UB definition

UB means the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.
UB means UB Securities Ltd, reg. no. 0772898-5.
UB means the bid price of the Underlying Instrument* “Um” means the mid price between the bid and offer

Examples of UB in a sentence

  • UB and/or the Homeowner will carry out a tenant changeover check at each tenant changeover, which will identify defects and damage to the holiday home and/or contents, as well as any missing or faulty cleaning.

  • Damages to the holiday home or its contents, which occur during the rental period, must be reported immediately to UB, the Homeowner or his representative.

  • The tenant is obliged to take measures to prevent aggravation of damage and defects and to cooperate in ensuring that the loss to UB and the Homeowner will be minimised.

  • However, neither UB nor the holiday home owner can guarantee that there have not been pets in the holiday home before or that the holiday home owner himself keeps pets.

  • If the tenant is liable for minor damages for an amount up to a maximum of EUR 75, UB will cover this up to a maximum of EUR 75 per rental period, under the condition that the tenant completes and signs a damage form before leaving the holiday home or makes a note on the back of the energy form and under the condition that the tenant has not paid a deposit, in which case UB will not cover the claim.

More Definitions of UB

UB means uniform billing.
UB means underwater breathing apparatus such as SCUBA, hooka equipment and rebreathers, and includes, but is not limited to, air tanks, regulators, gauges, valves, buoyancy compensators and backpacks.
UB as defined in the preamble hereto.
UB eDuent to it" di"c;o"ure i" ;a4fu;; acDuired b the Part to 4hom it ha" been di"c;o"edG or fa;;" into the pub;ic domain other4i"e than throuh an breach of the term" of thi" Areement on the part of the Part to 4hom it ha" been di"c;o"ed. ?ach of the Partie" undertake" not to u"e Enformation for an purpo"e other than the e>a;uation of and di"cu""ion" and neotiation" re;atin to the oint -enture. Enformation "upp;ied or di"c;o"ed b either Part "ha;; remain the "o;e and e&c;u"i>e propert of the di"c;o"in Part and thi" Areement "ha;; not operate to xxxx"fer o4ner"hip of the Enformation to the other Part. A Part recei>in Enformation /the K#ecei>in PartK2 "ha;; not further di"c;o"e Enformation to an third part 4hat"oe>er 4ithout the prior 4ritten con"ent of and "ubject to "uch term" and condition" a" ma be reDuired b the Part b 4hom the Enformation 4a" di"c;o"ed to the #ecei>in Part "a>eI to the #ecei>in Part=" and it" Affi;iate"= re"pecti>e officer", director" or emp;oee" further di"c;o"ure to 4hich it or 4hom i" reDuired for the purpo"e "et out in hereinG to an profe""iona; con"u;tant or Affi;iate pro>ided that the prior 4ritten permi""ion to do "o ha" been acDuired from the Part b 4hom the Enformation 4a" di"c;o"ed to the #ecei>in Part, "uch permi""ion not to be unrea"onab; 4ithhe;dG to the e&tent reDuired b an app;icab;e ;a4 or b the reu;ation" of a reconi"ed Stock ?&chane, pro>ided that 4ritten notice of an "uch further di"c;o"ure i" i>en to the other Part a" "oon a" practicab;eG in re"pon"e to a ;a4fu; "ubpoena or other ;ea; proce"" bindin on the #ecei>in Part pro>ided that 4ritten notice of an "uch further di"c;o"ure i" i>en to the other Part a" "oon a" practicab;eG or in re"pon"e to the ;ea; ob;iation to, or bindin reDue"t or direction of, an o>ernment department or o>ernment reu;ator aenc, pro>ided that 4ritten notice of an "uch further di"c;o"ure i" i>en to the other Part a" "oon a" practicab;e. ?ach of the Partie" "ha;;I • ?n"ure that it" officer", director", emp;oee", Affi;iate" and profe""iona; con"u;tant" to 4hom an Enformation i" further di"c;o"ed "ha;; be made a4are of and bound 4hether direct; or indirect; b the pro>i"ion" of thi" Areement.
UB means United Breweries Limited, a company incorporated in India and having its registered office at Lxxxx 0-0, XX Xxxxx, XX Xxxx 00, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Road, Bangalore, 560001, India.
UB means Utility Billing application.
UB means the bid price of the Underlying Instrument* “Um” means the mid price between the bid and offer price of an Underlying Instrument* “Uo” means the offer price of the Underlying Instrument* * the price of the Underlying Instrument is determined by reference to the price quoted on external securities exchanges or dealing facilities that we select at our discretion. The price may be adjusted by taking into account market conditions such as trading volumes, liquidity and pricing from alternative trading venues. For Trades executed when the relevant exchange or dealing facility is closed or where there is no exchange or dealing facility, the price will reflect what we consider the market price of the Underlying Instrument is at that time.