4. definition

4. . Sophisticated means,’ as used in subsection (b)(2), includes conduct that is more complex or demonstrates greater intricacy or planning than a
4. . Launch" shall mean intentional ignition of any first stage engine of the Launch Vehicle.
4. . 400 [address] Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, in Trust for Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx................ 1,600 [address] Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, in Trust for Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx............. 1,600 [address] Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, in Trust for Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx................ 1,600 [address] Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, in Trust for Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx............... 1,600 [address]

More Definitions of 4.

4. . Coverage group" shall mean:
4. . 1962 '' 4 '' '' '' '' 1963 I shall be very grateful if you would kindly confirm your agreement to the above arrangements. ANNEXURE II (B) To the Chairman Of the United Arab Republic Delegation I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date reading as follows: [See above] I have the honor to confirm the Agreement of the Republic of Sudan to the contents of the said letter. PROTOCOL CONCERNING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PERMANENT TECHNICAL COMMITTEE In confirmation of the complete and continuous cooperation aimed at by the Agreement for the Complete Utilization of the Xxxx Xxxxxx between the United Arab Republic and the Republic of the Sudan, signed on November 8, 1959; and in implementation of Article 4 of said agreement which provides that a technical permanent committee be set up, composed of an equal number of members from each of the United Arab Republic of the Sudan; the two Contracting Parties have agreed upon the following articles:
4. . Owner STATE OF WISCONSIN ) )SS FOND DU LAC COUNTY ) r&~d!~ Notary Public My commission expires -f -Acf? -9'1' RECEIVED FO~ RECORD m 1262 PAir 56 - fD3 96 HAY -I AH 8: 2' 679593 67~ AFFIDAVIT OF CORRECTION (TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY IN BLACK OR RED INK) AFFIANT, XXXXX XXXXXXX ,hereby swears or affirms that a certain document recorded on the 2 7 I H day of AUGUST ,1999 (year) in volume 1467 I page851-8S9 as docwnent number 677390 which was recorded in FOND DU LAC County, State of Wisconsin, contained the foHowing error (if more space is needed, please attach addendum): INCLUDED LOTS PREVIOUSLY SOLD AND LOT NUMBERS THAT DON'T EXIST IN MEADOWLANDS VILLAGE AFFIANT makes this Affidavit for the purpose of correcting the above document as foUows (if more SJ>accis needed, please attach addendum): DELETE LOTS 368, 369, 370, 371 AND 372(PREVIOUSLY CONVEYED) DELETE LOTS 378-384, INCLUSIVE, CLOTS DON'T EXIST IN MEADOWLANDS VILLAGE DELETE OUTLOTS 1,2,3 AND 4 OF CSM 5377, IN VOL. 33 OF CSM ON PAGES 98,98A, 98B AND 98C BEING A PART OF COUNTRY LANE AND LOTS 364,365,366 AND AFFIANT is the (check one): 367 :g o Drafter of the document being corrected. Owner of the property descn'bed in the document being corrected. o Other (explain: ). The original document (in part or whole) 0 is)t is not attached to this Affidavit (if original document Is not attached, please attach legal description and names of grantors and grantees). . ) 5S. 'IRIS AFFIDAVIT OF CORRECTION IS BEING RE-RECORDED TO DELETE AN ADDITIONAL TWO .tt Subscribed and SwO~mned) before me th); \S~ day of ~'o<.( , Y39::J IXCkgb~,----, _ LOTS THAT WERE PREVIOUSLY SOLD. THE DELETED LOTS ARE LOTS 170 AND·-171. Notary Public, State of Wisconsin • i My Commission (expires) Ei$ ~' n\xct5 .THfS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAPTED BY: J(\~S I~" VOL1473 ?A6E206
4. . For the purposes of the market power analysis, the unsubscribed capacity rights of the ACP (60,000 Dth/d) are allocated to the ACP owners according to their ownership shares. The allocations are 24,000 Dth/d and 6,000 Dth/d for Duke and Piedmont, and thereby Duke's and Piedmont's assumed ACP capacity rights increases to 749,000 Dth/d and 166,000 Dth/d, respectively
4.  means the time difference is minus 4 hours,
4. . ,1 4„414•,:•4 Employer of Firm Title or Position Principal Activity • t:!,7,•`.,- 2. Identify any business relationships, transactionorcontracts between the Gwinnett Hospital System and yourself, any member(s) of your Immediate family, or any firm in which you have a substantial interest. .0. • =-• 3. Identify and list any other activities in which you, any (4-,- ) • member(s) of your immediate family, or any firm in which you • have a substantial interest, are engaged which constitutes a conflict of interest with the Gwinnett Hospital System. 4. Identify the monetary value to you, any member(s) of your Immediate family, or any firm in which you have a substantial interest, resulting from the transactions, contracts, business relationships or activities listed in response to 2 • and 3 above. 5. I hereby agree to file an amendment to this statement if subsequent events should cause the information contained _ herein to be inaccurate or misleading. • ** It 4 •1,•)- • , ' •„- , "i • Date: 1 • Lt' ' 1,,•• ,gof 1.,174.4) ; • ''.••;•.; , „ -37- 11 lYje- JA.. • i,,- 'i "i : 11; 'S• • .,P:,-J, APPENDIX III • 4,,,' • . tgl ..,....
4. . As an unofficial witness: 1has',''•dl, t 41' 1 :f 4.1•• •'',5f,',,4••,•;4 It •i1.7.1