Relevant Exchange definition

Relevant Exchange means the Relevant Exchange as specified in § 2 of the Product and Underlying Data.In the case of a material change in the market conditions at the Relevant Exchange, such as a final discontinuation of the quotation of the Underlying at the Relevant Exchange and the quotation at a different stock exchange or a considerably restricted number or liquidity, the Relevant Exchange shall be substituted as the Relevant Exchange by another exchange that offers satisfactorily liquid trading in the Underlying (the "Substitute Exchange"); such exchange shall be determined by the Calculation Agent acting in accordance with relevant market practice and in good faith. In this case, any reference to the Relevant Exchange in the Terms and Conditions of these Securities shall be deemed to refer to the Substitute Exchange.
Relevant Exchange means the Relevant Exchange as specified in § 2 of the Product and Underlying Data.
Relevant Exchange means the exchange, on which the components of the Underlying are traded, such exchange shall be determined by the Calculation Agent in its reasonable discretion (§ 315 et seq. BGB) by way of notice pursuant to § 6 of the General Conditions in accordance with such components' liquidity.

Examples of Relevant Exchange in a sentence

  • Subject as provided herein and in the Conditions (but without prejudice to the rights of a Bondholder under Condition 9(h) in all other respects), in order to obtain the delivery of the Relevant Exchange Property upon redemption, the relevant Bondholder must deliver such Bonds to the specified office of a Paying, Transfer and Exchange Agent during its usual business hours, together with a duly completed and signed Share Settlement Notice.

More Definitions of Relevant Exchange

Relevant Exchange means, for any security (or any combination thereof) then included in the Index or any Successor Index, the primary exchange, quotation system (which includes bulletin board services) or other market of trading for such security.
Relevant Exchange means, for any security (or any combination thereof then underlying the Index or any Successor Index), the primary exchange, quotation system (which includes bulletin board services) or other market of trading for such security.
Relevant Exchange for the Fund means the primary exchange or quotation system on which shares (or other applicable securities) of the Fund are traded, as determined by the Calculation Agent.
Relevant Exchange means in the case of:
Relevant Exchange means for each Settlement Value Security, the primary United States national securities exchange, quotation system, including any bulletin board service, or market on which such Settlement Value Security is traded, or in case such Settlement Value Security is not listed or quoted in the United States, the primary exchange, quotation system or market for such Settlement Value Security.
Relevant Exchange has the meaning set forth in the definition of the termMarket Disruption Event”.
Relevant Exchange for a Basket Component means the primary exchange or quotation system on which shares (or other applicable securities) of such Basket Component are traded, as determined by the Calculation Agent.