School age means children from 6 to 12 years of age and 5 year olds who are in full-day kindergarten.
School age means children eligible to attend public school, age five or older by September 30 of that same year. Four- or five-year-old children included in a group of school age children may be considered school age during the summer months if the children will be entering kindergarten that year.
School age means a child in care who is age five to 18 years.
Examples of School age in a sentence
School age children of an employee, including those of which they have legal guardianship, shall be eligible to attend school at the employee’s work location or any other appropriate school within the employee’s school zone with the exception of other schools within the zone at the same level to which an employee is assigned.
School age children may not be assigned to the public school closest to their residences.
Categories include Early Start/Prevention, 0-3; School age, 3-15; Transition, 16-22; Adult, 23-57; and Senior, 57+.
School age visitors are not allowed at Eastmont High School during the regular school day.
School age children shall be defined as all children within the grades of kindergarten to Grade 8.
More Definitions of School age
School age means a child who meets the age requirements of KRS 158.030 or who attends kindergarten, elementary, or secondary education.
School age means any child who is at least five years old on or before October 16 of the current school year and who is attending, or has attended, a public or private grade school or kindergarten; or any child who is not five years old and will not be five years old on or before October 16 of that school year, but has been attending school during that school year in another state in accordance with the laws or rules of that state before moving to and becoming a resident of North Carolina; or any child who is at least five years old on or before April 16 of the current school year, is determined by the principal of a school to be gifted and mature enough to justify admission to the school and is enrolled no later than the end of the first month of the school year.
School age means of an age eligible to be enrolled in kindergarten or above on or before
School age means eligible to attend public school, age five or older by September 30 of that same year.
School age means a child who is at least five years of age, but is younger than 11 years of age.
School age means of an age eligi- ble to be enrolled in the first grade or above and, during the months of summer vacation from school, means of an age eligible to be enrolled in first grade or above in the next school year.
School age means kindergarten and older age children.