Common use of Absence Clause in Contracts

Absence. A being a member of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Executive Committee or any branch thereof or of any special committee or any branch thereof, and being by the Executive Committee of the Society in a matter of society business requiring absence from school, shall have right to attend such or to act as such representative or delegate and shall. be excused from school duties on not more a total of five teaching days in any school year. A teacher is serving as president of the local of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society shall be from school duties on not more than a total of eight teaching days in any school year. A substitute satisfactory to the shall be provided. The cost of substitute’s shall be borne by The Manitoba Teachers’ Society. o f teaching days so excused may be extended if The Manitoba Teachers’ Society member makes a request an extension to the superintendent. The reasons for the extension shall be included in any such request and any such request shall not be unreasonably denied, In the case of a teacher requiring a day from teaching duties for the purpose of writing examinations on subjects required to raise teaching qualifications, such teacher shall provide a substitute satisfactory to the The substitute’s salary shall be deducted From the teacher and the substitute will be paid by the Board. A teacher may be granted leave of absence with or without pay For personal reasons with the approval. of the principal superintendent. A teacher may be granted upon request leave of absence without pay, subject to the following All applications for such leave shall be submitted to the Board prior to April of the in which leave is to be granted. A teacher granted leave of absence shall be regarded as on staff and this leave shall not constitute a break in tenure. Teachers in educational duties during this leave of absence accrue increments that period as outlined in provided this experience is by Manitoba Education for grant purposes. A after leave, return to a salary in with the collect agreement. The final decision on granting this leave absence shall rest with a committee composed three members of the School Board and two members the Teachers’ Association. - - Leave -ARTIC-LE: 6- The Board may,, upon request, grant Sabbatical to members of the teaching Sabbatical may, upon be granted to a maximum of one teacher for every one hundred teaching staff, or fraction thereof. all other considerations are very nearly equal, seniority shall be the for awarding Sabbatical All applications must submitted not later than of year in which consideration is asked. Remuneration while on be two-thirds of the basic salary by the teacher in the year completed before leave is granted. Sabbatical Leave will be granted for further study. The merit of the particular program chosen should be set forth by the teacher applying in a letter to the Board. Sabbatical will be granted or rejected by a joint Committee of the Board and Manitoba Society Association. Such committee will be composed of three Board members appointed by the and two members appointed by the Association Payment of shall be made on a monthly basis in the same manner as it is for teachers on staff. Payment of the award will be made with the provisions that the teacher shall to the Division. If the teacher desires to seek employment elsewhere, he shall repay the amount as set out below: If not returning full payment

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Absence. A being personal leave of absence, without pay, for a member valid rea- son, acceptable to the Company may be requested for a period not to exceed up to one calendar month, pro- viding such leave does not disturb the efficiency of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Executive Committee the Employee’s work area, or any branch thereof or of any special committee or any branch thereofplant, and being by such application made to the Executive Committee Supervisor or his representative at least one working week prior to the leave of absence, in writ- ing, and written approval is obtained from the Society in Supervisor or his representative. In cases of emergency, the compa- ny will consider a matter of society business requiring absence from schoolshorter notice period. When such employee returns to work, shall have right to attend such or to act as such representative or delegate and shall. be excused from school duties on not more a total of five teaching days in any school year. A teacher is serving as president of the local of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society he shall be from school duties on rein- stated to his former classification, seniority permitting. Employees who have been granted a leave will continue to accumulate seniority this period. Educational Leave of Absence A leave of absence for a period not more than a total to exceed one year without the loss of eight teaching days in any school year. A substitute satisfactory to the shall seniority will be provided. The cost of substitute’s shall be borne by The Manitoba Teachers’ Society. o f teaching days so excused may be extended if The Manitoba Teachers’ Society member makes a request an extension to the superintendent. The reasons for the extension shall be included in any such request and any such request shall not be unreasonably denied, In the case of a teacher requiring a day from teaching duties granted for the purpose of writing examinations on subjects required to raise teaching qualificationsfull-time attendance in a government accredited high school, such teacher shall provide a substitute satisfactory to the The substitute’s salary shall be deducted From the teacher and the substitute will be paid by the Boardcollege, university, trade or technology school. A teacher may be granted Such leave of absence with or without pay For personal reasons with will be available for up to two employees per shift at any one time. Only one employee who works in the approvalskilled trades classifications will be per- mitted to be absent under this article at one time. of the principal superintendent. A teacher may be granted upon The employee must submit a request leave of absence without pay, subject to the following All applications for such leave shall be submitted of absence, along with proof of acceptance or proof of enrolment, at least two calendar months prior to the Board prior to April start of the in which leave is to be grantedleave. A teacher granted During the leave, and upon completion of each semester or term, the employee shall submit proof of attendance during such semester or term. The request will include a start date and end date of the leave of absence absence, and the dates of each semester or term. The employee shall be regarded as on staff and this leave notify the Company within one calendar week if he/she withdraws from the program or ceases to attend classes. Failure to do so will result in the employee being considered absent without leave. Upon completion of the program, ceasing attendance in or withdrawing from the program, the employee shall not constitute a break notify the Company in tenure. Teachers in educational duties during this leave writing of absence accrue increments that period as outlined in provided this experience is by Manitoba Education for grant purposes. A after leave, his/her desire to return to a salary in with work. Upon receipt of that notice, the collect agreement. The final decision on granting this leave absence shall rest with a committee composed three members of Company will have one calendar week to return the School Board employee to his/her previous classification and two members the Teachers’ Association. - - Leave -ARTIC-LE: 6- The Board may,, upon request, grant Sabbatical to members of the teaching Sabbatical may, upon be granted to a maximum of one teacher for every one hundred teaching staff, or fraction thereof. all other considerations are very nearly equalshift, seniority shall be permitting. Seniority will continue to accumulate during such leave. Courses taken during such leave are not eligible for xxxx- bursement under the for awarding Sabbatical All applications must submitted not later than of year in which consideration is asked. Remuneration while on be two-thirds of the basic salary by the teacher in the year completed before leave is granted. Sabbatical Leave will be granted for further study. The merit of the particular program chosen should be set forth by the teacher applying in a letter to the Board. Sabbatical will be granted or rejected by a joint Committee of the Board and Manitoba Society Association. Such committee will be composed of three Board members appointed by the and two members appointed by the Association Payment of shall be made on a monthly basis in the same manner as it is for teachers on staff. Payment of the award will be made with the provisions that the teacher shall to the Division. If the teacher desires to seek employment elsewhere, he shall repay the amount as set out below: If not returning full paymentCompany’s Educational Reimbursement Program.

