Professional Provider definition

Professional Provider means a Physician, Dentist, Podiatrist, Psychologist, Chiropractor, Optometrist or any Provider designated by the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan.
Professional Provider means a Physician, Dentist, Podiatrist, Psycholo­ gist, Chiropractor, Optometrist, Clinical Social Worker or any Provider designated by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan.
Professional Provider means an individual provider or health care professional

Examples of Professional Provider in a sentence

  • PARTICIPATING PROVIDER Blue Focus Participating Facility Provider or a Blue Focus Participating Professional Provider.

  • In order to receive the highest level of payment from The Plan, the Member must receive services from a Blue Focus POS Participating Professional Provider who is an obstetrician or gynecologist.

  • Surgical Services Billed by a Professional Provider Services by a professional provider for surgical procedures and the care of fractures and dislocations performed in an Outpatient or inpatient setting, including the usual care before and after surgery.

More Definitions of Professional Provider

Professional Provider means any person paid for providing supervised visitation services, or an independent contractor, employee, intern, or volunteer operating independently or through a supervised visitation center or agency.
Professional Provider means an individual provider or health care professional licensed, accredited, or certified to perform specified health
Professional Provider means a Physician, Dentist, Podiatrist, Psychologist, Chiropractor, Optometrist or any Provider designated by the Claim Administrator.
Professional Provider means a Physician, Dentist, Podiatrist, Psychologist, Chiropractor, Optometrist, Clinical Social Worker or any Provider designated by Us (or other participating Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan).
Professional Provider means an individual clinician who provides health care services. Professional provider shall have the same meaning as non- institutional provider.
Professional Provider means a Physician, Dentist, Podiatrist, Psychologist, Chiropractor, Optometrist, Clinical Social Worker or any Provider designated by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide Covered Services to participants in the BlueChoice Preferred PPO ℠ benefit program at the time Covered Services are rendered.
Professional Provider means an individual or practitioner, who is licensed/certified to render covered services. Professional Providers include, but are not limited to: