Temporary beer event permit definition

Temporary beer event permit means a permit issued in accordance with Chapter 9, Part 4, Temporary Beer Event Permit.
Temporary beer event permit means a permit issued in accordance with
Temporary beer event permit means a permit issued by the Utah Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission in accordance with Title 32B, Chapter 9, Part 4, Temporary Beer Event Permit of the Utah Code.

More Definitions of Temporary beer event permit

Temporary beer event permit means a permit issued by the Utah Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission in accordance with Title 32B, Chapter 9, Part 4, Temporary Beer Event Permit of the Utah Code. 40. "Wine" means an alcoholic product obtained by the fermentation of the natural sugar content of fruits, plants, honey, or milk, or other like substance, whether or not another ingredient is added.
Temporary beer event permit means an event permit issued by the state that allows the storage, sale, offer for sale, furnishing, and consumption of beer at an event for a period not to exceed 30 days. 5.12.020 License Necessary to Sell Beer at Retail It is unlawful for any person to store, sell, offer for sale, furnish or permit consumption of beer for on- premise or off-premise consumption within the City without the required classification of beer license issued by the City. A separate license shall be required for each place of sale and the license shall at all times be conspicuously displayed in the place to which it shall refer or for which it shall be issued. All licenses shall comply with the Act and the regulations of the Commission, and every license is subject to suspension or revocation as hereinafter provided. 5.12.030 Application for License Any person desiring a beer license from the City shall file with the city recorder the following:
Temporary beer event permit means an event permit issued by the state that allows the storage, sale, offer for sale, furnishing, and consumption of beer at an event for a period not to exceed 30 days.Before a temporary beer event permit can be issued, the applicant must obtain written local consent of the city to sell beer at retail for on-premise consumption at the event.

Related to Temporary beer event permit

  • Single event permit means a permit issued in accordance with Chapter 9, Part 3, Single Event Permit.

  • Temporary use means a use or structure on improved or unimproved real estate which is of impermanent nature, and is used for less than ninety days in a calendar year.

  • temporary building or structure means a Building or structure constructed or erected or placed on land for a continuous period not exceeding twelve months, or an addition or alteration to a Building or structure that has the effect of increasing the total floor area thereof for a continuous period not exceeding twelve months;

  • Temporary Work Agency means as defined in Regulation 4 of the AWR being a person engaged in the economic activity, public or private, whether or not operating for profit, and whether or not carrying on such activity in conjunction with others, of:

  • Temporary job site means a location where any of the following occur:

  • temporary building means a Building designed or constructed, erected or placed on land and which is demolished or removed from the lands within twelve months of Building Permit issuance;

  • Total Suspended Solids means measure of all suspended solids in a liquid; typically expressed in mg/L.

  • Occupancy Permit means a document authorizing the use of a development undertaken in accordance with a development permit issued pursuant to this Land Use Bylaw;

  • Temporary Cash Investments means any of the following:

  • Temporary Cash Investment means any of the following:

  • Temporary domicile means the principal place of abode within Utah of a person who does not have a present intention to continue residency within Utah permanently or indefinitely.

  • Temporary Work means all temporary works of every kind required in or about the execution, completion and maintenance of the works.

  • Development Permit means a document authorizing a development issued pursuant to this Land Use Bylaw;