Request for Tender definition

Request for Tender means the Request for Tender given to prospective tenderers inviting offers to tender for the supply of the Goods and Services of which these General Conditions of Contract form part.
Request for Tender. (RFT) means the document issued by the City to solicit submissions to provide goods, services or construction for the City.
Request for Tender or “RFT” means a public request for Tenders by the Corporation made in accordance with Section 15 of this By-law;

Examples of Request for Tender in a sentence

  • These ceiling rates shall be fixed as the maximum rates for these items over the initial 12 months of the Framework Agreement and may not be exceeded by the tenderer when tendering for works at Supplementary Request for Tender (sRFT) stage.

More Definitions of Request for Tender

Request for Tender or ‘RFT’ means a request for sealed bids which contain an offer in writing to execute some specified services, or to supply certain specific goods, at a certain price, in response to a publicly advertised request for bids.
Request for Tender means the document containing the Conditions of Tendering, the Conditions of Contract, the Annexure, Preliminary Clauses, Technical Specification, Drawings and any other document issued for the purposes of inviting Tenders for the Works.
Request for Tender. (RFT) means a bid call document issued seeking submissions to obtain deliverables whenever the requirements can be precisely defined and the expectation is that the lowest bid meeting the requirements specified in the bid call document, would be accepted, subject to any other provisions of the contract documents and this policy;
Request for Tender means the document inviting the Contractor to offer to supply services to the Crown, a copy of which, excluding only the Conditions of Contract, is annexed and marked “Annexure A”;
Request for Tender means the document containing the Conditions of Tendering, the Conditions of Contract, the Annexure, Special Conditions of Contract (if any), Scope of Requirement, and any other document issued for the purposes of inviting tenders for the Services.
Request for Tender or “RFT” means a competitive procurement process for obtaining competitive bids based on precisely defined requirements for which a clear or single solution exists;
Request for Tender means a request by the County seeking submissions from potential Vendors to obtain goods and services with a value greater than $100,000, excluding taxes, whenever the requirements can be precisely defined and the expectation is that the lowest Bid meeting the requirements specified in the Request for Tender, would be accepted, subject to any other provisions of the contract documents and this policy.