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Samples: Collective Bargaining

Absence. A being Employees, for justifiable reasonsl may request and receive leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority up to a member period of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Executive Committee or any branch thereof or six (6) months, provided an application is made in writing, and that the terms of any special committee leave of absence or extension are agreeable to the Company and the Union. If any branch thereofsuch leave of absence is granted, and being by the Executive Committee Company shall provide the Union with a copy of the Society in a matter of society business requiring absence from school, shall have right to attend such or to act as such representative or delegate and shall. be excused from school duties on not more a total of five teaching days in any school year. A teacher is serving as president terms of the local leave of absence. An employee will be considered subject to disciplinary action as a result of any violation of these The Manitoba Teachers’ Society shall be from school duties on not more than a total leave of eight teaching days in any school year. A substitute satisfactory to the shall be provided. The cost of substitute’s shall be borne by The Manitoba Teachers’ Society. o f teaching days so excused absence may be extended if The Manitoba Teachers’ Society member makes a request an extension by mutual agreement between the Union and the Company. Under no circumstances shall leave of absence be granted for employment with any other Company. Leave of absence without pay will be granted to employees to attend Union conventions or Union .educationalseminars provided that written notice of at least seven (7) working days has been given to the superintendent. The reasons Company of the request for such leave and provided further that the extension shall be included in of employees requesting leave at any such request and any such request one time shall not be unreasonably deniedexceed four (4). Any employee who is elected or selected for a full time position with the Union, In the case Canadian Labour Congress, the Ontario Federation of a teacher requiring a day from teaching duties for Labour, the purpose Ontario Division or the National Body of writing examinations on subjects required to raise teaching qualifications, such teacher the Canadian Union of Public Employees Public Office shall provide a substitute satisfactory to the The substitute’s salary shall be deducted From the teacher and the substitute will be paid by the Board. A teacher may be granted leave of absence with or without pay For personal reasons with and without loss of seniority by the approvalCompany for a period of up to two (2) years. If the employee returns within one (1) year shall be entitled to claim former position at the time of the principal superintendentnext sign up. A teacher If the employee returns to the bargaining unit after one year, the employee is entitled to take a temporary position until such time as a vacancy occurs where can apply full length of service. The employer recognizes the right of an employee to participate in public affairs. Therefore, upon written the employer shall allow leave of absence with continuing benefits coverage paid by the employee so that the employee may be granted upon request a candidate in Federal, Provincial or Municipal elections. An employee who is elected to public office shall be allowed leave of absence without payloss of seniority during of office. An employee who is elected or selected for a full time position with the Union, subject to or any body with which the following All applications for such leave Union is affiliated shall be submitted to the Board prior to April of the in which leave is to be granted. A teacher granted leave of absence without loss of seniority for a period of two (2) years. Paid Jury or Court Witness Duty Leave The Company shall be regarded as on staff and this leave shall not constitute a break in tenure. Teachers in educational duties during this grant leave of absence accrue increments that period without loss of seniority benefits to an employee who serves as outlined juror or witness in provided this experience is by Manitoba Education for grant purposes. A after leave, return to a salary in with the collect agreementany court. The final decision on granting this leave absence Company shall rest with a committee composed three members of pay such an employee the School Board difference between earnings and two members the Teachers’ Association. - - Leave -ARTIC-LE: 6- The Board may,payment received for jury service or court witness, upon requestother than personal, grant Sabbatical to members of the teaching Sabbatical mayexcluding for travelling, upon be granted to a maximum of one teacher for every one hundred teaching staffmeals, or fraction thereof. all other considerations are very nearly equalother.expenses, seniority The employee will present proof of service and the amount of pay received, Time spent by an employee required to serve as a court witness in any matter arising out of employment shall be considered as time worked at the for awarding Sabbatical All applications must submitted not later than appropriate rate of year in which consideration is asked. Remuneration while on be two-thirds of the basic salary by the teacher in the year completed before leave is granted. Sabbatical Leave will be granted for further study. The merit of the particular program chosen should be set forth by the teacher applying in a letter to the Board. Sabbatical will be granted or rejected by a joint Committee of the Board and Manitoba Society Association. Such committee will be composed of three Board members appointed by the and two members appointed by the Association Payment of shall be made on a monthly basis in the same manner as it is for teachers on staff. Payment of the award will be made with the provisions that the teacher shall to the Division. If the teacher desires to seek employment elsewhere, he shall repay the amount as set out below: If not returning full paymentpay.

