every kind or character, visible in or from public corridors, the Building Common Area or the exterior of the Premises shall be subject to Landlord’s prior written approval, not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Without limiting the foregoing and subject to Landlord’s prior approval of the plans and specifications thereof (including, without limitation, the design, location, and size), Tenant shall have the right (“Exterior Signage Rights”) to install tenant identification signage on the exterior of the Building (the “Sign”), at Tenant’s sole cost and expense and in accordance with all applicable Laws (including any requirements set forth by the applicable agencies in the City and County of San Francisco) (the “Signage Requirements”). Tenant shall erect the Sign in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by Landlord, in a good and workmanlike manner, and at all times thereafter, Tenant shall maintain, at its sole cost and expense, the Sign in a good, clean and safe condition and in accordance with the Signage Requirements, including all repairs and replacements thereto. Upon the occurrence of any event of default and/or upon the termination or earlier expiration of this Lease, Tenant shall promptly remove the Sign, in which event Tenant shall be responsible for and shall repair any damage to the Building resulting therefrom. Tenant’s Exterior Signage Rights hereunder are personal to Dolby California, and, except with respect to an assignment to a Tenant Affiliate or Dolby Entity in connection with an assignment of this Lease, may not be assigned or transferred without the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent may be given or withheld or given upon conditions in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion. Tenant shall be responsible for obtaining all permits and approvals (governmental and private) necessary for the installation and maintenance of the Sign. If Tenant fails to remove the Sign as required under this Section 32, Landlord shall have the right, at Tenant’s expense, to remove the Sign. Tenant shall indemnify, defend and protect Landlord and the Landlord Parties and hold Landlord and the Landlord Parties harmless from and against any and all, proceedings, losses, costs, damages, causes of action, liabilities, injuries or expenses arising out of or related to Tenant’s exercise of the Exterior Signage Rights granted hereunder, including, without limitation, any claims of injury to or death of persons or damage to property occurring or resulting directly or indirectly from the installation or maintenance of the Sign on the Building.

  • Monument Signage Tenant shall have the right to have its logo listed on the monument sign for the Building (the “Monument Sign”), subject to the terms of this Section 23. The design, size and color of Tenant’s signage with Tenant’s logo to be included on the Monument Sign, and the manner in which it is attached to the Monument Sign, shall comply with all Applicable Laws and shall be subject to the reasonable approval of Landlord and any applicable governmental authorities. Landlord reserves the right to withhold consent to any signage that, in the reasonable judgment of Landlord, is not harmonious with the design standards of the Building and Monument Sign. Landlord shall have the right to require that all names or logos on the Monument Sign be of the same size and style. Tenant must obtain Landlord’s written consent to any proposed signage and lettering or logo design prior to its fabrication and installation. The location of Tenant’s logo on the Monument Sign shall be subject to Landlord’s reasonable approval. To obtain Landlord’s consent, Tenant shall submit design drawings to Landlord showing the type and sizes of all lettering; the colors, finishes and types of materials used; and (if applicable and Landlord consents in its reasonable discretion) any provisions for illumination. Although the Monument Sign will be maintained by Landlord, Tenant shall pay its proportionate share of the cost of any maintenance and repair associated with the Monument Sign. Tenant’s signage on the Monument Sign shall be designed, constructed, installed, insured, maintained, repaired and removed from the Monument Sign all at Tenant’s sole risk, cost and expense. Landlord shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair or replacement of Tenant’s signage on the Monument Sign, the cost of which shall be included in Operating Expenses. Landlord may, at any time during the Term (or any extension thereof), upon five (5) business days prior written notice to Tenant, relocate the position of Tenant’s signage on the Monument Sign (provided that if Tenant is the sole tenant on the monument sign, Landlord shall make no such relocation without Tenant’s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) without materially impairing its visibility. The cost of such relocation shall be at the cost and expense of Landlord. The rights provided in this Section 23 shall be non-transferable unless otherwise agreed by Landlord in writing in its sole discretion.

  • Exterior Signs Tenant shall have the right, at its sole risk and expense and in conformity with applicable laws and ordinances, to erect and thereafter, to repair or replace, if it shall so elect signs on any portion of the Leased Premises, providing that Tenant shall remove any such signs upon termination of this lease, and repair all damage occasioned thereby to the Leased Premises.

  • Building Name Landlord reserves the right at any time and from time to time to change the name by which the Building is designated.

  • Tenant’s Signs Except as expressly provided in this Article 32, without Landlord’s prior consent, which Landlord may withhold in its sole discretion, Tenant shall not place on the Premises or on the Building any exterior signs nor any interior signs that are visible from the exterior of the Premises or Building. Tenant shall pay all costs and expenses relating to any such sign approved by Landlord, including without limitation, the cost of the installation and maintenance of the sign. On the date of expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, shall remove all signs and repair any damage caused by such removal. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the lobby signage rights of Scient Corporation (“Scient”) are relinquished pursuant to the terms of that certain lease between Scient Corporation and Landlord with respect to the 5th and 6th Floors of the Building (the “Scient Premises”), then, subject to obtaining Landlord’s prior written consent as to size, design and location, which consent shall not be unreasonably withhold, Tenant shall have the right to install signage in the lobby of the Building for the remainder of the Term of this Lease so long as such signage shall not be more than 80% as large as the Del Monte signage. Landlord and Tenant agree that the Scient Lease contains the following provision, which shall not be amended by Landlord without obtaining Tenant’s prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld: “If Tenant [Scient] at any time pursuant to the terms of this Article 17 [of the Scient Lease] either (a) subleases less than the entire Premises [Scient Premises] or (ii) subleases all of the Premises [Scient Premises] to a subtenant, other than Epicentric, whose “creditworthiness” is less than that of Epicentric, such subletting shall result in Tenant’s [Scient’s] relinquishment for the balance of the Term of any rights to signage in the ground floor lobby of the Building as provided in Article 32 [of the Scient Lease]. For purposes of determining “creditworthiness” under this Section 17.10 [of the Scient Lease], the company with the greater net worth shall be considered the more creditworthy company. Net worth shall be determined according to the following formula: assets minus current and long term liabilities equals net worth, as determined according to generally accepted accounting principles.”

  • Insignia On or prior to the Delivery Date, or as soon as practicable thereafter, Lessee agrees to affix and maintain (or cause to be affixed and maintained), at its expense, in the cockpit of the Airframe adjacent to the airworthiness certificate therein and on each Engine a nameplate bearing the inscription: Leased From First Security Bank, National Association, as Owner Trustee, Lessor and, for so long as the Airframe and each Engine shall be subject to the Lien of the Trust Indenture, bearing the following additional inscription: Mortgaged To State Street Bank and Trust Company, as Indenture Trustee (such nameplate to be replaced, if necessary, with a nameplate reflecting the name of any successor Lessor or successor Indenture Trustee, in each case as permitted under the Operative Documents). Except as above provided, Lessee will not allow the name of any Person to be placed on the Airframe or on any Engine as a designation that might be interpreted as a claim of ownership; provided that nothing herein contained shall prohibit Lessee (or any Sublessee) from placing its customary colors and insignia on the Airframe or any Engine.

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