Seasonal use definition

Seasonal use means use for not more than a total of four months (120 days) during any calendar year.
Seasonal use means use or rental of a unit for a term of not
Seasonal use. Application timing is limited to February 1–August 15 for wipe-on application to allow for control of tall invasives while protecting native plants. Spray and wipe-on application will be permitted August 15-October 31, which is during the summer dry period after most native plants have senesced, and will allow for residual chemical to break down prior to fall rains. Clethodim Product(s): Envoy® only with vegetative-based surfactant Purpose: This chemical is a selective post-emergent herbicide used to control annual and perennial grasses (Xxxxxx no date). For the purposes of this Agreement, it will be used to treat non-native and invasive grass species (e.g., tall fescue, tall oatgrass, false brome, etc.)

Examples of Seasonal use in a sentence

  • Seasonal use is defined as use for no more than 180 days out of one (1) calendar year, and no more than 30 continuous days of use in any calendar year.

  • Suppliers must be teams made up of a minimum of 3 people (ideally organised as companies).

  • Seasonal use restrictions within the plan are designed to minimize the take related to those actions and any other Covered Activities during key breeding, nesting and brooding periods.

  • Seasonal use as ball fields may be pos- sible, as is use of the area for stormwater utility purposes.

  • Seasonal use is from April 15 through October 31; Off season use will be from November 1 through April 14.

More Definitions of Seasonal use

Seasonal use. Application timing is limited to June 1-October 25 on upland prairie sites and August 1-October 25 on wet prairie sites. Though native forbs may have not completely senesced by this time of year, they should not be affected by application of this herbicide since it is grass-specific. Applications during these periods will allow for residual chemical to break down prior to fall rains. Sethoxydim and Fluazifop-P-butyl Product(s): Poast® or Fusilade II with vegetative-based surfactant Purpose: These chemicals are selective post-emergent herbicides used to control annual and perennial grasses (Xxxxxx no date). For the purposes of this Agreement, these chemicals will be used to control non-native grasses (e.g., tall fescue, tall oatgrass, false brome, etc.) Application methods: These chemicals will primarily be applied via spot foliar application using a hand-held wand (backpack or ATV mounted) or ATV-towed weed wipers. Limited application may occur utilizing ATV or tractor-mounted boom sprayers on limited areas dominated by invasive plants.
Seasonal use means a wastewater treatment system serving a structure producing wastewater discharge for not more than six continuous months.
Seasonal use. Application timing is limited to August 1-October 20, which is during the summer dry period after most native plants have senesced, and will allow for residual chemical to break down prior to fall rains. Clethodim Product(s): Envoy® only with vegetative-based surfactant Purpose: This chemical is a selective post-emergent herbicide used to control annual and perennial grasses (OSU 1996a). For the purposes of this Agreement, it will be used to treat non-native and invasive grass species (e.g., tall fescue, tall oatgrass, false brome, etc.)
Seasonal use. Application timing is limited to June 1-October 25 on upland prairie sites and August 1-October 25 on wet prairie sites. Though native forbes may have not completely senesced by this time of year, they should not be affected by application of this herbicide since it is grass-specific. Applications during these periods will allow for residual chemical to break down prior to fall rains. Sethoxydim
Seasonal use. Application timing is limited to June 1-October 25 on upland prairie sites, and August 1-October 25 on wet prairie sites. Though native forbes may have not completely senesced by this time of year, they should not be affected by application of this herbicide since it is grass-specific. Applications during these periods will allow for residual chemical to break down prior to fall rains. The BMPs below are designed to further reduce the risk of impacting non-target species, including Fender’s blue butterfly and Xxxxxxx’x lupine. All applicable BMPs are to be followed whenever herbicides are used, and must be incorporated into any site-specific plan that involves the use of herbicides.
Seasonal use means a wastewater treatment system serving an occupied dwelling producing wastewater discharge for not more than six continuous months.
Seasonal use means the use of a lot or structure for one hundred and eighty (180) days or less per year on the average. An applicant may show use for more than 180 days per year by providing evidence such as utility bills, U.S. Post Office records, sworn affidavits from three abutting year-round residents or other evidence satisfactory to the Zoning Enforcement Officer.