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Samples: Collective Agreement

Absence. A being An employee with seniority may be given a member leave of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Executive Committee or any branch thereof or absence of any special committee or any branch thereof, and being by the Executive Committee up to thirty (30) calendar days for valid personal reasons provided he applies in writing to his Supervisor at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to commencement of the Society leave. The application and the Company’s reply shall set out in writing the reasons for the pro posed leave, the last day to be at work and the day of return to work, a matter copy of society business requiring absence from school, the leave application will be forwarded to the Local Union Office. The Company shall have the right to attend such or to act as such representative or delegate and shall. be excused from school duties on not more a total refuse the application for leave of five teaching days absence in any school year. A teacher is serving as president the event that the absence of the local would unduly interfere with the Company’s operations or for an invalid personal reason, it is however, agreed, that the Company will not exercise such right to of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society shall be from school duties on not more than a total of eight teaching days absence in any school year. A substitute satisfactory to the shall be providedan arbitrary or discriminatory manner. The cost requirement of substitute’s shall giving fourteen (14) calendar days notice may not be borne by The Manitoba Teachers’ Societyapplied under circumstances where compassionate leave of absence is justified. o f teaching days so excused Any leave of absence may be extended if The Manitoba Teachers’ Society member makes by mutual agreement upon there being a written request for an extension and any extension granted shall be made in writing with a copy forwarded to the superintendentCommittee Chairperson. The reasons for the extension shall be included in any such request Excused temporary absence up to five (5) working days is not considered formal leave of absence and any such request shall not be unreasonably denied, In the case of a teacher requiring a day from teaching duties for the purpose of writing examinations on subjects required to raise teaching qualifications, such teacher shall provide a substitute satisfactory to the The substitute’s salary shall be deducted From the teacher and the substitute will be paid by the Board. A teacher may be granted by an immediate Supervisor. Any employee with seniority elected or appointed to Union Office or selected for other Union activities by the National Union, the Ontario Federation of Labour, Canadian Labour Congress and/or Local Union, shall be granted a Leave of Absence for a period of one (1) year, with extension privileges provided, however, that such employee shall renew his Leave of Absence annually. Any employee with seniority elected or appointed to any public office of the Municipal, Provincial or Federal Government, shall be granted a Leave of Absence for a period of one (1) year with extension privileges, provided however, that such employee shall renew his Leave of Absence annually. Employees returning from Union Office or Public Office leaves shall notify the Company of their availability and desire to return to work, and the Company shall have ten working days to return employee to work following such notice. Any employee will be granted pregnancy leave and/or parental leave in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Ontario Employment Act. Before returning to work following the pregnancy leave, the employee must provide the Company with a Physician’s certificate stating that she is fit to return to normal duties. An employee with one (1) or more years seniority wishing to further his education by full time attendance at a recognized college, university, trade or technical school, may be granted a leave of absence with or without pay For personal reasons with the approval. of the principal superintendent. A teacher may be granted upon request leave of absence without pay, subject for up to one (1) year under the following All applications for such leave shall be submitted to the Board prior to April of the in which leave is to be granted. A teacher granted leave of absence shall be regarded as on staff and this leave shall not constitute a break in tenure. Teachers in educational duties during this leave of absence accrue increments that period as outlined in provided this experience is by Manitoba Education for grant purposes. A after leave, return to a salary in with the collect agreement. The final decision on granting this leave absence shall rest with a committee composed three members of the School Board and two members the Teachers’ Association. - - Leave -ARTIC-LE: 6- The Board may,, upon request, grant Sabbatical to members of the teaching Sabbatical may, upon be granted to a maximum of one teacher for every one hundred teaching staff, or fraction thereof. all other considerations are very nearly equal, seniority shall be the for awarding Sabbatical All applications must submitted not later than of year in which consideration is asked. Remuneration while on be two-thirds of the basic salary by the teacher in the year completed before leave is granted. Sabbatical Leave will be granted for further study. The merit of the particular program chosen should be set forth by the teacher applying in a letter to the Board. Sabbatical will be granted or rejected by a joint Committee of the Board and Manitoba Society Association. Such committee will be composed of three Board members appointed by the and two members appointed by the Association Payment of shall be made on a monthly basis in the same manner as it is for teachers on staff. Payment of the award will be made with the provisions that the teacher shall to the Division. If the teacher desires to seek employment elsewhere, he shall repay the amount as set out below: If not returning full paymentconditions:

