Examples of Sanitary district in a sentence
Sanitary district powers shall not be exercised unless consent for such exercise is obtained in advance from the govern- ing body of the city or village.(b) The governing body of the city, village or town having the largest portion by valuation of the district within its jurisdiction shall make the appointment under s.
The quarterly charge for these components of the sewer charge shall be computed by the Sanitary district Commissioners, at least annually, by dividing the estimated cost to be incurred by the Sanitary District for these expenses and charges by the total number of RECs (both metered and non-metered).
Sanitary district tax revenues primarily exceeded the budgeted amount due to the increase in the sanitary district tax rate adopted for Calendar Year 2021.
The Town Council and the Clerk-Treasurer discussed the coming prices and needs for the Sanitary district related to a pending consent decree enforcement with US Department of Justice and US EPA regarding eliminating Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO).
Sanitary district law does not allow fee funds to be used for beautification and landscape projects, or graffiti abatement.