Examples of Total Premiums Paid in a sentence
If at the correct Age the Life Insured is not insurable under this Policy pursuant to our Underwriting Policy, the Policy shall be void ab-initio and the Company will refund the Total Premiums Paid without interest after deducting all charges incurred by the Company under the Policy.
This total amount will be subject to a minimum of 105% of Total Premiums Paid, as on the date of death.
After the expiration of the cooling-off period, if you cancel the Policy before the end of the term, the projected Total Surrender Value (if applicable) may be less than the Total Premiums Paid.
If death of any of the life insureds occurs during the first 90 days from the Date of commencement of risk, we shall refund Total Premiums Paid and the policy will terminate with immediate effect.
An updated contact detail of the Policyholder will ensure that correspondences from the Company are correctly addressed to the Policyholder at the latest updated address.Appendix 1: Guaranteed Surrender Value Factors Guaranteed Surrender Value Factors as percentage of Total Premiums Paid Note: This would only be payable once the policy has acquired a guaranteed surrender value.