Postpay Subscribers definition

Postpay Subscribers means the aggregate number of Subscribers that are in active service and are without unpaid charges attributable to such number over 90 days past due, excluding Prepaid Subscribers.
Postpay Subscribers means the aggregate number of Subscribers that are in active service and as to which there are no unpaid charges over 120 days past due, excluding Subscribers with telephone numbers assigned pursuant to prepaid and reseller contracts.
Postpay Subscribers means the aggregate number of mobile telephone numbers subscribed to the Business and associated with a land line rate center that falls within the Market that are in active service and are without unpaid charges attributable to such number over 120 days past due, ignoring telephone numbers assigned pursuant to prepaid and reseller contracts. ***Information omitted and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to a request for confidential treatment.CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED Exhibit 2.1 Redacted

Examples of Postpay Subscribers in a sentence

  • Schedule 3.17 sets forth the total number of Subscribers and the total number of Postpay Subscribers as of December 31, 2008.

  • As of the date hereof, Section 3.17 of the Sellers Disclosure Letter sets forth (a) the total number of Subscribers, and (b) the total number of Postpay Subscribers.

  • As of December 31, 2001, the aggregate number of Postpay Subscribers and Total Subscribers (including within the category of Total Subscribers the active mobile telephone numbers assigned pursuant to prepaid and reseller contracts or arrangements) was not fewer than the corresponding amount disclosed for each such item on Schedule 3.25.

  • On the Closing Date, the SICC and its Subsidiaries shall have no fewer than [****](6) Postpay Subscribers.

More Definitions of Postpay Subscribers

Postpay Subscribers means the aggregate number of mobile telephone numbers subscribed to the Business and associated with a land line rate center that falls within the Market that are in active service and are without unpaid charges attributable to such number over 120 days past due, ignoring telephone numbers assigned pursuant to prepaid and reseller contracts. ***Information omitted and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to a request for confidential treatment.
Postpay Subscribers means the aggregate number of active mobile telephone numbers in service subscribed to the CenturyTel Entities for Commercial Mobile Service (excluding telephone numbers assigned pursuant to prepaid and reseller contracts or arrangements or relating to any Excluded Cellular Interest or Excluded Assets).
Postpay Subscribers means the aggregate number of active mobile telephone numbers in service subscribed to the business of SICC and its Subsidiaries for Commercial Mobile Service (excluding telephone numbers assigned pursuant to prepaid and reseller contracts or arrangements), and not more than 90 days delinquent in paying their account.

Related to Postpay Subscribers

  • Subscribers shall have the meaning set forth in the section of this Escrow Agreement titled “Background.”

  • Subscriber means the subscriber to the Memorandum.

  • Purchasers is defined in Section 12.3.1.

  • Digital Subscriber Line (DSL means as defined in Attachment 14 - xDSL Loops.

  • Investor is defined in the preamble to this Agreement.

  • Active Subscriber means a Subscriber who has been authorized to receive signals of Zee Group Channels as per the subscriber management system and whose set top box has not been denied signals. “Total Active Subscribers

  • Subscriber Data means all data, information and other content provided by or on behalf of Subscriber to the Service, including that which the Account Users input or upload to the Service.

  • Subscriber Shares means the Shares which the subscribers to the Instrument of the ICAV agree to subscribe for as more particularly hereinafter set forth after their names.

  • The Purchaser means the organization purchasing the Goods, as named in SCC.

  • the Buyer means the person who accepts a quotation or offer of the Seller for the sale of the Goods or whose order for the Goods is accepted by the Seller;

  • Residential Subscriber means any Person who receives Cable Service delivered to Dwelling Units or Multiple Dwelling Units, excluding such Multiple Dwelling Units billed on a bulk-billing basis.

  • Purchaser means the organization purchasing the goods.

  • Buyer has the meaning set forth in the preamble.

  • Buyers has the meaning set forth in the preamble.

  • U.S. Purchaser is (a) any U.S. Person that purchased Units, (b) any person that purchased Units on behalf of any U.S. Person or any person in the United States, (c) any purchaser of Units that received an offer of the Units while in the United States, (d) any person that was in the United States at the time the purchaser’s buy order was made or the subscription agreement for Units was executed or delivered;

  • Purchaser/ User means ultimate recipient of goods and services

  • Investors means the Initial Investors and any transferee or assignee who agrees to become bound by the provisions of this Agreement in accordance with Section 9 hereof.

  • retail investor means a person who is one (or more) of the following:

  • School bus means every motor vehicle owned by a public or governmental agency or private school and operated for the transportation of pupils, children of pupils, teachers and other persons acting in a supervisory capacity, to or from school or school activities, or, privately owned and operated for compensation for the transportation of pupils, children of pupils, teachers and other persons acting in a supervisory capacity to or from school or school activities (Education Law §11[1] and Vehicle and Traffic Law §142).

  • Selling Stockholders means Purchaser and any other purchaser of Units in the Offering, and their respective successors and assigns.

  • School climate means the quality and character of school life with a particular focus on the quality of the relationships within the school community between and among students and adults.

  • Vendors means the proposer(s) responding to this RFP and vendor(s) to whom a contract has been awarded as a result of this RFP by SMSD. A responsible vendor is a vendor who has adequate financial resources (or the ability to obtain such resources), can comply with the delivery requirements, and is a qualified and established firm regularly engaged in the type of business that provides the product(s) /service(s) listed herein.

  • Average active subscriber base means the number arrived by averaging the active subscriber base count in the manner specified in the Schedule VII of the Regulation.

  • Anchor Investor means a Qualified Institutional Buyer, applying under the Anchor Investor Portion in accordance with the requirements specified in the SEBI ICDR Regulations and the Red Xxxxxxx Prospectus and who has Bid for an amount of at least ₹100 million.

  • Selling Shareholder has the meaning set forth in Section 3.04(a).

  • Commercial Subscriber means a subscriber who causes the signals of TV channels to be heard or seen by any person for a specific sum of money to be paid by such person.