Examples of Aquatic habitat in a sentence
Aquatic habitat can be considered analogous to the definition of “fish habitat” under the Fisheries Act (R.S., 1985, c.
Aquatic habitat improvements or enhancements would provide more opportunities for public enjoyment of natural resources.
Shade, stream temperatures Riparian habitat Aquatic habitat S Water Body Shoreline Alterations Reach or Location Restoration Opportunities Ecosystem Functions Addressed Timing (short term vs long term) Skookum Creek TMDL water quality implementation plan for fecal coliform bacteria and temperature.
Aquatic habitat surrounding the Project site is generally of low to moderate value (FPTWG 2011, KCB 2012, DST 2014b).
Water quality Shade, stream temperatures Aquatic habitat Riparian habitat Fish passage, delivery of nutrients to upper reaches Hydrology / streamflows S/L Xxxxxxx Creek One 303 (d) Category 5 listing for dissolved oxygen; TMDL water quality implementation plan for fecal coliform bacteria.