Phase III Earn-in Sample Clauses

Phase III Earn-in. After completing the Phase II Earn-in, and once a production decision has been reached, Newmont will have the option to earn an additional 5% undivided interest in the Property, by providing to Solitario certain conditions and certain guarantees to secure its share of project financing at commercially competitive terms. The Newmont guarantees will be set forth in the Agreement.
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Phase III Earn-in. If Royal funds the entire Phase II Earn In Contribution, then Royal may make further contributions in an amount up to an additional Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) (the “Phase II Earn In Contributions”) for an additional Percentage Interest of up to fifteen percent (15%) (and a total Percentage Interest of up to forty percent (40%)). If Royal makes Phase III Earn In Contributions of less than Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000), then, for each additional One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) in Phase III Earn In Contributions, Royal will earn an incremental one and one-half percent (1.5%) Percentage Interest.
Phase III Earn-in. Following completion of Phase II Earn-in, Solitario may elect, in its sole discretion, to earn an additional Interest (the "Phase III Interest") by making the following payments. On or before November 19, 2013, Solitario shall contribute $3,800,000 to the Company and cause the Company to pay, or in lieu thereof shall pay such amount directly to, Centennial in satisfaction of the $300,000 payment due Centennial on or before such date pursuant to the Centennial Lease, as well as the $2,000,000 first royalty reduction option and the $1,500,000 second royalty reduction option as described in the Centennial Lease. On or before November 19, 2014, Solitario shall contribute $1,800,000 to the Company and cause the Company to pay, or in lieu thereof shall pay such amount directly to, Centennial in satisfaction of the $300,000 payment due Centennial on or before such date and the $1,500,000 third royalty reduction option (the payments referred to in the two previous sentences collectively, the "Phase III Centennial Payments"). Solitario shall make the following payments to DHI US (the "Phase III DHI US Payments"): (1) on or before February 23, 2014, $250,000 and 50,000 shares of Solitario common stock; and (2) on or before August 23, 2014, $250,000 and 50,000 shares of Solitario common stock. Upon completion of the Phase III Centennial Payments and the Phase III DHI US Payments (collectively, the "Phase III Earn-in Payments"), Solitario shall have earned the Phase III Interest and Solitario's Interest shall increase to 80% and DHI US's Interest shall decrease to 20%. In the event that Solitario fails to timely make all of the Phase III Earn-in Payments (after receipt of notice from DHI US and a failure to timely cure such default within 30 days, unless Solitario disputes the existence of such a default, in which case that 30-day period shall not start running until after the finding of such a default by the Sole Arbitrator or the Arbitration Panel), Solitario's Interest shall decrease to 49% and DHI US's Interest shall increase to 51%. The period from the date of Phase II Earn-in until date that Solitario has earned its Phase III Interest is referred to as the "Phase III
Phase III Earn-in. Following completion of Phase II Earn-in, Solitario may elect, in its sole discretion, to earn an additional Interest (the “Phase III Interest”) by making the following payments. On or before November 19, 2013, Solitario shall contribute $300,000 to the Company and cause the Company to pay, or in lieu thereof shall pay such amount directly to, Centennial in satisfaction of the $300,000 payment due Centennial on or before such date pursuant to the Centennial Lease. On or prior to the date of commencement of commercial production, as defined in the Centennial Lease, Solitario shall contribute an aggregate of $5,000,000, in three separate payments, to the Company and cause the Company to pay, or in lieu thereof shall pay directly to Centennial, the $2,000,000 first royalty reduction option payment, the $1,500,000 second royalty reduction option payment, and the $1,500,000 third royalty reduction option payment, each as described in the Centennial Lease. On or before November 19, 2014, Solitario shall contribute $300,000 to the Company and cause the Company to pay, or in lieu thereof shall pay such amount directly to,

Related to Phase III Earn-in

  • Adjustment of Minimum Quarterly Distribution and Target Distribution Levels (a) The Minimum Quarterly Distribution, First Target Distribution, Second Target Distribution, Third Target Distribution, Common Unit Arrearages and Cumulative Common Unit Arrearages shall be proportionately adjusted in the event of any distribution, combination or subdivision (whether effected by a distribution payable in Units or otherwise) of Units or other Partnership Securities in accordance with Section 5.10. In the event of a distribution of Available Cash that is deemed to be from Capital Surplus, the then applicable Minimum Quarterly Distribution, First Target Distribution, Second Target Distribution and Third Target Distribution, shall be adjusted proportionately downward to equal the product obtained by multiplying the otherwise applicable Minimum Quarterly Distribution, First Target Distribution, Second Target Distribution and Third Target Distribution, as the case may be, by a fraction of which the numerator is the Unrecovered Capital of the Common Units immediately after giving effect to such distribution and of which the denominator is the Unrecovered Capital of the Common Units immediately prior to giving effect to such distribution.

