Private use definition

Private use means any use of the Trading Platform by Clients that are physical persons;
Private use means the possession of wildlife only for private enjoyment and not intended to be sold, traded, bartered, or entered into commerce.
Private use means any use of the Trading Platform by Customers that are physical persons;

Examples of Private use in a sentence

  • This Lease shall be for the aviation-related use marked below: □ Private use Hangar (Section 5)- Premises may be used only to hangar recreational and personal use aircraft owned or used by Xxxxxx, along with uses incidental to hangaring ofaircraft.

More Definitions of Private use

Private use means any activity that constitutes a trade or business that is carried on by persons or entities, other than a Governmental Unit. The leasing of the Project or the access by or the use of a person or entity other than a Governmental Unit on a basis other than as a member of the general public shall constitute a Private Use.
Private use means that the private yacht is used on a private voyage or excursion, and during such use is not engaged in trade by transporting merchandise or carrying passengers for reward or remuneration (other than as a contribution to the actual cost of the yacht or its operation for the period of the voyage or excursion, cumulatively for not more than 84 days per calendar year where the private yacht has met the requirements of and is certified as a private yacht limited charter or a yacht engaged in trade);
Private use means your motor vehicle is covered for domestic, recreational or farming purposes, including driving to and from your regular place of work.
Private use means the use of any Proceeds of the Financing Agreement or any facilities financed with such Proceeds by Private Users.
Private use means the use other than commercial of a means of transport;
Private use means your caravan is used:t for social, domestic and leisure purposest in connection with repair or servicing private use does not mean:t hire (if you hire out your caravan, insurance is available with our Hire Use option)t use in connection with an occupation or businesst use in connection with the caravan hire business or caravan trade or motor trade.
Private use means the use of explosives by individuals for a casual purpose not connected with any trade or business;