Point of Interface definition

Point of Interface means a point at or between network facilities which demarcates the Network of an Access Provider and the Network of an Access Seeker and is the point at which a communication is transferred between those network facilities and includes POI and POP;
Point of Interface or "POI" is a mutually agreed upon point of demarcation where the exchange of traffic between two LECs (including a LEC and a CLEC) takes place.
Point of Interface. Point of Interconnection” or “POI” is a physical demarcation between the networks of two LECs (including a LEC and WSP). The POI is that point where the exchange of traffic takes place. This point establishes the technical interface, the test point(s), and the point(s) for operational division of responsibility.

Examples of Point of Interface in a sentence

  • The actual physical Point of Interface and facilities used will be subject to negotiations between the Parties.

  • A Mid-Span Meet POI is a negotiated Point of Interface, limited to the Interconnection of facilities between one Party’s switch and the other Party’s switch.

  • CUSTOMER can as an option purchase private dedicated trunks at the resale tariff rate installed between the BellSouth E911 Tandem and CUSTOMER’s Point of Interface (POI), usually an adjunct box located at the PBX.

  • Qwest’s obligation to construct a Single Point of Interface (SPOI) is limited to those MTEs where Qwest has distribution facilities to that MTE and owns, controls, or leases the inside wire at the MTE.

  • A Mid-Span Meet POI is a negotiated Point of Interface, limited to the Interconnection of facilities between one (1) Party's Switch and the other Party's Switch.

More Definitions of Point of Interface

Point of Interface is the physical point where AT&T hands off transmission media to the U S WEST provided entrance facility associated with a Collocation arrangement for the purpose of connecting the entrance facility to some point located within U S WEST's premises.
Point of Interface means a point, usually a splice point, at which the PG&E Fiber physically diverges from the IPN Fiber.
Point of Interface is the physical point where CO-PROVIDER hands off transmission media to the U S WEST provided entrance facility associated with a collocation arrangement for the purpose of connecting the entrance facility to some point located within U S WEST’s premises.
Point of Interface means a point at or between network facilities which demarcates the Network of Maxis and the Network of an Access Seeker and is the point at which a communication is transferred between those networkfacilities and includes POI and POP. Point of Interconnection" or "POI" means any technically feasible point which demarcates the Network of Maxis and the Network of the Access Seeker (collectively referred to as the "Interconnecting Networks") and is a point at which a Call Communication is transferred between the Interconnecting Networks.
Point of Interface. The physical location and the voltage level of the point where the Facilities of the Grid User are connected with the Connection. This point is located on the site of the Grid User and in any case after the first Connection Bay from the Xxxx Grid on the side of the Grid User;
Point of Interface means a point at or between network facilities which demarcates the Interconnecting Networks, and is the point at which communications is transferred between the Interconnecting Networks, such as MyIX.
Point of Interface is the physical point where ATTI hands off transmission media to the U S WEST provided entrance facility associated with a collocation arrangement for the purpose of connecting the entrance facility to some point located within U S WEST's premises.