  • Development Milestone Payments In partial consideration for the rights and licenses granted to Coya hereunder, within ten days after the first achievement of each milestone event in a given Indication set forth in this Section 5.2 (Development Milestone Payments) with respect to a Product (each, a “Development Milestone Event”) by or on behalf of Coya or any of its Affiliates or Sublicensees, Coya shall provide ARScience Bio written notice to ARScience Bio identifying the Development Milestone Event achieved. Upon receipt of any such notice of first achievement of a Development Milestone Event by Coya or its Affiliates or Sublicensees, ARScience Bio will promptly invoice Coya for the applicable Development Milestone Event and Coya will make a milestone payment to ARScience Bio in the amount set forth in this Section 5.2 (Development Milestone Payments) corresponding to such Development Milestone Event (each, a “Development Milestone Payment”) within 45 days of receipt of such invoice. On an Indication-by-Indication basis, each Development Milestone Payment shall be payable only upon the first achievement of the corresponding Development Milestone Event by a Product, in any given Indication for which the Development Milestone Events have not been previously achieved (each such Indication, a “New Indication”). No amounts shall be due for subsequent or repeated achievements of such Development Milestone Event with respect to the same or different Mono Product or Combination Product, as applicable, in such Indication. Accordingly and for clarity, the Development Milestone Payment shall be paid only once, when first achieved by Coya, an Affiliate or a Sublicensee, but no payment shall be due if the same milestone is subsequently achieved by one of Coya, an Affiliate or a Sublicensee. For clarity, the amounts owed in Column (a) below shall be due for the first Combination Product to achieve the Development Milestone Events in a New Indication and the amounts owned in Column (c) below shall be due for the first Mono Product to achieve the Development Milestone Events in a New Indication. Any Combination Product or Mono Product to achieve the Development Milestone Events in a New Indication after the first achievement of the Development Milestone Events as described in the foregoing sentence will cause the amounts in Column (b) with respect to a Combination Product and Column (d) with respect to a Mono Product to be due and payable by Coya upon each such occurrence. If the first Product to achieve a Development Milestone Event in any Indication is a Combination Product, the amounts in Column (a) below shall be due and payable by Coya. If the next Product to achieve a Development Milestone Event in a New Indication is a Mono Product, the amounts in Column (c) below would be due and payable by Coya; provided, that if such next Product to achieve a Development Milestone Event in a New Indication is a Combination Product, the amounts in Column (b) would be due and payable by Coya. By way of example, if a Combination Product achieves IND Acceptance in ALS, and is the first Product to achieve a Development Milestone Event under this Agreement, [***] will be due and payable by Coya. If subsequently a Mono Product achieves IND Acceptance in ALS, no Development Milestone Payments will be due and payable by Coya under this Agreement. However, if subsequently any Combination Product achieves IND Acceptance in Alzheimer’s disease, [***] would be due and payable by Coya.

  • Development Milestones In addition to its obligations under Paragraph 7.1, LICENSEE specifically commits to achieving the following development milestones in its diligence activities under this AGREEMENT: (a) (b).

  • Sales Milestone Payments As further consideration for Daiichi Sankyo’s grant of the rights and licenses to Rain hereunder, Rain will pay to Daiichi Sankyo the following payments upon the first achievement of the following levels of aggregate annual Net Sales of all Products by Rain, its Affiliates, and its Sublicensees. If two or more sales milestone events are achieved in the same [***], then Rain shall pay to Daiichi Sankyo all of the applicable milestone payments achieved in such [***]. Rain shall deliver written notice to Daiichi Sankyo within [***] after the end of the [***] in which a sales milestone threshold described in this Section 5.3 is achieved for the first time. Aggregate annual Net Sales of all Products shall be calculated based on Net Sales for each Calendar Year. After receipt of such notice from Rain, Daiichi Sankyo shall issue Rain an invoice for the amount corresponding to the applicable sales milestones event. Rain shall pay Daiichi Sankyo within [***] after receipt of an invoice therefor from Daiichi Sankyo. Milestone Event Payment Amount Aggregate Annual Net Sales of all Products combined in the Territory in a Calendar Year equals or exceeds [***] [*** ] Aggregate Annual Net Sales of all Products combined in the Territory in a Calendar Year equals or exceeds [***] [*** ] [***] = CERTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED BY BRACKETS, HAS BEEN OMITTED BECAUSE THE INFORMATION (I) IS NOT MATERIAL AND (II) WOULD BE COMPETITIVELY HARMFUL IF PUBLICLY DISCLOSED. EXECUTION VERSION Aggregate Annual Net Sales of all Products combined in the Territory in a Calendar Year equals or exceeds [***] [*** ] Aggregate Annual Net Sales of all Products combined in the Territory in a Calendar Year equals or exceeds [***] [*** ]

  • Development and Regulatory Milestones With respect to each of the following milestones, Ikaria shall pay BioLineRx the corresponding payment set forth below within [**] days after the achievement by Ikaria, its Affiliates or Licensees of such milestone: MILESTONE PAYMENT

