generating station definition

generating station or “station” means any station for generating electricity, including any building and plant with step-up transformer, switch yard, switch-gear, cables or other appurtenant equipment, if any used for that purpose and the site thereof, a site intended to be used for a generating station, and any building used for housing the operating staff of a generating station, and where electricity is generated by water-power, includes penstocks, head and tail works, main and regulating reservoirs, dams and other hydraulic works, but does not in any case include any sub-station;
generating station means the Facility[,]/[and] the Phase 2 Facility [and the Phase 3 Facility];”.
generating station means an installation comprising the Facility and one (1) or more other Generating Units (other than an interconnector and even where those Generating Units are situated separately) which the CfD Counterparty considers (acting reasonably) as being managed as, or comprising, one (1) generating station or one (1) generating site;

Examples of generating station in a sentence

  • The figure represents the average hours of work per month and is calculated using an 8-hour Day and a 40-hour week, as follows: Days Sundays Saturdays = Days per year x hours months ARTICLE HOLIDAYS Refer to the appropriate section; i.e., Office Employees, Technical Trades, System Control Centre Rotating Shift and Jasper Generating Station Rotating Shift.

  • Refer to the appropriate section; i.e., Office Employees, Technical Trades, System Control Centre Rotating Shift and Jasper Generating Station Rotating Shift.

More Definitions of generating station

generating station means any installation used for, or for purposes connected with, the production of electricity;
generating station means any station for generating electricity, including any building and plant used for that purpose, the site of the generating station and a site intended to be used for a generating station, but does not include a station for transforming, converting or distributing electrical energy;
generating station has the meaning provided in the recitals.
generating station means a station for the generation of electricity;
generating station means any station for generating electricity, including any buildings and plant used for the purpose, and the site thereof, but does not include any station for transforming (other than generator transformers), converting or distributing electrical energy;
generating station means those parts of any premises which are principally used for the purpose of generating energy;
generating station means any generating works, including the site on which the same are situated, and all buildings and appurtenances belonging thereto;