The Project Area definition

The Project Area means the whole project site consisting of the infrastructure as dikes, and river dredging sites as specified in Section 2.1 & 2.2.
The Project Area. Means the area or areas of ground which falls within the Client’s remit during the currency of this Agreement.

Examples of The Project Area in a sentence

  • The Project Area is covered by a layer of mulch permeable to air and water, including, but not limited to rock, bark, ungrouted stepping stones and artificial turf manufactured to be permeable or a high- density planting of living groundcover plants.

  • The Project Area may have living plants; however, there is no lawn grass in the Project Area.

  • The Project Area either has no irrigation system or a low-volume drip irrigation system.

  • The Project Area is the area which encompasses transit, housing and destinations and is the area in which AHSC Program funds will be invested.

  • The Project Area Plan-Acquisition Map, Exhibit "D" attached, identifies all the property located in the Area.

  • The Project Area Plan-Proposed Land Uses Plan (Exhibit "C") indicates the proposed circulation system for the Area.

  • The Project Area is the area within which all project activities, including construction of the supporting public improvements, will take place (referred to herein as the “Project Area”).

  • The Project Area is unproductive, undeveloped, underdeveloped, or blighted within the meaning of Article 10, §6C of the Oklahoma Constitution, and suffers from conditions inhibiting development.

  • The Project Area Plan-Proposed Land Use Plan (Exhibit "C") indicates the proposed circulation system for the Area.

  • The Project Area may also extend across multiple Assessment Areas within an Ecosection or Supersection (see Appendix F) and across no more than two adjacent Ecosections or Supersections.

Related to The Project Area


  • The Project Site, where applicable, means the place or places named in the SCC.

  • Redevelopment Project Area means an area designated by the municipality, which is not less in the aggregate than 1 1/2 acres and in respect to which the municipality has made a finding that there exist conditions which cause the area to be classified as an industrial park conservation area or a blighted area or a conservation area, or a combination of both blighted areas and conservation areas.

  • The Project means supply, installation, testing and commissioning, integration of computer hardware and services with support under Warranty and annual maintenance contract, if required for the contract period.

  • Project area plan means a written plan that, after the plan's effective date, guides and controls the development within a project area.

  • Project means the goods or Services described in the Signature Document or a Work Order of this Contract.

  • Project area budget means a multiyear projection of annual or cumulative

  • The Project Plan means the document to be developed by the Supplier and approved by the Purchaser, pursuant to GCC Clause 19, based on the requirements of the Contract and the Preliminary Project Plan included in the Supplier’s bid. The “Agreed and Finalized Project Plan” is the version of the Project Plan approved by the Purchaser, in accordance with GCC Clause 19.2. Should the Project Plan conflict with the Contract in any way, the relevant provisions of the Contract, including any amendments, shall prevail.

  • Project site, where applicable, means the place indicated in bidding documents.

  • Project Property means the real property on or for which preconstruction service or construction work is or will be provided.

  • Redevelopment Area means the community redevelopment area described, defined or otherwise identified or referred to in the Redevelopment Plan.

  • Project Land means any parcel or parcels of land on which the project is developed and constructed by a promoter;

  • Development Area means that area to which a development plan is applicable.

  • Contract Area means, on the Effective Date, the area described in Appendix-A and delineated on the map attached as Appendix B or any portion of the said area remaining after relinquishment or surrender from time to time pursuant to the terms of this Contract (including any additional area as provided under Article 11.3).

  • Project Site(s) means the place(s) specified in the SCC for the supply and installation of the System.

  • Pilot project means an innovative environmental project that covers one or more designated facilities, designed and implemented in the form of an EMSA. (See Section 52.3 of the Act.)

  • Condominium Project Real estate including the separate ownership in fee, or on a satisfactory leasehold estate, of a particular residential unit with an indivisible interest in the real estate designated for common ownership strictly by unit owners.

  • Production Area means that part of the animal feeding operation that includes the animal confinement area, the manure storage area, the raw materials storage area, and the waste containment areas. The animal confinement area includes, but is not limited to, open lots, housed lots, feedlots, confinement houses, stall barns, free stall barns, milkrooms, milking centers, egg washing or egg processing areas, areas used for the storage and disposal/treatment of mortalities, cowyards, barnyards, medication pens, walkers, animal walkways, and stables. The manure storage area includes, but is not limited to, lagoons, runoff ponds, storage sheds, stockpiles, under-house or pit storages, liquid impoundments, static piles, and composting piles. The raw materials storage area includes, but is not limited to, feed silos, and silage bunkers. The waste containment area includes, but is not limited to, settling basins and areas within berms and diversions which separate uncontaminated stormwater.

  • Project Water means water made available for delivery to the contractors by project conservation facilities and the transportation facilities included in the System.

  • Redevelopment project means any work or undertaking

  • Project Improvements means site improvements and facilities that are:

  • New Project means (a) each facility which is either a new facility, branch or office or an expansion, relocation, remodeling or substantial modernization of an existing facility, branch or office owned by the Borrower or its Subsidiaries which in fact commences operations and (b) each creation (in one or a series of related transactions) of a business unit to the extent such business unit commences operations or each expansion (in one or a series of related transactions) of business into a new market.

  • Project Work means the work required to complete the Project.

  • exploration area means that part of the Area allocated to the Contractor for exploration, described in schedule 1 hereto, as the same may be reduced from time to time in accordance with this contract and the Regulations;

  • Permit area means the area constituted by the blocks that are the subject of a permit;

  • Construction project means the same as that term is defined in Section 38-1a-102.