Span definition

Span means to adjust an instrument so that it gives a proper response to a calibration standard that represents between 75 per cent and 100 per cent of the maximum value in the instrument range or expected range of use.
Span means to adjust an instrument so that it gives a proper response to a calibration standard that represents between 75 per cent and 100 per cent of the maximum value in the instrument range or expected range of use;
Span means the horizontal distance between two adjacent supporting points of an overhead conductor;

Examples of Span in a sentence

  • Unavailability caused by events outside of a Contractor’s Span of Control is outside of the scope of this requirement.

  • Management Diversity and Span Have responsibility for basic administration of the work area.

  • The Organizational Design methodology considers the following characteristics: Skills and Competencies, Roles and Responsibilities, Functional Roles, Span of Control, Communication, and Authority and Governance.

  • Rainfall: Stormwater Outfall & Wet-weather Receiving Water Monitoring Events Event Date (XX/XX/XXXX) Storm start time (AM/PM) Storm Duration (hrs) Highest storm intensity - 15min (in/hr) TOTAL Storm Volume (in) Span between sample event & previous storm event (hr) Provide hydrographs or flow data of pre- and post-control activity for the 85th percentile, 24-hour rain event, if available, if control measures were designed to reduce impervious cover or storm water peak flow and flow duration.

  • Overtime rates do not apply for Mutually Agreed flexible hours, irrespective of whether within the Ordinary Span of Hours or not.

More Definitions of Span

Span means the highest pollutant or diluent concentration or flow rate that a monitor component is required to be capable of measuring under 40 CFR Part 75.
Span means the calibration of an analyser, flow-measuring instrument, or sensor so that it gives an accurate response to a standard that matches as closely as possible the maximum value expected to occur during the actual emissions test.
Span means Saudi Payments Network.
Span means a bridge or culvert.
Span means the horizontal dis- tance center to center of runway rails.
Span means the unsupported horizontal distance between bearing points for horizontally placed framing members.
Span means the number of shifts normally worked by the employee in a week. Note: Accrued leave pay is calculated by multiplying three weeks’ wages by the fraction of a year worked, thus - for six months' employment, leave pay is ½ x times three weeks' pay; for 13 weeks' employment, leave pay is ¼ x times three weeks' pay; for five weeks' employment, leave pay is 5/52 x three weeks' pay. To arrive at three weeks' pay for a monthly-paid employee, multiply the monthly pay by 9/13. Thus for a monthly-paid employee the leave accrued in- six months is ½ x 9/13 x one month’s pay; 13 weeks is ¼ x 9/13 x one month's pay; five weeks is 5/52 x 9/13 x one month’s pay.