Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station definition

Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station or “PVNGS” means the Arizona Nuclear Power Project, as defined in the Arizona Nuclear Power Project Participation Agreement (including amendments 1-13) among APS, SRP, Southern California Edison, Public Service Company of New Mexico, El Paso Electric Company, Southern California Public Power Authority, and the Department of Water and Power of the City of Los Angeles (collectively, the “PVNGS Participants”).
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. Means that certain 3,810 megawatt nuclear generating facility consisting of three generating units located near Phoenix, Arizona, in which El Paso, as owner or lessee, had a 15.8% undivided interest as of the Closing Date. Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station was previously known as the Arizona Nuclear Power Project. Permitted Contests. Contests permitted by Section 14 of the Purchase Contract. Permitted Encumbrances. Means as of any time any of the following:

Examples of Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in a sentence

  • Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3), CLI-91-12, 34 N.R.C. 149, 155 (1991) (citation omitted); USEC, Inc.

  • MRSA is traditionally seen in people recently hospitalized or who have been treated at a health care facility.

  • One example of a dynamically scheduled resource-specific import is the portion of Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station that is owned by SCE, with resource ID = PVerde_5_SCEDYN.

  • Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station is nation’s largest nuclear plant, with the second- highest generating capacity of any power plant● Hydroelectric has traditionally dominated renewable electricity generation.

  • MiraSol Generating Company shall continue to provide decommissioning funding assurance, to be held in its decommissioning trusts for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3, from the date of the indirect license transfers, as represented in the respective July 6, 2000, application.

  • For example:• Two of the three units at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station were shut down at the same time for approximately twelve months starting in March 1989.

  • Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station is the nation’s largest nuclear plant, with the second-highest generating capacity of any power plant.

  • A regional siting study was conducted by SCE in 1976-1977 to identify alternative routes between Devers Substation and the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS) within a 6,000-square-mile area.

  • Specifically, the lessor and anyone else who may acquire an interest under this transaction are prohibited from exercising directly or indirectly any control over the licensees of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 2.

  • SCE does not operate but owns a 15.8% interest in Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Units 1, 2, and 3 located in Arizona.Pursuant to Commission Order in Decision No. 49665, dated February 16, 1954, SCE has, since 1954, used straight-line remaining life depreciation for computing book depreciation expense for accounting and ratemaking purposes.

Related to Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station

  • generating station or “station” means any station for generating electricity, including any building and plant with step-up transformer, switch yard, switch-gear, cables or other appurtenant equipment, if any used for that purpose and the site thereof, a site intended to be used for a generating station, and any building used for housing the operating staff of a generating station, and where electricity is generated by water-power, includes penstocks, head and tail works, main and regulating reservoirs, dams and other hydraulic works, but does not in any case include any sub-station;

  • cogeneration means the simultaneous generation in one process of thermal energy and electrical or mechanical energy;

  • Geothermal fluid means water in any form at temperatures greater than 120

  • Geothermal energy means energy contained in heat that continuously flows outward from the earth that is used as the sole source of energy to produce electricity.

  • generating plant means the generating facility described in Schedule 1 as amended from time to time;

  • Energy storage system means a system which stores energy and releases it in the same form as was input.

  • Pipelines means those pipelines within the Storage Facility that connect the Tanks to one another and to the receiving and delivery flanges of the Storage Facility.

  • Pipeline means any pipe, pipes, or pipelines used for the intrastate transportation or transmission of any solid, liquid, or gaseous substance, except water.

  • Dewatering means the removal of water for construction activity. It can be a discharge of appropriated surface or groundwater to dry and/or solidify a construction site. It may require Minnesota Department of Natural Resources permits to be appropriated and if contaminated may require other MPCA permits to be discharged.

  • broadcasting station means a station in the broadcasting service.

  • Substation means the apparatus that connects the electrical collection system of the WECS(s) and increases the voltage for connection with the utility's transmission lines.

  • Generating Company means any company or body corporate or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, or artificial juridical person, which owns or operates or maintains a generating station;

  • Renewable energy system means a fixture, product, device, or interacting group of fixtures, products, or devices on the customer's side of the meter that use 1 or more renewable energy resources to generate electricity. Renewable energy system includes a biomass stove but does not include an incinerator or digester.

  • Interconnection means a connection between two or more individual Transmission Systems that normally operate in synchronism and have interconnecting intertie(s).

  • Water supply system means a water distribution system, piping, connection fittings, valves and appurtenances within a building, structure, or premises. Water supply systems are also referred to commonly as premise plumbing systems.

  • Generating Facilities means Interconnection Customer’s device for the production and/or storage for later injection of electricity identified in the Interconnection Request, but shall not include the Interconnection Customer’s Interconnection Facilities. Generation Interconnection Customer: