Suite means an elevated box or suite which is customarily an enclosed private or collective compartment inside the Stadium, with direct access to guests’ Seats, which are separated from other Seats in the Stadium.
Suite means a single room or series of rooms of complementary use, operated under a single tenancy, and includes dwelling units, individual guest rooms in motels, hotels, boarding houses, rooming houses and dormitories as well as individual stores and individual or complementary rooms for business and personal services occupancies.
Suite means a TIBCO Software product that includes Suite Components. Suite Components identified in the Suite readme file may be used with other TIBCO Software products. Components within a Suite Component are deemed Embedded/Bundled within that Suite Component and therefore subject to the applicable restrictions in accordance with the Embedded/Bundled definition.
Examples of Suite in a sentence
Xxxxxxx Street, Suite 1500 Dallas, TX 75201 Attention: Xxxxxxx X.
Suite 200 Devon, PA 28203 The notice recipients and addresses designated above may be changed by written notice.
Xxxxx Street, Suite 1000 Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Attention: Xxxx X.
This Addendum (the “SOPPA Addendum”) to the Agreement under which Google Workspace for Education Services (pka, G Suite for Education Services) are provided to Customer (the “Agreement”) comply with the requirements of the Student Online Personal Protection Act (“SOPPA”) effective as of July 1, 2021.
These services will be ended after your license expires: Getting support, using ABP Suite, getting new updates, creating new ABP projects.
More Definitions of Suite
Suite means a single room or series of rooms of complementary use, operated under a single tenancy, and includes individual guest rooms in motels, Hotels, boarding houses, rooming houses and dormitories.
Suite means a single room or series of rooms of complementary use, operated under a single tenancy.
Suite means one or more connected rooms in a dwelling used or intended to be used for human habitation by one or more people, containing cooking, eating, living, sleeping and sanitary facilities;
Suite means one or more habitable rooms, constituting a self-contained unit with kitchen, bathroom, and sleeping facilities, used or intended to be used as the permanent residence or home of one family, that is in addition to the primary Dwelling Unit of the property and is in compliance with Coal Harbour Zoning Bylaw No. 669 and amendments thereof. The Suite designation is not applicable to properties designated Residential Multi-Family within the Coal Harbour Zoning Bylaw.
Suite means the Hospitality Suite whereby the Hospitality Package takes place.
Suite means one or more habitable rooms constituting one self- contained unit with a separate entrance and containing a kitchen or set of cooking facilities, all of which are accessory to a single family dwelling or two family dwelling, whether or not such “suite” complies with other City bylaws.
Suite means a lodging unit in the Inn.