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Samples: Collective Agreement

Absence. A being a member Leave of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Executive Committee or any branch thereof or of any special committee or any branch thereof, absence shall mean absence from scheduled work requested by an employee and being consented to by the Executive Committee of the Society in a matter of society business requiring absence from school, shall have right to attend such or to act as such representative or delegate and shall. be excused from school duties on not more a total of five teaching days in any school year. A teacher is serving as president of the local of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society shall be from school duties on not more than a total of eight teaching days in any school year. A substitute satisfactory to the shall be providedCompany. The cost of substitute’s shall be borne by The Manitoba Teachers’ Society. o f teaching days so excused may be extended if The Manitoba Teachers’ Society member makes a request an extension to the superintendent. The reasons for the extension shall be included in any such request and any such request shall not be unreasonably denied, In the case of a teacher requiring a day from teaching duties for the purpose of writing examinations on subjects required to raise teaching qualifications, such teacher shall provide a substitute satisfactory to the The substitute’s salary shall be deducted From the teacher and the substitute will be paid by the Board. A teacher may be granted leave of absence with or without pay For personal reasons with must be submitted in writing to the employee's and final approval, in writing, granted by Plant Manager. The decision will be given to the employee within one (1) calendar week after the written request is received by the Company. Once approved, the original of the principal superintendent. A teacher may be granted upon request for leave of absence without pay, subject will be sent to the following All applications for such leave shall be submitted to the Board prior to April of the in which leave is Personnel Department, to be grantedfiled in the employee's personnel file. A teacher granted The request for the leave of absence shall be regarded as on staff and this leave shall not constitute a break in tenure. Teachers in educational duties during this outline the reason for the leave of absence accrue increments that period and shall specify the last day worked and the expected first day back on the job. Furthermore, leaves of absence shall be at the sole of the Company and shall be without pay or any other form of compensation, and the employee shall not work in any other position during such leave of absence unless agreed to by the Company in writing. xxxxx leave seniority employee for up to one (1 year to take a position as outlined in provided this experience is by Manitoba Education for grant purposes. A after leave, return to a salary in with full-time staff employee of the collect agreementUnion. The final decision on granting this Company will grant leave of absence shall rest to not more than three (3)seniority employees at the same time for legitimate Union business, such as convention delegates, negotiating committee members, etc., for a period not to exceed twenty (20) working days per calendar year, per employee and in any event not to exceed a total of sixty (60) working days per year in respect of all such employees. The foregoing, however, is subject to the that such leaves of absence may be withheld by the Company if the absence of any such employee will interfere with production. Time spent away from scheduled work by the Negotia- tions Committee in preparing for or negotiating a committee composed three members renewal of the School Board Collective Agreement will not be charged against the designated leaves of absence for Union business. Whenever an employee wishes to be absent on Union business and two members a leave of absence is required under the Teachers’ Association. - - Leave -ARTIC-LE: 6- The Board may,, upon request, grant Sabbatical to members provisions of Clause or the employee shall request permission of the teaching Sabbatical may, upon be granted to a maximum Personnel Supervisor for such leave of absence at least one teacher for every one hundred teaching staff, or fraction thereof. all other considerations are very nearly equal, seniority shall be the for awarding Sabbatical All applications must submitted not later than of year (1 ) week in which consideration is asked. Remuneration while on be two-thirds advance of the basic salary by the teacher in the year completed before desired leave is granted. Sabbatical Leave will be granted for further studyday. The merit of the particular program chosen should be set forth by the teacher applying in a letter to the Board. Sabbatical will be granted or rejected by a joint Committee of the Board and Manitoba Society Association. Such committee will be composed of three Board members appointed by the and two members appointed by the Association Payment of request shall be made on a monthly basis in the same manner as it is for teachers on staff. Payment of the award will be made with the provisions that the teacher shall to the Division. If the teacher desires to seek employment elsewhere, he shall repay the amount as set out below: If not returning full paymentwriting.

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Absence. Leave of absence granted to an employee shall be in writing out the commencement and termination dates of such leave. A being a member of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Executive Committee or any branch thereof or of any special committee or any branch thereofxxx shall be forwarded to the Union. An employee may, and being by at the Executive Committee discretion of the Society in a matter Company, granted of society business requiring absence from school, shall have right without pay for legitimate personal reasons. Leave c absence granted to attend such or to act as such representative or delegate and shall. be excused from school duties on not more a total of five teaching days in any school year. A teacher is serving as president of the local of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society an employee shall be from school duties on not more than a total of eight teaching days in any school yearlimited to twelve months duration. A substitute satisfactory to the shall be provided. The cost of substitute’s shall be borne by The Manitoba Teachers’ Society. o f teaching days so excused may be extended if The Manitoba Teachers’ Society member makes a request an extension to the superintendent. The reasons for the extension shall be included in any If such request and any such request shall not be unreasonably denied, In the case of a teacher requiring a day from teaching duties leave is used for the purpose of writing examinations on subjects required to raise teaching qualifications, such teacher shall provide a substitute satisfactory up work elsewhere and the employee does fact take up elsewhere and he returns to the The substitute’s salary Company before the termination set out in such leave of absence, he shall work in the position on the seniority list until the termination date of leave of absence granted, at which time he shall be deducted From reinstated t his rightful place on the teacher seniority list. Any employee whose normal duties include driving a Company and whose driving license is suspended by government action for to twelve (12) months, shall be given leave of absence without of seniority and without pay until his driving privileges have -restored. Suspension of a driving license for a period in of twelve (12) months may, at the substitute will be paid by discretion of the BoardCompany, in the discharge of the employee concerned. A teacher may Employees shall be granted leave of absence with or without pay For personal reasons written request by the Union to attend Union functions, such a conventions or to work the capacity of a of the Union. SCHEDULE RULES OF GROUP REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS for HOURLY PAID EMPLOYEES OF CANADA BUILDING COMPANY NORTH DUMFRIES AGGREGATE DIVISION DATE May ELIGIBILITY Hourly paid employees of Canada Building Materials Company, Dumfries Aggregate division who have completed ninety (90) days continuous active full time employment with the approvalCompany shall eligible on the effective date. Hourly paid employees who completed ninety (90) days of active full time employment after the effective date shall be on the first day of the principal superintendent. A teacher may be granted upon request leave month following completion of absence without pay, subject to the following All applications for such leave shall be submitted to the Board prior to April of the in which leave is to be granted. A teacher granted leave of absence shall be regarded as on staff and this leave shall not constitute a break in tenure. Teachers in educational duties during this leave of absence accrue increments that period as outlined in provided this experience is by Manitoba Education for grant purposes. A after leave, return to a salary in with the collect agreement. The final decision on granting this leave absence shall rest with a committee composed three members of the School Board and two members the Teachers’ Association. - - Leave -ARTIC-LE: 6- The Board may,, upon request, grant Sabbatical to members of the teaching Sabbatical may, upon be granted to a maximum of one teacher for every one hundred teaching staff, or fraction thereof. all other considerations are very nearly equal, seniority shall be the for awarding Sabbatical All applications must submitted not later than of year in which consideration is asked. Remuneration while on be two-thirds of the basic salary by the teacher in the year completed before leave is granted. Sabbatical Leave will be granted for further study. The merit of the particular program chosen should be set forth by the teacher applying in a letter to the Board. Sabbatical will be granted or rejected by a joint Committee of the Board and Manitoba Society Association. Such committee will be composed of three Board members appointed by the and two members appointed by the Association Payment of shall be made on a monthly basis in the same manner as it is for teachers on staff. Payment of the award will be made with the provisions that the teacher shall to the Division. If the teacher desires to seek employment elsewhere, he shall repay the amount as set out below: If not returning full paymentservice.

