Tenant's Occupancy Costs definition

Tenant's Occupancy Costs means for each Fiscal Year the Tenant’s Proportionate Share of the Operating Costs and the Tenant’s Proportionate Share of Taxes, in each case for that Fiscal Year.
Tenant's Occupancy Costs means for each Fiscal Year the Tenant's Proportionate Share of the Operating Costs for that Fiscal Year.
Tenant's Occupancy Costs means the Tenant's Proportionate Share of the General Occupancy Costs;

Examples of Tenant's Occupancy Costs in a sentence

  • In addition to the payment of Tenant's Occupancy Costs and notwithstanding Sections 6.01 and 6.02, the Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of all heating, ventilation and air conditioning required in the Leased Premises or any part thereof in excess of that required to be provided by the Landlord under Section 6.02(d).

  • The Landlord shall deliver to the Tenant within 120 days after the end of each Fiscal Year or as soon after that date as the same shall be prepared by or for the Landlord, a written statement setting out in reasonable detail the amount of Operating Costs and Tenant's Occupancy Costs for such Fiscal Year.

  • In the event of a dispute, the determination of Operating Costs and Tenant's Occupancy Costs or Tenant's Proportionate Share of Taxes as made by the Landlord's auditors shall be conclusive and binding upon both the Landlord and the Tenant.

  • In addition to the payment of the Tenant's Occupancy Costs and notwithstanding Sections 6.01 and 6.02, the Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of all utilities including electricity supplied to the Leased Premises.

  • Notwithstanding that any Taxes (including without limitation, any of the foregoing payable by the Tenant under Subsection 8.02(a)) may be separately imposed, levied, assessed or charged by the appropriate authority for or in respect of the Leased Premises and other portions of the Project, the Tenant shall nevertheless be obligated to pay the Tenant's Proportionate Share of Taxes as part of the Tenant's Occupancy Costs.

  • In addition to the payment of Tenant's Occupancy Costs and notwithstanding Sections 6.01 and 6.02, the Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of all utilities including electricity supplied to the Leased Premises.

  • In addition to the payment of Tenant's Occupancy Costs and notwithstanding Sections 6.01 and 6.02, the Tenant shall be responsible for the cast of all utilities including electricity supplied to the Leased Premises.

  • Without further notice or demand, the Tenant shall pay to the Landlord the amount of the Tenant's Occupancy Costs in equal monthly instalments, in advance over the Fiscal Year or portion thereof, simultaneously with the Tenant's payments on account of Annual Basic Rent.

  • The Tenant's Occupancy Costs are estimated to be based on $6.64 per rentable square foot per annum for the period January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997.

  • If the Tenant disputes the Landlord's statement setting out Operating Costs and Tenant's Occupancy Costs or the Tax Statement for any Fiscal Year, the Tenant shall provide notice thereof in writing to the Landlord within sixty (60) days of delivery of the statement in respect of that Fiscal Year.

More Definitions of Tenant's Occupancy Costs

Tenant's Occupancy Costs means for each Fiscal Year all Operating Costs for that Fiscal Year.

Related to Tenant's Occupancy Costs

  • Tenant’s Share means the percentage set forth in Section 6 of the Summary.

  • Tenant Work All work installed or furnished to the Premises by Tenant in connection with Tenant’s initial occupancy pursuant to Rider 2 and the Workletter.

  • Building Operating Expenses means the portion of “Operating Expenses,” as that term is defined in Section 4.2.7 below, allocated to the tenants of the Building pursuant to the terms of Section 4.3.1 below.

  • Landlord’s Work means the work of constructing the Tenant Improvements.

  • Tenant’s Work means all improvements, alterations, fixture, equipment, and signage installation, and furniture placement necessary or appropriate for the conduct of the Permitted Use, including all work described as Tenant’s Work on Exhibit D, attached (the “Work Letter”).

  • Rentable Area of the Premises The amount of square footage set forth in Section 1.01(10).

  • Landlord Work means the work, if any, that Landlord is obligated to perform in the Premises pursuant to a separate agreement (the “Work Letter”), if any, attached to this Lease as Exhibit C.

  • Tenant Improvements Defined in Exhibit B, if any.

  • Prior Occupancy means Owner’s use of all or parts of the Project before Substantial Completion, as more fully set forth in Section 6.08 A.

  • Building Work has the meaning given to it in section 6 of the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Act 2016 (Cth);

  • Storage Space means a space where goods of non-hazardous nature are stored and includes cold storage and banking safe vaults;

  • Tenant Improvement Allowance in the maximum amount of $200.00 per rentable square foot in the Premises, which is included in the Base Rent set forth in the Lease; and

  • Tenant’s Taxes means (a) all taxes, assessments, license fees and other governmental charges or impositions levied or assessed against or with respect to Tenant's personal property or Trade Fixtures in the Premises, whether any such imposition is levied directly against Tenant or levied against Landlord or the Property, (b) all rental, excise, sales or transaction privilege taxes arising out of this Lease (excluding, however, state and federal personal or corporate income taxes measured by the income of Landlord from all sources) imposed by any taxing authority upon Landlord or upon Landlord's receipt of any rent payable by Tenant pursuant to the terms of this Lease ("Rental Tax"), and (c) any increase in Taxes attributable to inclusion of a value placed on Tenant's personal property, Trade Fixtures or Alterations. Tenant shall pay any Rental Tax to Landlord in addition to and at the same time as Base Rent is payable under this Lease, and shall pay all other Tenant's Taxes before delinquency (and, at Landlord's request, shall furnish Landlord satisfactory evidence thereof). If Landlord pays Tenant's Taxes or any portion thereof, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord upon demand for the amount of such payment, together with interest at the Interest Rate from the date of Landlord's payment to the date of Tenant's reimbursement.