  • Sales Milestones Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement, in the event that the Annual Net Sales made by or on behalf of a Selling Entity for all Licensed Products in a given calendar year first exceeds a threshold set forth in the table immediately below, Pyxis shall pay to LCB the following one-time, non-refundable, non-creditable milestone payments. Annual Net Sales Milestone Threshold Payment (US Dollars) [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] In the event that in a given calendar year more than one (1) Annual Net Sales milestone threshold is achieved, Pyxis shall pay to LCB each separate Annual Net Sales milestone payment with respect to each Annual Net Sales milestone threshold that is achieved in such calendar year. Pyxis shall notify LCB in writing upon the first achievement, in respect of a Licensed Product, by or on behalf of Pyxis or its Affiliate or Sublicensee, of each of the Milestones set forth in Section 5.2 (Development Milestones), Section 5.3 (Regulatory Milestones) and Section 5.4 (Sales Milestones) no later than [***] of Pyxis’s knowledge of achievement thereof, and in any event, each of the Milestones set forth in Section 5.4 (Sales Milestones) no later than [***] after the end of the applicable calendar year in which such Milestone is achieved. No later than [***] of receipt of an appropriate invoice from LCB, Pyxis shall pay the applicable payment due upon achievement of the corresponding Milestone Event. Each Milestone Event shall be deemed to be achieved once for all Licensed Products and shall be payable only once.

  • Development Budget Attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by this reference is the Development Budget in an amount equal to $_____________. Owner acknowledges and represents that the attached Development Budget includes the total costs and expenses to acquire, develop, renovate and construct the Real Property and the Apartment Housing.

  • Development Costs With respect to activities prior to the Amendment Effective Date, each Party was to pay [*] of the total Direct Development Costs of a Product incurred in accordance with the Development Budget (as defined in the Original Agreement). Notwithstanding anything in this Article 6 of this Agreement or in any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, with respect to activities on and after the Amendment Effective Date, subject to Sections 3.1.2, Alimera will be solely responsible for, and shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of, all development costs of a Product, including Direct Development Costs. Notwithstanding anything in this Article 6 of this Agreement or in any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, (i) all payments owing by CDS hereunder with respect to development activities prior to the Amendment Effective Date are hereby deemed fully paid by CDS (or waived, to the extent such waiver may be required), including any Development Payments, Compounded Development Payments, Determined Disputed Costs and Compounded Disputed Costs (as all defined in the Original Agreement), further including any penalties and interest which might have accrued with respect thereto, and further including all CDS payments deferred pursuant to that February 11, 2008 letter agreement sent by CDS and executed by CDS and Alimera regarding deferral of payments under the Original Agreement as of such date; (ii) all payments owing by Alimera hereunder with respect to development activities prior to the Amendment Effective Date are hereby deemed fully paid by Alimera (or waived, to the extent such waiver may be required), including any Development Payments, Compounded Development Payments, Determined Disputed Costs and Compounded Disputed Costs (as all defined in the Original Agreement), and further including any penalties and interest which might have accrued with respect thereto; and (iii) subject to Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, from and after the Amendment Effective Date, CDS will have no liability whatsoever hereunder for any past, present or future development costs, including Direct Development Costs (which includes those incurred before, on and after the Amendment Effective Date), and instead Alimera shall have sole liability therefor.

  • Straddle Period Allocation For purposes of this Agreement, in the case of any Tax imposed with respect to a Straddle Period, the portion of such Tax that is allocable to the portion of such Straddle Period ending on the Closing Date shall be (i) in the case of any Taxes other than Income Taxes, Taxes based on receipts, sales or payments and other Taxes that are transaction based, be deemed to be the amount of such Tax for the entire Straddle Period multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days in the Straddle Period prior to and ending on the Closing Date and the denominator of which is the number of days in the entire Straddle Period and (ii) in the case of any Income Taxes and Taxes based on receipts, sales or payments and other Taxes that are transaction based, be deemed equal to the amount which would be payable if the relevant Straddle Period ended on the Closing Date, provided that all permitted allowances, credits, exemptions and deductions that are normally computed on the basis of an entire year period (such as depreciation and amortization deductions) shall accrue on a daily basis and shall be allocated between the pre-Closing portion of the Straddle Period and the post-Closing portion of the Straddle Period in proportion to the number of days in each such period.

  • Commercial Milestone Payments For each Licensed Product, Licensee shall pay Arvinas the following one-time milestone event payments when the aggregate Net Sales of such Licensed Product in one or more particular country(ies) for a given calendar year (“Annual Net Sales”), where such Licensed Product is a Valid Claim Licensed Product at the time of sale in each of such country(ies), first achieves the corresponding threshold as set forth in this Section 6.3.2 below, subject to the terms of this Section 6.3 and the payment provisions in Article 7 below: Commercial Milestone Event Milestone Event Payment (US$)

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