Examples of Public Streets in a sentence
A geotechnical report that provides site-specific recommendations for construction of Public Streets must be submitted for all street or road functional classifications (major arterials, minor arterials, collectors, local collectors and locals).
Operation of Golf Carts On Certain Public Streets Permitted And Regulated.
All Traffic Control and safety measures shall be done in Conformance with the “Administrative Rules of Hawaii Governing the Use of Traffic Control Devices at Work Sites on or Adjacent to Public Streets and Highways” adopted by the Director of Transportation, and the current U.S. Federal Highway Administration “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), 2009 Edition.
The Contractor shall collect on Public Streets and Private Roads in the same location as Garbage collection service is provided.
When Franchisee undertakes new construction of its facilities under main arterial Public Streets, Franchisee shall construct and install additional ducts and conduits when and where requested by the City where feasible within such new construction and related structures necessary to access the ducts and conduits.
Work may be stopped by DHAM Authorities if the owner fails to take remedial action.3. Use of Public Streets.
All traffic controls shall conform to the requirements of the Administrative Rules of Hawaii Governing the Use of Traffic Control Devices at Work Sites On or Adjacent to Public Streets and Highways adopted by the City Director of Transportation Services, Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, and the current Traffic Code of the City.
It is unlawful for any person to operate a vehicle on any street in violation of the limitation so posted.Section 6.16 Private Use of Public Streets and ParkingLots.Subd.
The property upon which the Public Art, Public Parking Facilities, Public Plazas, Public Streets and Pedestrian Walkways and Trails are located.
Rules for Determining Boundaries 9-1 Nonconformance 9-2 Blocks 9-3 Lots 9-4 Flag Lots 9-5 Lots of Record 9-6 Substandard Lots of Record 9-7 Farm Land 9-8 Yards 9-9 One Principal Building per Lot 9-10 Accessory Uses 9-11 Accessory Structure 9-12 Access to Public Streets .