  • Common Area Operating Expenses are defined, for purposes of this Lease, as all costs incurred by Lessor relating to the ownership and operation of the Industrial Center, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Subleased Premises means such portions of the Leased Premises being particularly identified on Schedule B, which the parties agree, for the purposes of this Sublease and any square footage calculations pursuant hereto, is approximately 42,244 square feet of office (21,068 square feet on the third floor and 21,176 square feet on the seventh floor) and approximately 9.4312% of common space (building rentable area is 447,917 square feet).

  • Fixed Rent shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1.1 hereof.

  • Additional Rent means all amounts payable by the Tenant under this Lease except Base Rent, whether or not specifically designated as Additional Rent elsewhere in this Lease;

  • Operating Expenses is defined to include all expenses necessary or appropriate for the operation of the Fund (or Class, as applicable), including the Advisor’s investment advisory or management fee detailed in the Investment Advisory Agreement and any Rule 12b-1 fees and other expenses described in the Investment Advisory Agreement, but does not include taxes, leverage interest, brokerage commissions, dividend and interest expenses on short sales, acquired fund fees and expenses (as determined in accordance with SEC Form N-1A), expenses incurred in connection with any merger or reorganization, or extraordinary expenses such as litigation expenses.

  • Tenant Delays A "Tenant Delay" shall mean any delay in Substantial Completion of the Building as a result of any of the following: (i) Tenant's failure to complete or approve the Tenant Improvement Plans by the dates set forth in Section 5.B, (ii) Tenant's failure to approve the bids for construction by the dates set forth in Section 5.C, (iii) changes to either the Shell Plans and Specifications or the Tenant Improvement Plans requested by Tenant which delay the progress of the work, (iv) Tenant's request for materials, components or finishes which are not available in a commercially reasonable time given the target Commencement Date, (v) Tenant's failure to make a progress payment for Tenant Improvement costs as provided in Section 5.F, (vi) Tenant's request for more than one (1) rebidding of the cost of all or a portion of the work, and (vii) any errors or omissions in the Tenant Improvement Plans provided by Tenant's architect. In the event Landlord believes Tenant is causing a Tenant Delay, Landlord shall notify Tenant in writing, state the action or inaction that it believes is causing the Tenant Delay, and state the date from which a Tenant Delay is being calculated. Claim of Tenant Delay shall be made within five (5) days after Landlord's discovery of the occurrence of the event giving rise to such claim. Tenant shall have the right to expedite work, at its sole cost, to minimize the effect of any Tenant Delays, to the extent it is practicable to do so. However, no Tenant Delay shall advance the Commencement Date to a date before the estimated Commencement Date of October 1, 2001. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Lease and regardless of the actual date the Premises are Substantially Complete (but subject to the limitation in the preceding sentence), the Commencement Date shall be deemed to be the date the Commencement Date would have occurred if no Tenant Delay had occurred as reasonably determined by Landlord. In addition, if a Tenant Delay results in an increase in the cost of the labor or materials, Tenant shall pay the cost of such increases.

  • Tenant Improvement Work means the construction of the Tenant Improvements, together with any related work (including demolition) that is necessary to construct the Tenant Improvements.

  • Rentable Area of Premises on Page 1 of the Lease shall be deleted in their entirety and replaced with the following:

  • Expansion Space means any space in the Building which, at any time during the Lease Term, is occupied by a Person other than Landlord under a written lease with Landlord, and the term “Tenant’s Expansion Space” means Expansion Space which Tenant has elected to lease as provided in this paragraph. Landlord agrees to notify Tenant promptly after Landlord learns that any Expansion Space is or will become available. Subject to the prior rights of other tenants to whom Landlord has granted substantially similar rights, Tenant has the option to lease any Expansion Space which Landlord notifies Tenant is or will become available. If Tenant gives Landlord notice of its exercise of this option within thirty (30) days after notification from Landlord of the availability of the Expansion Space and if no Event of Default exists when Tenant’s notice is given, this Lease will be deemed to be amended to include Tenant’s Expansion Space as part of the Premises for the remainder of the Lease Term upon all of the same terms contained in this Lease except that (i) the Rentable Area of the Premises will be amended to include Tenant’s Expansion Space; (ii) Tenant’s Share will be increased to include the rentable area of Tenant’s Expansion Space; (iii) the Term Commencement Date with respect to Tenant’s Expansion Space will be the earlier of sixty (60) days after the date on which Tenant’s Expansion Space becomes vacant and ready for occupancy (provided that date is at least sixty (60) days after Tenant exercises its option to lease the Expansion Space), or the date on which the Expansion Space is first occupied by Tenant; (iv) if Tenant’s Expansion Space contains a rentable area of 10,000 square feet or more, and if there are less than three (3) Lease Years remaining in the Lease Term, the Lease Term will be extended to include three (3) full years from the Term Commencement Date with respect to Tenant’s Expansion Space; and (v) subject to adjustment during each Fixed Rental Period as provided in Exhibit E, Basic Rent for each year of the remaining Lease Term (as it may be extended) will be the greater of (a) the Basic Rent last paid by the Person most recently occupying Tenant’s Expansion Space or (b) Market Rent determined as provided in the Rent Rider attached as Exhibit E. If Tenant exercises this option, Tenant’s Expansion Space will be leased to Tenant in its “as is” condition and Tenant will, at its expense and in compliance with the provisions of Section 7.06, design and construct all Improvements desired by Tenant for its use and occupancy. Landlord and Tenant agree to execute such amendments to this Lease and other instruments as either of them considers necessary or desirable to reflect Tenant’s exercise of this option.

  • Project Expenses means usual and customary operating and financial costs. The term does not include extraordinary capital expenses, development fees and other non-operating expenses.