Share Registrar definition

Share Registrar means Codan Trust Company (Cayman) Limited or any other institution organized under the laws of the Cayman Islands appointed by the Company to carry out the duties of registrar for the Shares, and any successor thereto.
Share Registrar means Computershare Investor Services plc, a company registered in England and Wales or any other institution organized under the laws of England and Wales appointed by the Company to carry out the duties of registrar for the Shares, and any successor thereto.
Share Registrar means the entity that presently carries out the duties of registrar for the Shares of the Company or any successor as registrar for the Shares of the Company and any other appointed agent of the Company for the transfer and registration of Shares.

Examples of Share Registrar in a sentence

  • Subject to the terms and conditions of the Deposit Agreement and applicable law, Shares or evidence of rights to receive Shares (other than Restricted Securities) may be deposited by any person (including the Depositary in its individual capacity but subject, however, in the case of the Company or any Affiliate of the Company, to Section 5.7) at any time, whether or not the transfer books of the Company or the Share Registrar, if any, are closed, by Delivery of the Shares to the Custodian.

More Definitions of Share Registrar

Share Registrar means International Corporation Services Ltd. or any other institution organized under the laws of the Cayman Islands appointed by the Company to carry out the duties of registrar for the Shares, and any successor thereto as the Company appoints from time to time.
Share Registrar means an agent appointed by the Company to maintain the Share Register.
Share Registrar. State Street, in its capacity as Share Registrar under the Fiscal Agency Agreement, and any successor thereto.
Share Registrar means Xxxxxx Corporate Service Limited, X.X. Xxx 000, Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Grand Cayman, KYI-1104 Cayman Islands, or any other institution organized under the laws of the Cayman Islands appointed by the Company to carry out the duties of registrar for the Shares, and any successor thereto that the Company approves.
Share Registrar means Mxxxxx Fund Services (Cayman) Limited or any other institution appointed by the Company from time to time to carry out the duties of registrar for the Shares, and any successor thereto.
Share Registrar. 7 Section 1.32 “Shares” 7
Share Registrar means Equiniti Limited or any other institution organized under the laws of England and Wales appointed by the Company to carry out the duties of registrar for the Shares, and any successor thereto.