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Samples: Agreement

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Absence. A being a member shall be allowed up to five (5) days leave of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Executive Committee absence with pay in the event of the death of his father, mother, spouse, child, brother or any branch thereof or of any special committee or any branch thereofsister, and being by up to three (3) days in the Executive Committee event of the Society in a matter death of society business requiring absence from schoolmother-in-law, shall have right to attend such father-in-law, or to act as such representative or delegate and shall. be excused from school duties on not more a total of five teaching days in any school year. A teacher is serving as president grandparents of the local of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society shall be from school duties on not more than a total of eight teaching days member or persons standing in any school yearloco parentis. A substitute satisfactory to the shall be provided. The cost of substitute’s shall be borne by The Manitoba Teachers’ Society. o f teaching days so excused may be extended if The Manitoba Teachers’ Society member makes a request an extension to the superintendent. The reasons for the extension shall be included in any such request and any such request shall not be unreasonably denied, In the case of a teacher requiring a day from teaching duties Such time off is for the purpose of writing examinations attending the funeral or arrangements for the funeral. One (1) day shall be allowed in the case of grandparents of spouse. that portion of the five three or one day which would otherwise have been time shall be paid. The Paid Maternity Leave provisions will be effective January in respect of members on subjects required leave during the first weeks of maternity leave for such portion of that weeks as occurs on and after January 1990; ARTICLE SPECIAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE Maternity Leave without pay shall be in accordance with Part XI of the Standards Act of Ontario as amended, except that effective January a member commencing such leave who is in receipt of pregnancy benefits pursuant to raise teaching qualifications, of the Unemployment Insurance Act shall be paid a supplementary unemployment benefit an amount which with her pregnancy benefit brings her compensation to of her regular weekly earnings. Such payment shall commence following completion of the week unemployment insurance waiting period and shall continue while the employee absent on Maternity Leave and is in receipt of such teacher benefit for a maximum period of weeks. "Regular weekly earnings" shall provide a substitute satisfactory be determined by multiplying her regular hourly rate on her last day worked prior to the The substitute’s salary shall be deducted From commencement of the teacher and the substitute will be paid by the Boardleave times her normal weekly hours. A teacher may be granted leave An extension of absence with or Maternity Leave without pay For personal reasons with the approval. of the principal superintendent. A teacher may be granted upon request leave of absence without payor any other benefit, subject to the following All applications for such leave if requested, shall be submitted to the Board prior to April of the in which leave is to be granted. A teacher granted leave of absence shall be regarded as on staff and this leave shall not constitute a break in tenure. Teachers in educational duties during this leave of absence accrue increments that period as outlined in provided this experience is by Manitoba Education for grant purposes. A after leave, return to a salary in with the collect agreement. The final decision on granting this leave absence shall rest with a committee composed three members of the School Board and two members the Teachers’ Association. - - Leave -ARTIC-LE: 6- The Board may,, upon request, grant Sabbatical to members of the teaching Sabbatical may, upon be granted to a maximum member who qualifies under (a) above, but the period of one teacher Maternity Leave, as extended shall not exceed months. Any extension must be requested by the member giving to the Chief of Police or his designate not less than two weeks notice prior to her scheduled return to work. Any and all benefits under this collective agreement will be continued for every one hundred teaching staff, or fraction thereof. all other considerations are very nearly equal, seniority shall be the for awarding Sabbatical All applications must submitted not later than of year in which consideration is asked. Remuneration while on be two-thirds benefit of the basic salary member on maternity leave, and at her option and her sole expense during the period of an extension of a maternity leave. A member on maternity leave shall exercise the above option by arranging with the Regional Treasurer to personally pay the full cost of benefits that are normally paid by the teacher in Board for the year completed before leave is granted. Sabbatical Leave will be granted purpose of maintaining agreed upon benefits for further study. The merit the duration of the particular program chosen should be set forth by the teacher applying in extended maternity leave. Upon return to work from maternity leave or extended maternity leave, a letter member is entitled to the Boardsame rank and seniority that she had on the last day of work prior to her leave. Sabbatical will be granted or rejected by a joint Committee She is also entitled to no loss of the Board seniority and Manitoba Society Association. Such committee will be composed of three Board members appointed by the and two members appointed by the Association Payment of shall be made on a monthly basis in the same manner as it is for teachers on staff. Payment of the award will be made with the provisions that the teacher shall to the Division. If the teacher desires continuation of all benefit plans unless she has taken an extended maternity leave pursuant to seek employment elsewhere, he shall repay the amount as set out below: If above and has chosen not returning full paymentto have her benefits continue pursuant to above.

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Absence. A being (a) The Company may grant leave of absence without pay to employees for a member reasonable length of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Executive Committee or any branch thereof or time for legitimate personal reasons. Delegation for Union business will be deemed sufficient cause for leave of any special committee or any branch thereof, and being by the Executive Committee of the Society in a matter of society business requiring absence from school, shall have right to attend such or to act as such representative or delegate and shall. be excused from school duties on not more a total of five teaching days in any school year. A teacher is serving as president of the local of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society shall be from school duties on provided not more than a total three (3) employees may be absent on Union business at the same time. An employee requesting leave of eight teaching days absence shall make such request in any school year. A substitute satisfactory writing to the Company and, where a leave of absence is granted, or not granted, it shall be providedin writing by the Company. The cost Union shall endeavor to give the Company at least one week of substitute’s notice of requested leave.” In cases of Union Leave of Absence, the Company shall be borne by The Manitoba Teachers’ Society. o f teaching continue the employee on payroll and will continue pension contributions and the Union reimburse the Company within days so excused may be extended if The Manitoba Teachers’ Society member makes a request of receiving an extension itemized account of the wages and pension contributions paid to the superintendentemployee in conjunction with the leave of absence. The reasons for the extension shall be included in any such request and any such request shall not be unreasonably denied, In the case of a teacher requiring a day from teaching duties death in the immediate family of an employee, upon making proper application, the company shall grant up to three (3) days leave of absence, with pay, on days otherwise were scheduled to work, and which occur within three (3)days of the death, funeral or service. Time thus paid will not duplicate pay received for time not worked for any other reason. Application forms for payment are available in the purpose of writing examinations on subjects required to raise teaching qualifications, such teacher shall provide a substitute satisfactory to the The substitute’s salary personnel office. Immediate family shall be deducted From the teacher meant to include Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Wife, Husband, Children, Step and the substitute will be paid by the BoardCommon-Law Children, Mother-in-Law, Father-In-Law, and Common-Law Spouse of record, and Step-Parents. A teacher may be granted one day leave of absence with or without pay For personal reasons with the approval. of the principal superintendent. A teacher may will be granted upon request to attend the funeral of any employees Grandparents. An employee who is for jury duty or crown witness shall be compensated by the Company for the difference between payment received for straight time hours was thereby required to lose from regularly scheduled hours of work. The differential payment made in accordance with this Article shall only be made on presentation of jury duty or crown witness subpoena and the payment received therefore. The Company will grant one (1) employee at any one time a leave of absence without paywith pay for up to two (2) years for appointment to a United Steel, subject Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Allied Industrial and ServiceWorkers International Union staff position. will be accumulated during such leave. The Union agrees to reimburse the following All applications Company promptly for such leave shall be submitted to the Board prior to April cost of all pay provided by the Company in which leave is to be granted. A teacher granted conjunction with the leave of absence including pension contributions, profit sharing and health benefit premiums. The Union shall be regarded as on staff reimburse the Company within one (1) month of receiving or itemized account of the wages and this leave shall not constitute benefits paid by the Company. Employees taking a break in tenure. Teachers in educational duties during this leave of absence accrue increments that period as outlined under this provision shall have a minimum of two (2) years seniority. Notification will be submitted by the Union and will be in provided this experience is by Manitoba Education for grant purposes. A after leave, return writing not less then two (2) weeks prior to a salary in with the collect agreement. The final decision on granting this leave absence shall rest with a committee composed three members commencement of the School Board and two members the Teachers’ Association. - - Leave -ARTIC-LE: 6- The Board may,, upon request, grant Sabbatical to members of the teaching Sabbatical may, upon be granted to a maximum of one teacher for every one hundred teaching staff, or fraction thereof. all other considerations are very nearly equal, seniority shall be the for awarding Sabbatical All applications must submitted not later than of year in which consideration is asked. Remuneration while on be two-thirds of the basic salary leave accompanied by the teacher in the year completed before leave is granted. Sabbatical Leave will be granted for further study. The merit of the particular program chosen should be set forth by the teacher applying in a letter to the Board. Sabbatical will be granted or rejected by a joint Committee of the Board and Manitoba Society Association. Such committee will be composed of three Board members appointed by the and two members appointed by the Association Payment of shall be made on a monthly basis in the same manner as it is for teachers on staff. Payment of the award will be made with the provisions that the teacher shall to the Division. If the teacher desires to seek employment elsewhere, he shall repay the amount as set out below: If not returning full paymentsatisfactory evidence.

