Aquatic habitat definition

Aquatic habitat means the waters which support fish or other organisms which live in water and which includes the adjacent land area and vegetation (riparian habitat) that provides shade, food, and/or protection for those organisms.
Aquatic habitat means habitat defined in a protocol approved by the director or as used by “aquatic life” as defined in the Regulation.
Aquatic habitat means the physical, chemical, and biological components of the water environment. (Standards § 29A-102(6)). For example, aquatic plants, woody debris, and an adequate flow or water level fluctuation regime.

Examples of Aquatic habitat in a sentence

  • Aquatic habitat can be considered analogous to the definition of “fish habitat” under the Fisheries Act (R.S., 1985, c.

  • Aquatic habitat improvements or enhancements would provide more opportunities for public enjoyment of natural resources.

  • Shade, stream temperatures Riparian habitat Aquatic habitat S Water Body Shoreline Alterations Reach or Location Restoration Opportunities Ecosystem Functions Addressed Timing (short term vs long term) Skookum Creek TMDL water quality implementation plan for fecal coliform bacteria and temperature.

  • Aquatic habitat surrounding the Project site is generally of low to moderate value (FPTWG 2011, KCB 2012, DST 2014b).

  • Water quality Shade, stream temperatures Aquatic habitat Riparian habitat Fish passage, delivery of nutrients to upper reaches Hydrology / streamflows S/L Xxxxxxx Creek One 303 (d) Category 5 listing for dissolved oxygen; TMDL water quality implementation plan for fecal coliform bacteria.

More Definitions of Aquatic habitat

Aquatic habitat means an area where water is present and provides direct support for a given species, population or community. An aquatic habitat can be classified as non-flowing waters such as pools, ponds and lakes, slowly flowing such as marshes and swamps, or flowing such as streams and rivers. Aquatic habitats can be freshwater, saltwater or brackish in nature.
Aquatic habitat means bodies of water, such as lakes, reservoirs, rivers, perennial and intermittent streams, wetlands, or ponds, sloughs, and estuaries.*
Aquatic habitat means habitat for fish and other aquatic organisms within bodies of water, particularly lakes, streams or rivers.
Aquatic habitat means the physical, chemical, and biological components of the water environment. (Standards, Section 29A-102(6)). Aquatic habitat includes, for example, aquatic plants, woody debris, and an adequate flow regime.
Aquatic habitat means habitat defined in a protocol approved by the director or as used by aquatic life.
Aquatic habitat means the physical, chemical, and biological components of the water environment.
Aquatic habitat means water or land wholly or p art ly cove r ed by w at e r, i ncl u di n g, wi thout li m i t i n g th e ge n e ra li t y of th e foregoing, reefs including artificial reefs;