Examples of Tribal courts in a sentence
State and Tribal courts and State and Tribal child-welfare agencies are encouraged to work cooperatively to ensure that dismissal and transfer of information proceeds expeditiously and that the welfare of the Indian child is protected.
Like State courts, Tribal courts and agencies seek to protect the welfare of the Indian child, and would consider whether the current placement best meets that goal.Cultural connections to the Tribe or reservation.
He concluded that there was no logical justification or other reason for its introduction.
Tribal courts vary widely with respect to the types of cases heard, and the law applied in each is distinctly unique to each tribe.
Individual involved with a Drug Court or Mental Health Court, including Tribal courts, related to a criminal charge or conviction.
In addition, we have clarified that patient safety work product shall be privileged and not subject to use in Tribal courts or administrative proceedings.
Tribal courts are also less likely to recognize presumptions of paternity, and they historically have given limited recognition to the marriage presumption.
Eligible applicants include State, local, and Tribal courts (including juvenile courts); Tribal governments; units of local government, and nonprofit, nongovernmental victim services programs, including community-based organizations.
The FIPs are Federal rules issued by EPA under the Federal CAA, and do not provide any authority for Tribes to useTribal laws to regulate nonmember conduct on any reservation or for Tribes to enforce Tribal law against nonmembers in Tribal courts.
In several lawsuits to which the United States was not party, defendant mining and milling companies sought to enjoin Tribal courts from asserting jurisdiction in lawsuits claiming harm to Tribal members or their property from radioactivity as a result of mining or milling operations that took place on Indian lands.