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Absence. (a) No leave of absence this section be during Jurisdictional Group A being only) except in special circumstances as may be approved by Two (2) unpaid leave may be granted outside holiday if notice is at least fifteen days in advance. The requirement for notice is waived in cases of emergency. Up to six (6) months unpaid leave be granted at the discretion of the Board reasons if notice is given at least fifteen 5) days in advance. The inay be temporarily Notification of at least 5) working days be given advance leave. A employee at discretion of receive a member leave of absence of to one by applying in to the Resources Officer Staff. personal of absence is approved, the will forward a letter employee, with a copy to indicating period for leave was granted and date employee is required to arrangements returning to work. When employee is elected or appointed to a full-time position or office within a labour shall request for leave of of employee concerned. leave of absence will be granted shall involve no to the Board and exceed (2) years. expiration of of office, shall be to previous position and rate of pay for that position. Other employees promoted or transferred shall be returned to their former position. Seniority to accumulate. paid leave of one (I ) day per will be to President of Local Union The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Executive Committee or any branch thereof or of any special committee or any branch thereof, and being occupied by the Executive Committee President will be staffed by a unit during leave. permission of the Society in appropriate or a matter designate been to an affected xxxxxxx, Chief Xxxxxxx, or Union representative, total to exceed three and affected to their temporarily to carry with Board representatives respect to a they suffer loss of society business requiring absence from school, shall have right to attend such or to act as such representative or delegate and shallpay for so spent. be excused from school duties on not more a total of five teaching days in any school year. A teacher is serving as president of the local of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society shall be from school duties on not more than a total of eight teaching days in any school year. A substitute satisfactory to the shall be provided. The cost of substitute’s shall be borne by The Manitoba Teachers’ Society. o f teaching days so excused may be extended if The Manitoba Teachers’ Society member makes a request an extension to the superintendent. The reasons for the extension shall be included in any such request and any such request Such leave shall not be unreasonably deniedemployee is selected by the Union to attend official Union conventions, In seminars and the case shall be leave of a teacher requiring a day from teaching duties absence pay. is Board will continue to pay employee for the purpose period of writing examinations on subjects required to raise teaching qualificationsleave Board will invoice the Union for wages, inclusive of Employer cost of the benefits provided under Article paid out leave. It is that off will not exceed thirty (30) days per and ten (I employees shall granted such teacher shall provide a substitute satisfactory leave, unless agreed Board and Union that these numbers change. It is that Union leave related to the The substitute’s salary shall Provincial Table and related Committees is separate and distinct Union Leave to in this For the purposes of collective bargaining, Board agrees to recognize a Negotiating of employees bargaining unit will be deducted From the teacher comprised of up to six (6) selected Union, and the substitute President of Local Employees will be paid by the Boardbased their rate regular hours spent in renewal of Collective Agreement. A teacher may be granted leave number of absence with or without pay For personal reasons with the approval. of the principal superintendent. A teacher may be granted upon request leave of absence without pay, subject to the following All applications for such leave days shall be submitted limited to the Board prior to April of the in which leave is to ten (I 0) each or additional days as be grantedmutually agreed to. A teacher granted leave of absence shall be regarded as on staff and this leave shall not constitute a break in tenure. Teachers in educational duties during this leave of absence accrue increments that period as outlined in provided this experience is by Manitoba Education for grant purposes. A after leave, return to a salary in with the collect agreement. The final decision on granting this leave absence shall rest with a committee composed three members of the School Board and two members the Teachers’ Association. - - Leave -ARTIC-LE: 6- The Board may,, upon request, grant Sabbatical to members of the teaching Sabbatical may, upon be granted to a maximum of one teacher for every one hundred teaching staff, or fraction thereof. all other considerations are very nearly equal, seniority shall be the for awarding Sabbatical All applications must submitted not later than of year in which consideration is asked. Remuneration while on be two-thirds of the basic salary by the teacher in the year completed before leave is granted. Sabbatical Leave will be granted for further study. The merit of the particular program chosen should be set forth by the teacher applying in a letter to the Board. Sabbatical will be granted or rejected by a joint Committee of the Board and Manitoba Society Association. Such committee will be composed of three Board members appointed by the and two members appointed by the Association Payment of shall be made on a monthly basis in the same manner as it is for teachers on staff. Payment of the award will be made with the provisions that the teacher shall to the Division. If the teacher desires to seek employment elsewhere, he shall repay the amount as set out below: If not returning full paymentDefinitions

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Samples: Collective Agreement

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