Examples of Flocculation in a sentence
Flocculation and sedimentation basins shall be as close together as possible.
Flocculation equipment shall be adjustable by speed, or pitch or both, provide for coagulation to occur in a separate chamber or baffled zone within the unit, and provide a flocculation and mixing period of not less than 30 minutes.
Flocculation shall mean the agitation of water at low velocities for long periods of time.
Minimum standards required for drinking water,Principles of Sedimentation, Coagulation, Flocculation, Filteration, Disinfection (Chlorination) including Jar Test, Break point chlorination, Residual chlorine.
Flocculation equipment shall be adjustable, speed, or pitch or both; provide for coagulation to occur in a sepa- rate chamber or baffled zone within the unit; and provide a floccu- lation and mixing period of not less than 30 minutes.